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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Card # DM3
Date Reviewed: 12.27.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 2.7
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Cost: 7
Race: Sea Hacker
Civilization: Water
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap
it to use its ability.
Choose a creature in the battle zone and return it
to its owner's hand.
Flavor Text:
"I'm the garbage collector. You're the garbage."
Power: 4000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Hisashi Momose
Rarity: V
Collector Number: 3
Set: Stomp-a-Trons of Invincible Wrath
Civilization: Water likes to bounce around and this
card follows the theme very well.
Effect/Combos: Very simple If the creature could
attack you may instead tap it and send another
creature in the battle zone back to its owners hand.
But is it worth it? If it's to bounce a opponents'
creature that has a "come into play effect" like
Aqua Huclus, corile, or loco, then no it's not, but
if it's to get to a annoying creature off the field
like a opponents useless blocker, or a steel dragon,
then maybe. But if it's to bounce a creature that
help you when it comes into play that's a different
story. Two creatures come to mind for this effect,
Gajirabyuuto/Corecrash Lizard (please not that these
are not out yet) have one of the most devastating
come into play effects. They cost 6/7 respective and
have a power of 3000/6000 respectively but the
biggest thing about these cards are their come into
play effects, When this creature is summoned, choose
one of your opponents shields and place it in its
owners graveyard. (That shield trigger cannot be
used.), that right, unless they get changed when
they come out, when they come into play it's like a
one time mini steel dragon hit. but combed with
aeropica, you can start a cycle with these effects
activating every turn. This cycle can also go to
card in the current game but won't be as
destructive. But remember, it's hard to keep any
cycle going for long, let alone to get it started at
such a late turn. So this means that this card
doesn't belong in just any deck but you need a deck
that works off him and other cards like him, and can
build quickly.
Cost: With a 7 cost you would expect something out
of him. The way I see it is that 4 of his 7 cost
form his 4000 power, so the main question is does
his effect justify the additional 3 cost?
Not the same thing but, Unicorn fish, if you say
that 1 of his cost goes to his 1000 power than the
other 3 goes to his bounce effect.
Aqua surfer, saying that 2 of his cost goes to his
2000 power, 1 for his shield trigger, that leaves
the other 3 for the bounce effect.
Now remember that these comparisons are estimates
based on even more cards, but it seems that for a
creature to have a bounce ability, that creature
costs 3 more mana. So this cards cost sounds right
Constructed: 2.5 Until the 2 cards I mentioned above
come out, I really doubt seeing this card having any
playability, even after they come out. But it could
be possible, I just highly doubt it.
Limited: 1.5, There are just much better options in
this set to pick from, and having to wait until turn
8 to be able to use his effect is asking too much.
Pass him.
Brett |
It's weak and doesn't have that great of an effect.
What more could you ask for? This card just isn't
We have soooooo many that are better.
Constructed: 2/5 Bleh, it isn't that great
Limited: 1/5 NO

Sengoku the
Buddha |
Hi Everyone,
I hope your all safe and enjoyed your holiday. I
know I did so lets get back to the reviews. And with
only a couple weeks before the new release
tournament lets get better acquainted with a pretty
powerful water card.
Name: Aeropica
Cost: 7
Race: Sea Hacker
Civilization: Water
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap
it to use its ability.
Choose a creature in the battle zone and return it
to its owner's hand.
Flavor Text:
"I'm the garbage collector. You're the garbage."
Power: 4000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Hisashi Momose
Rarity: V
Collector Number: 3
Set: Stomp-a-Trons of Invincible Wrath
Although it isn't perfect this creatures power to
mana cost ration is bearable, and can live through
almost all spells except hopeless vortex, death
smoke, and tornado flame. Although are ways it can
die lets talk about how it can thrive with the
proper protection...
....Protection can come from the water civilization
whom host a myriad of cheap and useful blockers that
are bested only by the light civilization. However,
the perks of this cards civilization is card
acceleration, and blockers, and bouncing all of
which you will utilize in a card that effectively
acts as an almost permanent spiral gate. Although
with seven mana it’s a lot even for its awesome
effect so planning and a strategy are in order to
master this expensive and deadly card.
Effect (strategy):
Time for my favorite section strategies, and this
card has one sweet effect. With the tap of a card it
acts as a far cheaper aqua surfer, and monster form
of a spiral gate except for the part that it remains
on the field. With a little alteration it could
rival Tom's deck (winner of continental
championships), and the changes that need to be made
is for you to have bounce control with Emeral and
all the other cyber lords but also to increase your
monster field with either nature and its cheap mana
boosting creatures or darkness with its insane
spells. I personally would take nature, and explore
a strategy with Devine riptide to effectively limit
your opponents moves to nothing while returning
creatures to his hand, and then slowly chipping away
at his shields.
Limited: 4
I'm giving this card a four due to its possibility
to utilize cards such as Sopian, Spiral Gate, and
the other variety of cards in the Stop-a-trons set
to essentially clench the game for you. In a limited
format it has little to fear from spells since
almost none can touch it (exception is death smoke
=(, and also as long as you bulk up on strategy such
as three civilizations and strong blockers this card
will do well in a limited format.
Constructed: 5
This card is very good in a constructed deck such as
nature green deck specializing in mana accel and
control. In fact if such a strategy was employed a
person can easily have complete control over mana,
cards and essentially the game. So by all means do
not let the seven mana fool you.