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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Or, don't love in
this case.
Cards that proved LEAST
useful at Invitationals.
Date Reviewed: 08.29.05
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Lee Sandow |
Welcome to
blocker week! Sort of. We'll be reviewing blockers
on Wednesday and Friday, but today we are doing
something special. We are reviewing the cards in our
deck that were least useful at invitationals. I
can't do that. In my mind, there is no "least
helpful" card in my deck. All of them had their
purposes, and they served them. So instead, I'm
going to revew the most controversial card in my
Zagaan, Knight of Darkness
Cost: 6
Civilization: Darkness
Card Type: Creature
Race: Demon Command
• Double Breaker (This creature breaks two shields).
Flavor Text: "If I were to send him out into the
battlefield, he would be corile'd in an instant.
Where is the fun in that?" - The critics
Power: 7000
Mana Generated: 1
Rarity: Super Rare
Card Number: S6/S10
Note the alteration to the flavor text. Anyhow, most
people say this guy is way outdated and that I'm
crazy to use him. I still plan to use him at
nationals though, and I'll tell you why.
Civilization/Race: He's a big, beefy darkness
creature. He's also a Demon Command, who have one
good evo, and more coming in the future. He's not
the best command for evolution purposes, but he's
far from the worst.
Cost: He costs six mana. A hefty cost, to be sure,
but it can easily be done in nearly any sort of
deck. With mana accel, you can use him even sooner.
Short of evolving a creature, you won't summon many
things this beefy on turn six.
Power: Zagaan has a lovely 7000 attack. He can
flatten nearly any creature in battle, and is rarely
threatened by another creature that isn't a slayer.
Just beware of big evolutions like Fighter Dual
Fang, and cards such as Bagazagel Dragon.
Abilities: He double breaks. Yay! That's his only
ability, which may be why many people just don't
care for Zagaan.
Ok, now that I've reviewed these stats, let's see
how they stack up.
Constructed overview: Sadly, I must agree with my
critics that Zagaan is a little past his prime here.
We live in an age of control, and aside from using
his high power to smack little creatures around, he
doesn't fit that theme. He isn't meant for rush.
There are cheaper Demon Commands to evolve from to
Ballom. But guys, Zagaan needs your love! He does do
one thing very well. He is excellent at forcing your
opponent to act. They won't like your fatty
lingering on their field, so you can bet that they
will do everything in their power to destroy him.
He's excellent for drawing out your opponent's
Terror Pits, Death Smokes, and other such things.
Just beware of Corile. Still, if all you are is a
meatshield, then it's time to go. I'll be using
Zagaan in L.A. because I love the old-school factor,
but otherwise, Zagaan is past his prime. 3/5, cause
everyone loves personal bias.
Limited overview: A nuclear bomb just waiting to
happen. He'll be hard to destory, he'll be GREAT for
smashing shields, and he'll come out at a time in
the duel where he cans till turn the tide. Take him,
or be dumb. Everyone knows fatties ROCK in Base Set
limited. 5/5
Why can't Kaijudo Masters keep girlfriends?
They're all players!
Steven Cantrell |
To those of
you who normally read my reports, there sadly will
not be one this week. I have been short on time to
write now that school and soccer both started again.
Quick summary of the tournament anyway: I came in
second using my trusty BUG deck. Sole loss on the
day was 1-2 versus Justin Florio in the finals. We
also had the second GA Circuit event yesterday
(Sunday). I didn’t enter having already won the
trip, but Stephen Fordham and Andrew Philips won
their respective divisions. Congrats guys. Now onto
the actual Card of the Day. Today’s is supposed to
be any card that underperformed in my deck at
Invites. That would be...
Faerie Life
Type: Spell
Civilization: Nature
Mana Cost: Two (2)
Rules Text:
Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your
hand from your shield zone, you may cast it
immediately for no cost.)
Put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.
Rarity: Common
Set: Stompatrons of Invincible Wrath
Faerie Life is simply the spell version of the
staple Bronze-Arm Tribe. For the cost of two mana,
an additional mana is generated off the top of your
deck. This can set up for a turn three Locomotiver
or Corile/Merfolk as early as turn four. Good things
happen when you get an early jump on the opponent.
Faerie Life even has Shield trigger tacked on that
will earn you a free mana in a pinch.
So with all that upside, why did I choose Faerie
Life as the one card that failed to meet my
expectations? Well obviously mana generation is most
useful early on. That makes the ideal time to cast
Life on turn two, but you can’t play it without
another Nature card already as mana. In my BUG deck
that was frequently becoming a problem, so I ended
up ditching Life for Crow Winger. Moral of the
story: have at least 12-14 other Nature cards in
your deck if you expect to reap the benefits of a
turn two mana accelerant.
Faerie Life is also a terrible topdeck late in the
duel. Many times I’ve seen duelists groan in disgust
at drawing Life when it was the least needed card.
But in that situation, the best you can do is drop
Life as mana (not casting it). This way you save a
card off the top of your deck, and gain the mana
Limited: 2.5/5
Life is great if you can snag a pair to consistently
pull them off on turn two. But like my problem,
limited usually means 3+ colors, so you may not have
an additional Nature card as mana to play Life on
turn two. Be careful.
Constructed: 3.5/5
In the regular format, Life on turn two is more
feasible. I suggest at least trying 2-3 copies in
any part-Nature deck. Green’s acceleration normally
works best alongside draw power or to speed up
normally slow decks. Just keep that in mind.