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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Nariel, The
Epic Dragons of
Card # DM11
Date Reviewed: 12.23.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 3.2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nariel, the Oracle
Light Bringer
Rules Text:
Creatures that have power 3000 or more can't attack.
(Creatures that
have power less than 3000 and get extra power while
attacking can still attack.)
Flavor Text:
Just as
predicted, the earthquakes created by the waking
Dragons reactivated the sentinels. Everything was
still under their control.
Mana Number:
Atsushi Kawasaki
Collector Number:
Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
A card that bring some stall into this game, but is
it worth it?
Civilization: Light is starting to look more and
more like the peace lovers of the 5 realms, and this
cards couldn't say it any better.
Effect: First I just gotta say one thing, This will
never die to baza ever, hurray, but everything else
is fair game sadly. Ok for the effect it says that
anything with a base power of <3000 can not attack.
So if it has 3000 attack it gets stopped by this,
but if something has a attack less than 3000 but has
a power attacker that brings it over 3000 it can
still attack (I know says it on the card, but I've
seen people miss it). So it stops massive creatures,
but does it really help? In RUB, the current
metagame, most creatures have 1000-2000 power, Emril,
Locomotiver, Aqua Huclus, Corile. So it won't be
stopping a whole lot when Vs. that deck, but if your
metagame is full of heavy hitters then this could be
the card for you.
Cost: Well IMO it's a little high cost for a 1000
power creature, but you would mainly be playing it
for it's effect, and since no other card has had
this effect before I can't compare this card against
others. The only thing I don't like about the cost
is that it's close to the 5 mana turn, and this card
screams to be coriled, and with no real come into
play effect that could hurt. but other than that the
cost/power/effect sound about right.
Combo: combo this with Thrumiss, Zephyr Guardian and
a bit of 2000 power guys and you could have as
pretty fun deck on your hands. Attack tap their
blockers and not be hit back, just thinking about it
makes me want to build one. Or a light fire weenie
deck so your guys don't get hit back.
Constructed: 3/5 Mainly a stall card, but I could
see this getting some play if it gets a little more
Limited: 3.5/5 While it won't stop the turn 3 turbo
rushers, it will stop the bigger guys that will be
coming out later in the game.
Byrne |
Nariel, The
Cost: 4
Race: Light Bringer
Civ: Light
Type: Creature
Rules Text: Creatures that have power 3000 or more
can't attack. (Creatures that have power less than
3000 and get extra power while attacking can still
Power: 1000
Art: What seems to be the standard kind of art for
Light cards, some sort of Machinery.
Power/Cost/Effect: It would have to be a really
really good effect for me to play 4 mana for power
1000. Sadly this effect doesn't seem that useful to
me. If I wanted to stop attacks, I'd just use a few
blockers. After all, Light has no shortage of those.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 2.5
Article for Nariel, the
Hello everyone I'm
Ricardo and I am back for another Card of
The Day review, today's card is Nariel, the
Oracle, lets look at what this card does.
Nariel, the Oracle
Cost: 4
Race: Light Bringer
Civilization: Light
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Creatures that have power 3000 or more can't
attack. (Creatures that have power less
than 3000 and get extra power while
attacking can still attack.)
Flavour Text:
Just as predicted, the earthquakes
created by the waking Dragons reactivated
the sentinels. Everything was still under
their control.
Power: 1000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Atsushi Kawasaki
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 11
Set: Epic Dragons of HyperChaos
This card seems to
have one of the most unique effects in the
game, lets see how good this card is.
This card is
from the Light Civilisation which
specialises in defence so this is one
card that fits the theme of light.
This card
costs 4 for 1000 power which is bad
as it can be destroyed very easily,
is it worth the cost though.
This card
has 1 effect:
that have power 3000 or more can't
attack. (Creatures that have
power less than 3000 and get extra
power while attacking can still
This is a
unique effect that can be really
good or really bad. This effect
effects both you and your opponent
and prevents attacks from occurring,
which can be useful if you are
losing but it also prevents your
attacks by higher powered creatures.
Prevents your opponents big
creatures from hitting you,
which can save your life, and
there is not as much destruction
cards in this format.
Okay card in this format, it can
prevent attacks but it will
probably be destroyed by the
time you can use it to full

Sengoku the
Buddha |
Hi Everyone,
today we will be reviewing a card that is really
annoying, and has great potential in control decks.
Name: Nariel, the Oracle
Cost: 4
Race: Light Bringer
Civilization: Light
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Creatures that have power 3000 or more can't attack.
(Creatures that have power less than 3000 and get
extra power while attacking can still attack.)
Flavor Text:
Just as predicted, the earthquakes created by the
waking Dragons reactivated the sentinels. Everything
was still under their control.
Power: 1000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Atsushi Kawasaki
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 11
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
Art: Ohhh, those dragons are going to get it now!
Power/Cost: Only considering power and cost this
creature stinks like spoiled bean curds; however,
that isn't the only down side to this card because
its 1000 it is perfect bait for every type of
destruction card ranging from searing wave to burst
shot to the lovely hopeless vortex. 4 mana for 1000
is just too steep; however, that’s where we get to
his ability and that looks promising.
Civilization: The light civilization is played often
for its holy awe and guardian/ initiate
creatures/blockers; although, this creature is
neither of those, and with no evos for it, it is on
its own through most of the duel probably not
attacking at all but why would you want to?
Effect: The reason you wouldn't want to attack with
this creature is its potentially to buy you time.
With this card almost all but the weakest creatures
can attack, and stops you opponent dead in his
shield breaking streak. At my card shop I see many
good duelist run this card but never truly master
it, and seemingly have it just because it seems so
darn good; however, that is not the case it is only
good with strategy built around it. I like to
include my view of one potential strategy: use a tri
deck of water, nature, and light with nature pumping
out cheap creatures with its mana accel and water
drawing power sooner or latter you'll find your
opponent with a lancer or dual fang so you play
Nariel which stops them in place. Its here when you
activate a card we reviewed yesterday called Marine
Scrambler to allow your weak creatures like bronze
arm and marrow ooz etc to become unblockable and
hopefully clinch the game for you but be on the
lookout for shield triggers like terror pit/ holy
Limited: 3.5
Good in epic duel to its ability to stop huge
dragons dead in their tracks, and with cheap
creatures you essentially win the game since there
are no good blockers/ destruction cards.
Constructed: 4
Add this card to a rush deck, and tune it for
blocker destruction. Doing these two acts will
secure yourself with a rocking deck; however, I'm
sure dozens of combos can be done with this card so
pick it up and get your game on.
Need help? E-mail me at or
if you happen to be in Anaheim at 3:00 on a Sunday
afternoon come play me at Three J's Sportcard: 1231
South Euclid Anaheim, CA 92802 US
Fult |
Intro: Nariel,
the oracle is a very interesting card and I am glad
I have a chance to go over it with you guys. Enjoy!
Name: Nariel, the Oracle
Cost: 4
Race: Light Bringer
Civilization: Light
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Creatures that have power 3000 or more can't attack.
(Creatures that have power less than 3000 and get
extra power while attacking can still attack.)
Flavor Text:
Just as predicted, the earthquakes created by the
waking Dragons reactivated the sentinels. Everything
was still under their control.
Power: 1000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Atsushi Kawasaki
Rarity: R
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
Civilization/Race: Nariel, the Oracle is a Light
Bringer from the Light civ. So far there have been
no Evolutions for this race.
Cost: Nariel costs 4 mana to summon, which isn’t to
great considering it’s power. Unfortunately, this
also does put it in harms way of turn 4 and 5
bounce/destruction, which is often played everywhere
and anywhere (I.E. Corile, Volcano Charger).
Power: Nariel boasts a mere 1k. This creature’s
power really doesn’t have much to do with what it’s
used for, but does effect the creature’s ability to
survive long enough to do something.
Abilities: Here’s where you might find this card
semi-interesting. Creature’s with 3k or more cannot
attack. This means that cards like Bolmeteus Steel
Dragon and Cryptic Totm will have trouble getting
through to you. Unfortunately, this card is weak and
you’ll probably not have it out long enough to
change anything (Or your like me, and I top deck it
right before my opponent swings with Cryptic – in
which my opponent, *Cough*Fordham triplets*Cough*
top decks a Corile and pwns). Another weakness to
this card is that most creatures in competitive
decks today are in the 1-2k range of power. Other
then that, the ability is really cool, lol.
Constructed overview:
I'm givin' it a 1 out of 5 in the Constructed
This card’s weak and costs too much. The ability,
which is still really cool IMO, only works against
some of the heavier hitters and also effects your
side of the field. Most decks would see this as an
ample opportunity to drop a Corile/Meteorsaur/Volcano
Charger down. If anything else, you’ll probably end
up giving your opponent more of an advantage then
Limited overview:
I'm givin' it a 3.5 out of 5 in the Limited format.
This card can actually shine in this format.
Although most cards in this set are 2k & 1k, a lot
of them are also 3k and above. This card can really
catch your opponent off guard and I recommend you
snag one if the odds are on your side creature-power
In the end? I’m still tinkering with my rating
system and review composition. E-mail me at or instant message me on AIM at
or4ngekid. You can also PM me in the forums, my
alias is Fult. Until then ;)
Ttyl, Fult
Ferret Mage |
Christmas everyone, for today we're going to review
one of my favorite cards from the last set, Nariel
the Oracle!!!
Nariel, the Oracle
Cost: 4
Race: Light Bringer
Power: 1000
Effect: Creatures that 3000 power or more can't
attack. (Creatures that have power less than 3000
and get extra power while attacking can still
Flavor: Too long for me to care.
Hmmmm, a card that stops creatures with over 3000
power from attacking? Interesting.....
Cost: I think that 4 mana is really good cost for
what this card can give you via the effect. But in
the power range it is too overcosted for just the
power, which is good because chances are you're not
going to plan on summoning this just to beat down on
some weak monsters. Which is funny, because when
this guy is out all you can do beat up guys up with
weak creatures.
Power: This card has it's power so that it doesn't
get affected by it's own effect, unfortunatly this
also means that it is affected by every single kill
spell out there. But that also means that your
opponent can, and will, use every chance he can get
to destroy this card. All for it's nasty effect...
Race: Light Bringer. Not evos. Nothing real special.
Effect: War of the Weenies!!!!! When this card is in
the battle zone it stops all creatures with 3000
power or more (Save power attackers) from attacking
you. Note that this card stops all creatures, not
just your opponents. So this means that if your
opponent has no kill spells then all they are left
to do is battle it out with all the smaller
creatures with less than 3000 power. Now think about
that effect.
It basically stops over half of creatures in Duel
Masters from attacking you. Bajula annoying you? Not
anymore. Ballom killing you? Screw 'em. Your
opponents has an army of Pryofighters, not anymore.
But it is important to remember that this only stops
creatures from attacking, they can still be summoned
and then used as Evo Bait.
The downside is that you have to plan on having a
modest amount of weenies in your deck to really make
this work, what is more is that you have to have
plenty of support to keep this card from dying, and
trust me, it will be targeted for death. If you
don't have support, then you'll mostly use this for
Constructed: 4/5 If you have alot of creatures with
less than 3000 power and plenty of support then this
card can really screw with your opponents.
Limited: 3/5 Best used as a stall tatic to draw more
cards or get more mana.
Art: 3/5 Meh. |
Drizer |
Name: Nariel,
the Oracle
Cost: 4
Race: Light Bringer
Civilization: Light
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Any creature 3000 power or over cannot attack.
Flavor Text:
Just as predicted, the earthquakes created by the
waking Dragons reactivated the sentinels. Everything
was still under their control.
Power: 1000
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 11
Set: Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos
Civilization/Race: Light is currently the least
played civilization in the game. The Light Bringer
clan currently has no support at all.
Cost: The Power:Cost ratio isn't very good. 4:1000
really sucks, hope it has a good effect to back it
up, because the cost for power has nothing at all
going for it.
Power: It's mere 1000 makes it vulnerable to any
kill spell in the game, and can be suicided into by
any creature.
Abilities: Finally, the ability of the card. This is
where this card finally has something going for it.
Nothing over 3000 can attack, but that also means
your stuff. It's OK, but nothing to write home
about. I suggest if your playing this card, make
sure all your creatures are under 3000 or power
attackers, because if not, your not attacking
Constructed overview:
This card is average at best. Try to make a deck
around using little guys and stall, maybe throw a d
cutter it if you want. This card isn't too bad, but
I'd try to stray away from it if I were you.
Limited overview:
This card s just ugly here. Most of the creatures in
this set are 1000- or if you're drafting, you want
1000- creatures, so, just pass it on, unless you're
rare-drafting of course ;)
Just on a side note-Yes, I did steal Cantrell's
template, lol. I hope you all liked my short review,
I'm hoping this will be the first of another long
line of reviews from me. But for now, I'm out till
next week, see ya guys.
Have a Merry Christmas! Or Any other Holiday you