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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Marine Scramble
Card # DM22
Date Reviewed: 12.22.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 2.58
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Matrixzero |
Marine Scramble
Rules Text:
Your creatures in the battle zone can't be blocked
this turn.
Flavor Text:
complete. Begin the assault!" -Emperor Quazla
Mana Number:
Collector Number:
Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
A card that gives all your creatures the Can't be
blocked ability, but is it worth it?
Effect: A simple effect, all your creatures can not
be blocked this turn. But how often are you going to
get the full potential out of this effect? If you
use it on one creature it's kind a waste, but
unless you have a deck that works on having five
creatures out all the time and keeping them out, how
often will you be able to play this card to it's
full potential. When it's RUB V RUB, one will be
keeping control of the game and the other will be
losing it, and when you have the control you won't
need this card. But if an aggro deck some how
manages to still have at least 3 creatures by turn 7
then this card might be useful to them, But chances
are unlikely that this situation will come up often.
Cost: Since I the only card I can really compare
this one with is Laser Wing and that card is part of
the light civilization, it's hard to compare the
cost. For 5 mana Laser wing can be played 2 turn
earlier and make 0-2 of your creatures unblockable,
while Marine Scramble comes out 2 turns later and
makes all your creatures unblockable. Also keep in
mind that the big deck type is RUB and it's evil
stuff comes out starting turn 5 so it's going to be
harder to use M.S. to it's full pontental, so if you
really want a card that makes your creatures
unblockable I'd stick with Laser wing.
Combos: turn six play a lot of little guys, and then
hope they live through the next turn, then play
this. Could be a game winning card if you can get it
off with a nice field on your side.
Constructed: 2/5 There are just better cards to use,
but this could make for a fun deck.
Limited: 1.5/5 Chances are your game is not going to
go to turn seven, and theres not a lot of blockers
around to use this.
Byrne |
Cost: 7
Civ: Water
Type: Spell
Rules Text: Your creatures in the battle zone can't
be blocked this turn.
Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
Art: The art is ok. Some creaures attacking.
Fitting, I suppose, to the effect.
Power/Cost/Effect: Well, since it's a spell, it has
no atk value, but it does have a cost. 7 mana. While
not as much as, let's say, Billion Degree Dragon,
it's still a big number. On turn 7, I always prefer
playing a swarm of creatures, or one of my double
breakers, than playing a spell.
Of course the effect may just be worth it. Making
all your creatures unblockable could, of course, win
you the duel. But it's only worth it if you're
facing a good number of blockers, and Fire and
Nature have no blockers at all, with Darkness having
only a small number. Those three civs are too
popular at the moment, so I don't expect to see this
card played much any time soon. Makes me wish we
have a sidedeck in DM. :(
Constructed: 2.7
Limited: 2.5
Marine Scramble
everyone I am Ricardo and today we are reviewing
the card Marine Scramble, lets have a look at
what this card does.
Marine Scramble
Cost: 7
Civilization: Water
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Your creatures in the battle zone can't be
blocked this turn.
Flavour Text:
"Analysis complete. Begin the assault!"
-Emperor Quazla
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Jason
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 22
Set: Epic Dragons of HyperChaos
interesting card, it has potential, but is it
worth putting in your deck.
card is from the Water Civilisation so it fits
the theme of manipulation and strategy, this
card has to compete with all of waters other
unlockable creatures.
This card costs 7
which is very steep for this cards effect
and makes it have to compete for the top
spot in players decks.
This card has 1
1: Your creatures
in the battle zone can't be blocked this
This is a
finishing card, but it isn't that strong as
it only makes your creatures unblockable and
it's cost makes it a very weak card.
Limited: Totally not worth it,
in this format there are not many blockers,
making this card pointless.
Constructed: This card is not
as powerful as some of the other cards in
this format, this card easily gets put to
shame by Holy Awe, and it's cost is
unfavourable to pay, making Marine Scramble
receive a low score.
Black Chaos
Dragon |
BCD here
again for another card. Today's card is Marine
Scramble from Epic Dragons.
Name: Marine Scramble
Cost: 7
Civilization: Water
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Your creatures in the battle zone can't be blocked
this turn.
Flavor Text:
"Analysis complete. Begin the assault!" -Emperor
Quazla Mana Number: 1
Rarity: R
Effect: Classic effect from water, the "unblockable".
If your opponent has some heavy duty blockers and
you have an army of unblockables, it's game
over(except triggers)for them.
Cost: 7 mana is about right for this cards. To use
the full effect, you want it late in the game. Any
less and this card would be abused, of course
Essence Elf would make this card sick.
Limited: Only if you have mana accel.
Constructed: This card work great in any deck that
uses Water and Nature.
That's it for now. Until next time.
Brett |
Yes, I am back. Please hold your applause until the
end of the review. I can do 1 or 2 of these a week
as I have a life. My internet is being weird(not my
email) so, I can't get to the card database. I know
marine scramble is 7 mana and makes your creatures
unblockable for a turn. It is inferior in every way
to holy awe. If you don't want to be blocked, use
holy awe. That's really the best advice you can get
about this card. lol.
Constructed: 2/5 Holy awe people........
Limited: 4/5 Cause' there ain't no holy awe here.
Short review...........

Yaken |
Civilization: Water
Card Type: Spell
• Your creatures in the battle zone can't be blocked
this turn.
Civilization:Water, home of the best unblockable
creatures in the game, headed by Crystal Lancer
stays true to its roots with the addition of cards
like Wave Lance and Marine Scramble.
Cost/Effect: 7 mana cost for the ability to clench
the game... hmmm I smell potential. I've splashed 2
copies of Marine Scramble in my Yaken style decks
and they've worked quite well. Perfect to use with
Turbo Rush creatures, Marine Scramble sadly will
only see light play until should the time come that
blocker heavy decks rise again in use.
Card Efficiency:Dependant on how many creatures you
have on your side of the field and how many shield
triggers your opponent may have, Marine Scramble
should almost never have a negative impact (the
exception is if you only had that 1 chance to win or
end up hitting a Holy Awe).
Constructed/Limited: In both cases, blockers aren't
very popular nor in high use at the moment. 2/5

Sengoku the
Buddha |
Hi Everyone,
today we will be reviewing a nifty card that I
haven't seen played much be maybe we may be able to
change that...
Name: Marine Scramble
Cost: 7
Civilization: Water
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Your creatures in the battle zone can't be blocked
this turn.
Flavor Text:
"Analysis complete. Begin the assault!" -Emperor
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Jason
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 22
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
Seven MANA!!! wow is wizard trying to drown us, wait
no its actually kind of worth it lets take a look.
This card is deceptive in so many ways, and one main
reason is that seven mana seems like an eternity;
however, that’s only if you play it is the wrong
type of deck. This card is bound to be found in a
blue deck focusing on hulcus and card drawing, but
also adding wither red or green to gain mana accel
and cheap creature. Either civilization is necessary
in order to fully tap this cards ability. Seven is
too high a number without help from another
Although, looking at this card by itself in a mono
color deck its hard to put this card to good use
because it essentially is a seven tap and if your
first unblockable creature hits a holy awe then you
just wasted a turn, and let your opponent obtain a
game changing opportunity to thrash you. No, if you
want to maximize your civilization, mana, and
overall flow of the game you must constantly summon
creatures with your dual or tri color deck, and once
you near the seven mana area start using dimensional
gate or crystal memory to pull both this card and
cryptic totem onto the field. Why rely on green?
Because with type of deck green allows for many
potentially cheap two-three drops with mana accel
perks. And later when you have 6 creatures
activating marine scrambler, and have cryptic taped
the game is essentially yours. How's that for
Mana and such a broad effect are the two reasons
that make duelist avoid this card; however, don't be
afraid of the POWER! Just kidding though, in reality
this card is amazing in its effect to allow all your
creatures to attack , and many times all you need to
bypass your opponents shields in order to pull of
that finally win. Although, its at that moment that
reality slaps you in the face with two bloody
squitos oh well there is next week right? Wrong,
change your strategy, and give this card's effect a
spin because even though powerful cards such as
lancer maybe unblockable and a double breaker the
same effect can be reached with two bronze arm
tribes that are unblockable can inflict the same
damage inflicting equal damage themselves. I
recommend all duelist to find his/ her own combos
with this card; because it is just too duel changing
to ignore in the future.
Limited: 1
There is not much need for this card in the limited
format due to their being not that may blockers
coming out in this set. However, I see the potential
for this card blazingly great affect to blindside
many unsuspecting duelist, and they are bound to
make a blunder of this card. Stay away in a limited
format please.... the only blockers are evos and you
would rather place Uberdragon Bajula in your deck
wouldn't you
Constructed: 4
Again I reiterate the need to FULLY make use of this
cards effect and that means placing it in a
blue/green deck or even blue/ green/ red if your
into that kind of thing. This isn't cause I hate
black or light; however, those decks don't have the
sear cheap creature to mana ration that blue, green,
and red have to truly maximize this card. This is a
potential game changing card, and until we see more
decks played to its cheap unstoppable theme it may
be a while until I'm beaten by it =)
Need help? E-mail me at or
if you happen to be in Anaheim at 3:00 on a Sunday
afternoon come play me at Three J's Sportcard: 1231
South Euclid Anaheim, CA 92802 US
Ferret Mage |
Cost: 7
Civilization: Water
"Your creatures in the battle zone can't be blocked
this turn
Flavor: You don't want to know what it says, and
I...don't know.
Civilization: Water is the only civilization with
cards that can bypass those pesky blockers and get
right to shields that protect your opponent.
Cost: This card is one of 5 spells in Duelmasters
that cost the very, very, very high cost of seven
mana. So that means that you'll probably be playing
this spell depending on whether or whether you
running mana accel. Of course 7 mana is kinda of
worth it for what the spell does, so in the right
situations, this card can be deadly.
Effect: As said before, this card can be deadly when
used in the right situations. By situations I mean
like in instances when you have a few weenies on the
field and your opponent has got a handful of
blockers annoying. Or when you got that great
Bolmeteus on your side and you want to destroy some
shields without wasting your attack on some weenie
blocker with 1000 power. With mana accel in your
deck that also means you'll be able to pull this
card out faster to attack for the win.
But then again, using this card to attack your
opponents shields without defeating him could really
spell trouble for you. Imagine attacking 3 shields
only to give your opponent the cards he needs to
defeat you, or having 4 unblockable creatures only
to hit a Terror Pit. Not good.
Final Thought: This card cost alot, ALOT. But using
this in the right situation can pull in you in for
the win in a pinch, or it could utterly destroy you
by giving you opponent hand advantage. So I suggest
using this card when you know you can win.
Constructed: 3/5. Used in the right situations you
could totally dominate with this card, or totally
lose. If I had to pick between this and another
creature destruction card though, I would pick the
destruction card.
Limited: 2/5. Hmmmmm, I wouldn't pick. But if you
got some good ideas then go ahead and do what you
Art: 4/5. They're everywhere!!!!!