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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Root Charger
Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos

Card # DM52

Date Reviewed: 12.16.05

Constructed Average Rating: 3.15
Limited Average Rating: 2.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Matrixzero Because I'm not feeling to well this is going to be short

Name: Root Charger
Cost: 3
Civilization: Nature
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Whenever any of your creatures would be destroyed this turn, put it into your mana zone instead.
Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Flavor Text:
Life is the building block of life.
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Atsushi Kawasaki
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 52
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos

Civilization: Nature likes to grow mana, and this card does just that.

Effect: If you read really closely this card actually says, "Kill off your creatures and your field presence, just to gain some mana". Now I don't know about you, but personally I wouldn't give up my field just to gain some mana, especially when their are better ways to do it. If you have a huge field and you play this, then you most likly be decreasing your field, and helping your opponent. If you play it when your field is small, then you most likly just gave up the pressence you had for a few drops of mana.

Cost: The 3 cost for this card sounds about right for what you get out of it.

Constructed: They're are better cards to use to build up your mana. 2/5
Limited: Still no as seeing as you need to keep that important field presence here. 1.5/5
Catherine Byrne Root Charger

3 Mana

Nature Civ


Rules Text: Whenever any of your creatures would be destroyed this turn, put it into your mana zone instead. Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead)

Flavor Text: Life is the building block of life.

Wow. Your opponent would have to be silly and activate that triggered Terror Pit or Tornado Flame or Burst Shot after you cast this baby.


Lots of mana increase (but that's what nature's good at)

Your opponent won't dare activate a triggered creature destruction card after this.

Cool art.


Not likely to get you many creatures into the mana zone

You may not want to put your creatures into the mana zone.

Usually will only get one mana from it (from the Charger ability)

Not as good as other mana gain cards, like Bronze-Arm Tribe, or that green spell that brings back two creatures as mana, or Bliss Totem, Avater of Luck.


Constructed: 2/5 (better cards)

Limited: 2/5


Root Charger


Hello everyone my name is Ricardo and the card we are reviewing today is Root Charger, lets check out what this card does.


Name: Root Charger
Cost: 3
Civilization: Nature
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Whenever any of your creatures would be destroyed this turn, put it into your mana zone instead.
Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Flavor Text:
Life is the building block of life.
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Atsushi Kawasaki
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 52
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos

This card seems to be very interesting, it has potential to be a good card. Lets have a closer look at this card.



This card is from the all mighty Nature Civilisation, known for their mana acceleration and beatdown creatures, so this card greatly suits the theme of Nature as this card is about pure mana advantage.



This card costs 3 which competes with the famous Bronze Arm Tribe but it is likely you wouldn't cast this card on turn 3 anyways.



This card has 2 effects:

1: Whenever any of your creatures would be destroyed this turn, put it into your mana zone instead.

This card gives pure mana advantage, attack with a swarm of weenies and any that get destroyed go directly to the mana zone, or kamikaze your creatures into your opponents creatures of equal power to gain a powerful advantage over your opponent, the possibilities are endless with this card.


2: Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
As if the effect did not provide enough mana advantage the card goes to the mana zone after you cast it, making even more mana advantage.


Limited: This card is a charger so you can use it to gain more mana for your big drops, but in this format it would probably be the only reason you would play this card.

Rating: 2/5


Constructed: This card offers so much mana advantage it isn't funny, however the only constructed decks I can see this card working in are Mist Rias/Elf-X cutter decks and possibly in GRUB control decks, other than that not many decks can use it to it's full power.

Rating: 3/5


Sengoku the Buddha
Hi Everyone, The final charger card of the week is Root charger, and this is one charger that holds surprising potential.

Name: Root Charger
Cost: 3
Civilization: Nature
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Whenever any of your creatures would be destroyed this turn, put it into your mana zone instead.
Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Flavor Text:
Life is the building block of life.
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Atsushi Kawasaki
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 52
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos


Root charger is one amazing card, and unlike most other chargers its relatively cheap to cast. With three mana it is much more potent to play then Gigamantis since it allows for all your creatures to potentially wrench some havoc and should they be killed allow you to mana accel like crazy. And in a nature deck chargers usually aren't needed since on the third turn a person would normal summon bronze arm it does change the pace in a game with the opponent overwhelming you with pesky blockers. So all in all its is amazingly cheap and good in almost any deck.


As I stated before not many card have the potential to place three or more mana cards in your grave yard in one turn, and the potential to incorporate green in a red rush deck has surprising potential. Gigamantis is good however the flaws are that it is an evo, mild cost, and only allows nature creatures to go to the mana zone. However, with this card you could also bind it with a darkness deck and by playing creeping plague will not only make creatures that are potentially weak like bronze arm tribe to kill anything it touches with the knowledge that it isn't going to waste but rather your mana zone.


Wow.... This cards is amazing for its size. Indeed life is powerful and root charger makes use of even your decks weakest creatures. I play a blue/ black deck myself and one card that gains strength from this card is Marrow Ooze the twister who dies if it attacks so why not die and go to the mana zone? Also combinations with battle ship mutant is awesome as it makes all darkness creatures +4000 double breakers and they go to the graveyard at the end of the turn. Oh wait no they don't because root charger turns them into mana!!!!!!! Amazing but that’s not all if you play a Diadalos deck creatures that are sacrificed like propeller mutant instantly become mana. Although these are some of the more radically cool combos, if you feel like throwing it in to make good use of your bronze arm tribe why not throw it in also. Another cool move yet would only apply in the first couple turns is playing lone tear and playing root charger although it’s a waste of both cards. Oh well I'm sure there are plenty more combos with this card, and remember this card has an even better ability then Gigamantis so I'd play one or the other. Go out try this card and remember have fun with it!


I give it a three for its potential; however, the epic dragon set really has no blockers and this is a spell that applies for one turn so you would probably have no need for it in a limited format. Although if you consider a structured deck well....

Constructed: 5

This cards got true skills! Cheap, powerful, and applies to any creature from all five civilizations. Just place it into a deck that maximizes its skills and let the mana flow.

Need help? E-mail me at BusteraBlader48@msn.com or if you happen to be in Anaheim at 3:00 on a Sunday afternoon come play me at Three J's Sportcards. till next week have a good one guys, and wish me luck on my finals =)
Ferret Mage Root Charger
Whenever any of your creatures would be destroyed this turn, put it in your mana zone instead.
Charger (After you cast this spell put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard)
Life is the building block of life.

Well here we are at the end of the Ch-Ch-Charger week, and we going to view what, is in my humble opinion, the best of the chargers. So I'm going to stop stalling for time and just go ahead and get on with the end of Ch-Ch-Charger week!!!

Cost: Just 3. Three is a good number in Duel Masters, it's not too much to use a rushing, and not too little to provide some fire power. Since this card is a Ch-Ch-Charger, it also means that this card will give an extra one unused mana to spend. Which means you can summon another Braid Claw, or La Ura Giga for some good ole' blocking. Not to mention that you'll use this card for even more mana gain which, used in the right situations, can shoot you up way up into the mana lead. Speaking of the effect....

Effect: When your creatures are destroyed you can recycle them into your mana zone instead of sending them to dark depths of the graveyard. Normally to use this card you would have to plan on the destruction of your creatures, whether it be slamming them into a blocker or creating a draw with an equal powered monster. So if you destroy 2 creatures, you get 3 mana with the Ch-Ch-Charger effect!! This is even better when you destroy a creature like Propellor Mutant or use another creature to fuel Daiadalos.

But it is important to note that this works only during your turn, the effect ends when your opponent's turn begins. Thus, when your opponent doesn't have any creatures to rumble with, some players would see this card as useless. Not true.

Take for exampe this combo. You have Intense Evil, a card most players would skip over in favor of some of Water's draw power. But Intense Evil become insanely good when paired with Root Ch-Ch-Charger. Let's say you have 3 Propellor Mutants on the field, no cards except Intense Evil and Root Charger, and 6 mana. I think most of you can see where I'm going.

Play Root Charger.
Play Intense Evil.
Destroy Propellor Mutants.
Opponent discards 3 cards.
You draw 3 cards.
You place Mutants in Mana Zone.

With this combo you get hand advantage, and card advantage, at the same time!!!! Now you have 9 mana with witch to thrash your opponent on next turn with all the cards you drew. Sweet, sweet, sweet, SWEET!!!!!

Constructed: 4/5 The only disadvantage would be that you have to plan on your creatures dying, either than that I don't see a reason why you shouldn't stick this in your deck!!!
Limited: 5/5 Your going to want all the mana you can get in Limited and this card does more than. I tend to rush in Limited so the more creatures you can get out in one turn, the better.
Art: 4/5. Up you go little creatures, into the mana zone with ya!!!
Jason Scarborough Root Charger

Cost: 3
Civilization: Nature
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Whenever any of your creatures would be destroyed this turn, put it in your mana zone instead.
Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into you mana zone instead of your graveyard.)

I do not feel this card is quite good enough to include in most decks. You just have too many better options to choose from. The main thing I dislike about this card is that unless you are planning to destroy your own creatures to boost your mana your opponent is probably going to have some control over how much mana you get. That is because unless you are attacking his tapped creatures he can choose how many shields you let you destroy and how much mana you gain.

I still think this is a good card, just not good enough in my opinion. It is great with any creature that automatically dies at end of battle or turn if it attacks or any card that destroys one of your creatures as a cost to do something that helps you.
In the right deck this card could work quite well to quickly increase your mana and gain card advantage.

constructed: I give Root Charger a 3/5 in any deck that has some card that benefits from it.(such as many of the black cards that force your creature to die after battle.)

limited: I give this card a 3/5. This card can help gain card advantage and that is always important in limited.

If you would like to discuss DM strategy you can e-mail me at:
The Englishman Root Charger
Cost: 3
Civilisation: Nature
Type: Spell
- Charger (you know the drill!)
- Whenever any of your creatures would be destroyed this turn, put it into your mana zone instead.
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyper Chaos (DM-08)

Ah, today has been a great week for me to begin as a COTD reviewer. I promise that I will stick at this until the end, and in the foreseeable future you will always have a reviewer on board who’s critique you can trust.

Civilisation: Nature, the experts of mana. No surprise to see a mana manipulation spell surfacing here. Nature is a fairly popular Civ, so of course this card is versatile.

Cost: A very affordable 3 mana, which is the cheapest charger we have reviewed this week. At 3 mana, it just about costs more than Fairie Life, but with an extra effect.

- Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.) The Charger effect runs nicely in Nature, and offers the more costly control options to be unleashed in the early/

- Whenever any of your creatures would be destroyed this turn, put it into your mana zone instead. A very interesting effect to say the least, It requires field presence and good timing to be developed properly. It is more suited to an aggro based deck, where a good field is found often, and the way to advance is to break shields. In short, it can be an insurance plan. In the early game, opponents may find themselves hard pressed to use shield triggers when this card is activated, as the mana build may put you even further in favour of the win. A good way to take advantage of this effect would be, again, to use Thrash or perhaps even Sniper Mosquito to recycle the spell and use it over and over to take the full advantage.

Card Efficiency: Chargers are always brilliant when it comes to economy and value of their play. Root allows a 2-1 to begin with, pumping the mana reserves and bringing with them a nice effect. Through the actions of the opponent, it may even increase it’s worth further by recycling your creatures.

In Constructed: Root’s effect can be very situational, and a risky move. But the mana added can make the spell worthwhile without the plan pulling off. I think he is better played in more aggressive decks that force your opponent to make plays that aid this card, e.g. Terror Pit. Root is probably the weakest of its Charger friends reviewed this week, but can still shine. 3/5

In Limited: Destruction is scarce here, so the cards potential would be dampened somewhat. Then again, in Epic format he could save your Dragons and combo nicely with Dracodance Totem. And the free mana could accelerate to a quicker fattie, such as Terradragon Regarion. 2.5/5

That’s all from Charger week from me, hope you enjoyed my company, and I hope to see you next week!!!!!

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