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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Corpse Charger
Dragons of Hyperchaos
Card # DM26
Date Reviewed: 12.14.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 3.85
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
JMatthew |
Corpse Charger
The chargers broke onto the
tournament scene with relatively mixed reviews.
While many players saw great potential in many of
these cards, nearly the same amount of nay-sayers
pointed to their increased casting cost for already
existing effects and cried foul. Now enough time has
passed including two of the truly greatest test –
the 2005 North American Continental Championship and
the 2005 British National Championship.
Corpse Charger…when you think about
the name chills are likely to run up your spine (or
perhaps that’s just the cold winter weather…). I’m
not referring to the “moridness” of the name – I’m
referring to anyone who have had to be on the
receiving end of witness that creature you just put
of our your misery returning yet again. Both of the
Parker Brothers (Lee 3rd place 2005
British Nationals and Chris 2nd place
2005 British Nationals) and Tom Capor (1st
place 2005 NACC) choose to run two in their
Water/Darkness/Fire decks. Yep…chilling.
Corpse Charger does not technically
do anything that we had not already seen before.
Dark Reversal from all the way back in the Base set
does the same thing only for cheaper and on a shield
trigger to boot.
Corpse Charger goes beyond creature
recursion, though. Like all the other chargers,
Corpse Charger is a mana accelerator, granting you
the potential to field more powerful creatures and
spells than you might otherwise be capable. In fact,
with the likes of Corpse Charger and some other
early nature mana acceleration you could easily be
looking at playing hefty casting cost cards such as
Bagagazeal Dragon as early as turn five!
Combining Coprse Charger with cards
which return mana to your hand has rapidly become a
popular strategy. With these cards you can play the
Volcano Charger again and again so long as you can
continue to return it from the mana zone. Example of
this function can be found in the likes of Shtra and
Mystic Dreamscape, however it is likely no other
mana recycling card is a popular or as easily potent
as Thrash Crawler has proved to be. In fact, when
properly played, Corpse Charger with Thrash Crawler
and easily mean an infinite blocker no matter how
much kill your opponent throws at it!
Type of Decks:
Corpse Charger simply is not a rush
spell. At four casting cost the price is beginning
to become a little hefty. Also, the additional mana
provided by Corpse Charger really isn’t all that
attractive to rush decks. If you need any recursion
at all in this style of deck you are definitely
better of sticking with Dark Reversal.
Agro can make better use of Corpse
Charger as slightly larger amounts of mana tend to
become an issue. Mid-game concerns also play into
the utility of Corpse Charger and returning that
Crystal Paladin at just the right time can quickly
turn a stalemate into game and match.
Corpse Charger loves control…and
control loves Corpse Charger. Elimination of
controls limited amount of fatties has always been a
problem. Some players have attempted to resolve this
with Dark Reversal and others and had a good deal of
success using Gigargon. Corpse Charger fits right in
the middle there and likely contributes to control
decks better than either.
While you would never build a deck
specifically around Corpse Charger, it is surely a
card anyone playing Darkness would heed to
considering it carefully. The ability to return
Thrash Crawler every turn alone makes Corpse Charger
a powerhouse and bumping your mana while replaying
Aqua Hulcus to search for that finisher is a great
way to get the job done. 3.25 out of 5.
Any recursion in limited is strong –
Corpse Charger is no exception. While the mana
acceleration may not be as needed it can contribute
to the race to a fatty an assist in breaking any of
those “to many blocker stale mates.” 4 out of 5.
defiranth |
Hi all, this
is defiranth with Corpse Charger!
Like I said earlier, charger is okay, but in
darkness, not so good.
And again, this card is overpriced. This card is 2
times as much as Dark Reversal, just without
Charger! Does that mean Charger is worth 2 mana?
Think about it
But, 1 mana can be useful in a Darkness destruction
deck, so you might want to think about it. And
anyway, reviving a creature ain't that bad. At least
better than Volcano Charger. Also, if its a
Fire/Darkness, then yuou might think about reviving
Modified: 2.755555/5 Ain't that bad, but might have
to think about it.
Limited:4/5 This is the only revival spell as far as
I know, so if you pull it, Good!
Right this is defiranth
Matrixzero |
Corpse Charger
Civilization: Darkness
Put a creature from your graveyard into
your hand.
you cast this spell, put it into your
mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Flavor Text:
dead rose from their graves and began
their slow march into the swamp. Only
Argoz wondered who would feed his worms
while he was away.
Number: 1
Artist: Eiji Kaneda
Rarity: C
Collector Number: 26
Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
Another charger that sees play in RUB
(fire, water, dark) and possible BUG
(Dark, water, Nature)
Darkness loves dealing with the dead,
and they're is no better way to get into
the mood than with this card. It
resurrects lost souls and brings them
back to fight again.
It brings back dead
creatures to fight again. This ability
has been seen in other cards, such as
Dark reversal, Grave Worm Q, and
gigargon. Quite helpful late game when
your graveyard is stacked with all kinds
of creatures, that are just waiting to
come back and do some damage. But the
draw back to this effect is that it's
full advantage can only be taken of late
game, when your sure to have a good
choice of creatures in your graveyard.
Another effect and the one that draws
you to this card over Dark Reversal is
the glorious Charger ability. So when
you play Corpse charger you not only get
a creature back from your graveyard, you
also gain +1 to mana.
Compared to it's cheaper
friend Dark Reversal, is it worth it to
play this over it's cheaper brother?
Essential your paying 2 for the
Resurrection effect, which is sound as
seeing as your paying the same amount
for this effect as you are with Dark
Reversal, and 2 mana for charger ability
which is also the norm for the cost of
this ability. So with this card you get
what you pay for. Very Nice
If there's one combo I've
noticed with this card is the infinite
combo with thrash crawler. This involves
using corpse to bring back any creature,
then using thrash to bring back the
corpse back to your hand.
If thrash dies, use the corpse to bring
back the dead thrash, play the thrash
and then bring back the corpse charger
for later use.
It may not seeming annoying but it can
be. I was facing a friend one who had no
shields left and he was surviving on
this combo alone.
Constructed: 3.5/5
If your playing darkness,
you should think about this card, and
see if it suits your deck
Limited: 3/5
It's a mana excel
and brings back a potently game
winning creature, then again, it just
may sit in your hand doing nothing. |
Ricardo |
Article for Corpse Charger
Hello everyone my name is Ricardo and the card
we are reviewing today is Corpse Charger, lets
check out what this card does.
Name: Corpse Charger
Cost: 4
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Put a creature from your graveyard into your
Charger (After you cast this spell, put it
into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Flavor Text:
The dead rose from their graves and began
their slow march into the swamp. Only Argoz
wondered who would feed his worms while he was
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Eiji Kaneda
Rarity: C
Collector Number: 26
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
This card is one of my favourite cards in the
set, lets have a look at why this card is used.
This card is from the Darkness Civilisation and
this card suits the theme of darkness as it is a
revival card, which is an ability that is mostly
seen in either the Darkness or Water
This card, along with most other chargers costs
4 mana to cast, which is not a bad thing as it
doesn't have much to compete with on this spot.
1: Put a creature
from your graveyard into your hand.
This card has the same effect as Dark
Reversal, but dark reversal is a shield
trigger and this card is a charger. A lot of
people have been having disputes if this
card is better or worse than Dark Reversal.
2: Charger
(After you cast this spell, put it into your
mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
This effect is
what makes this card good, you get one card
back from your graveyard and add one card to
your mana. At the NACC the winning deck in
the 15+ used this card in a combination with
Thrash Crawler to keep cycling the two
Limited: This
card is a charger so you can use it to
get back your weenie creatures as well
as get more mana for your big drops,
quite a good mid-game card in this
Constructed: As I
said before you can easily abuse
this card with Thrash Crawler or any
other strategy that involves mana
manipulation. I would rate this a 5
but it does compete with Dark
Reversal, which is why it received a
Byrne |
4 Mana
Darkness Civ
Rules Text Put a creature from your graveyard into
your hand. Charger (When you cast this spell, put it
into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Flavor Text: The dead rose from their graves and
began their slow march into the swamp. Only Argoz
wondered who would feed his worms while he was away.
I rather Like this card, but I prefer Death Reversal
for Shield Trigger.
Card Pros:
Charger (more mana)
Brings back a creature (great for control-orientated
decks to reuse that Corile. :))
Only 4 mana
More expensive that Death Reversal
No Shield Trigger
Most likely you won't be able to summon the creature
the same turn you bring it back, leaving your
opponent time to plan against it.
Contructed: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
Himura363 |
Corpse Charger
Cost: 4
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Put a creature from your graveyard into your hand.
Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your
mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Flavor Text:
The dead rose from their graves and began their slow
march into the swamp. Only Argoz wondered who would
feed his worms while he was away.
Rarity: Common
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
Darkness is known to rise from the dead, with cards
like Dark Reversal, Corpse Charger, and even
Gigargon. Let's begin.
Cost to Effect:
I'm going to compare this card with Dark Reversal.
Reversal is a 2 cost to bring back one creature from
your grave into your hand. The added bonus is Shield
Trigger. Corpse Charger is a 4 cost to bring back
one creature from your grave into your hand. The
added bonus is the charger ability, of course. The
reason I would use Corpse over Reversal is because
you mostly will not have any creatures in the
graveyard at Turn 2. Corpse Charger will help you
mana building and will give you the creature from
your graveyard. Reversal is a 1 for 1 card Corpse
Charger is a 1 for 2 cards. Plus, Corpse works with
Limited & Constructed:
You will want to reuse your cards in any format.
So that's it. Remember kids, charge your mana and
wash behind the ears! ^_^
Scarborough |
cost: 4
civilization: darkness
type: spell
effect: Put a creature from your graveyard into
your hand.
Charger(After you cast this spell, put it into your
mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Review: Let me start out by saying that any card
that is not too high a cost and can generate card
advantage is in my opinion at least decent.
Charger as you know can help you accelerate your
mana production and is always one for one plus an
effect or a two for one. Plainly put card advantage
wins games.
The other effect is nice too. Everyone finds a time
in a game he wishes he had that blocker or big
double breaker back again. You can get even more
card advantage if what you bring back has a nice
effect as well.
Constructed:I give Corpse Charger a 4/5. I like this
card and definitely feel it can go into a
competitive deck. Black does not have a lot of card
advantage that is not discard related so this card
helps a lot.
Limited: I give Corpse Charger a 4/5. Card advantage
is very important in limited since it is usually
hard to come by. Maybe not a first pick but it is
high up there.
Art/Flavor Text: I give Corpse Charger a 2/5. I am
not a fan of the text or art but it is not horrible
Anyone who wants to discuss DM strategy can e-mail
me at:
The Englishman |
Cost: 4
Civilization: Darkness
Card Type: Spell
- Put a creature from your graveyard into your hand.
- Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into
your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyper Chaos
My second review is again from Epic Dragons, and
again is one of the fantastic Chargers. Need I say
any more? Don’t think so, so lets get stuck in.
Civilization: Darkness is perhaps the greatest
civilization for Control. As creature recursion from
the graveyard is a Darkness only attribute, it is no
surprise that Corpse is found here. It is parallel
to Dark Reversal, except for the ST and the Charger
ability that bolts the extra 2 mana cost onto it.
But is it better? Lets find out.
Cost: Again, like Volcano Charger, Corpse is found
to be a very economical card. Its cost is not realy
of importance, as creature recursion is not needed
as heavily in the early game. Again cost is the main
reason of the debate over Reversal and Corpse and
which is better. The way Corpse hits the mana zone
is what is important here.
-Put a creature from your graveyard into your hand.
Against control, recursion of creatures can be key
to build a turnaround. Early discard can ravage your
key creature or fattie; when Turn 4 comes simply
bring it back, and if it is a more expensive
creature then the mana acceleration will let you
reach the lofty summoning cost a turn quicker. It
can soften the blows caused by field and hand
-Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into
your mana zone instead of your graveyard.) Well this
is what defines Corpse as a solid control option. It
offers mana acceleration into a quicker game breaker
i.e. Bazagazeal Dragon or Lost Soul. It can also can
be recycled easier as it goes to the mana zone. This
uncovers one of the new, fashionable and most
inventive combinations for a while, the “Infinite
Thrash.” I’ll leave you to work out that one.
Card Efficiency: Being Volcano’s little brother, it
offers some mean efficiency. With Thrash, it can be
used over and over to retrieve multiple creatures
from the graveyard, and create the “infinite Thrash”
combo. He also accelerates your mana, very tasty.
In Constructed: In less aggro oriented control
decks, his economy and recycling abilities work
brilliantly. He is a great card in Control. 4/5
In Limited: Destruction, discard and most notably
Control cards are sparse here; depending on what is
pulled he could be useful to save key creatures or
simply for mana gain to unload your fatties quicker.
Hope you enjoyed my second review. Long live the
Charger Control options!!!!
The Englishman
Ferret Mage |
fellow Pojo fanatics!! We're continuing our
Ch-Ch-Charger week with another card that does
fairly better than the last one, behold the power of
Corpse Ch-Ch-Charger!!!
Corpse Charger
Cost: 4
Civilization: Darkness
Put a creature from your graveyard into your hand.
Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your
mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Flavor: Too long for me to care to recite.
Civilization: Darkness. Never ending darkness.
Impenetrable darkness. Darkness so would make Vin Diesel whimper in fear.
Corpse Charger fits into the reviving the dead theme
of the Darkness civ. and adds in some mana gain that
is mostly seen in the Nature Civ. 3 cheers for mana
gain! Yay!
Cost: 4 mana pure and simple. Of course the
Ch-Ch-Charger will get you another one unused mana
for you dueling pleasure. This allow you to summon a
Braid Claw for rushing the next turn, summon up a
blocker such as Aqua Guard, and the next turn you'll
have that six mana to evolve that Aqua Lancer your
opponent dumped from your hand earlier.
Effect: This card allows you to take a monster
that's been sent to depths of the graveyard back
into your hand. After that you can deny the
graveyard another victim by recycle the spell into
your mana zone via the Ch-Ch-Charger ability. As
described above this card can really help out in
situations where your opponent discarded one of your
more precious cards into the grave. There is only
one other revival spell out there, Dark Reversel,
aside from that we have a few monsters that sport
the revival ability. None of which I would really
recommend cept for Dark Reversal.
This card brings more reviving to the table as well
as intiating some really killer stall combos. Lets
say you have Trash Crawler in your graveyard, play
Corpse Ch-Ch-Charger and bring Trash back. Then play
him and get back Corpse Charger, block with Trash
and bring him back with Corpse. Rinse, repeat.
Limited: 3/5 Pulling this is good anyway you slice
it, but I tend to go for speed in Limited so I'd mix
this puppy in with Dark Reversal.
Constructed: 4/5 More reviving options among such
sparse choices, another mana for you to use and
abuse, and combos that can stall you some time.
Yeaaaaaahhhhhh Boooooyyyy!!!!