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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Battleship Mutant
Thundercharge of Ultra Destruction
Card # DM3
Date Reviewed: 12.30.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 1.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

First off I
would like to wish you all a happy new year. Now on
to the review
Name: Battleship Mutant
Cost: 6
Race: Hedrian
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap
it to use its ability.
Until the end of the turn, each of your darkness
creatures in the battle zone gets +4000 power and
"double breaker." Whenever any of those creatures
battles this turn, destroy it after the battle.
Power: 5000+
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Masaki Hirooka
Rarity: V
Collector Number: 3
Set: Thundercharge of Ultra Destruction
Civilization: What better could the darkness
civilization show off it's colors than kill all it's
troops in mid battle?
Effect: Ok this effect is meant to be a game ender,
the turn you tap this thing should be the turn you
win. But as we all know that won't always happen.
No matter how may guys you have as long as they are
a part of the darkness civilization, they get +4000
power and double breaker from this guy when you tap
him for his effect, but at a cost. Just like any
other quick body building method theirs a draw back,
this one being that anything that attacks that has
been effected by this effect dies. So sad isn't it.
So you can see why you would only want to tap this
guy when you have a chance of winning. I can see
this effect being used but you need your own deck
for him, black weenie or something like that.
Cost: 5 of the cost for the power and one for the
effect, sounds about right, but since I can't
compare it I'm going to say that this card is cost
right if not under costed by 1.
combos: Play him with Mongrel man to draw after your
guys go pop after they battle.
Summon a number of creatures from turn 1-5, summon
battle ship turn 6, holy awe turn 7 and attack for
the win.
Constructed: 2.5-3.5/5 I really can't decide on a
solid score, I can see it being powerful if used in
it's own deck but then again, I wonder if it really
Limited: 1.5/5 Chances are you won't pull enough low
cost dark creatures to make se of his effect

Sengoku the
Buddha |
Hi Everyone,
today we will be reviewing one of my favorite cards,
and potential strategies to bring out its true
potential as well as discussing some conflicts as
Name: Battleship Mutant
Cost: 6
Race: Hedrian
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap
it to use its ability.
Until the end of the turn, each of your darkness
creatures in the battle zone gets +4000 power and
"double breaker." Whenever any of those creatures
battles this turn, destroy it after the battle.
Power: 5000+
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Masaki Hirooka
Rarity: V
Collector Number: 3
Set: Thundercharge of Ultra Destruction
Battleship Mutant has a pretty fair power to attack
ration with a 6:5, and alone its pretty good to
place in a deck since most fire spells (excluding:
apocalypse vice & darkness spells) cant touch it;
however, this creatures uneven 6 for 6: doesn't
occur due to the almost amazing ability that has
been granted to it.
Darkness are known for creatures that are cheap and
powerful with small drawbacks (aka Bloody Squito) or
creatures that are weak and have powerful abilities
( Merciless King) as this creature falls into the
latter category. Alone it can win a few battles if
it had to; but combined with cheaper mana
acceleration civilizations such as nature along with
cards such as Marine Scrambler from the water
civilization, and behold you have yourself a
powerful deck. And unlike the may other creatures we
have discussed Hedrians are a race that have very
unique abilities for example: Propeller mutant is a
hedrian that when destroyed randomly discards a card
from your opponents hand, and combined with this
creatures ability will be able to not only become a
5000 power creature but a double breaker that card
destroys as well. Very impressive. But that’s not
all this creature is also able to evolve so don't
leave that option out when your decide whether or
not to put this card in your deck.
Important things to remember when playing this card!
1) Darkness creatures are the only ones that benefit
from this creatures ability!
2) Many cards such as propeller mutant, root
charger, marine scrambler, Marrow Ooze, and cryptic
totem can all enhance the ability of Battleship
mutant so if your opponent overloads on shield
triggers or has to many cards in his hand you'll be
able to annihilate some of those pesky cards, as
well as creatures who already die when they would
regularly attack would increase this cards
3) Creatures that attack will DIE so make sure your
ready for the consequences of your attack.
4) Hedrians are evos so make sure you remember this
if you happen to like to evo creatures ( I know I do
Potential lies with this card in a limited format
since only a handful of blockers come in the thunder
charge booster so with this card effect you almost
seal your opponents fate and wiping out all his
shields with only a sliver of a chance on getting
stopped with a shield trigger. I highly recommend it
in here.
Constructed: 4
This card is good all-around and even though I like
to give high scores to cards this card is far from
perfect since it basically can leave you defenseless
if you don't manage to defeat your opponent on the
turn you activate this cards tap ability; however,
you also have the opportunity to wipe out your
opponent without breaking a sweat so I recommend you
go out there play this card and feel if its your
thing. Till next week have fun, and be safe. Oh,
Happy New Years to everyone out there
Need help? E-mail me at or
if you happen to be in Anaheim at 3:00 on a Sunday
afternoon come play me at Three J's Sportcard: 1231
South Euclid Anaheim, CA 92802 US
Ferret Mage |
Cost: 6
Race: Hedrian
Power: 5000+
-Instead of having this creature attack you may tap
it to use it's tap ability.
-Until the end of turn, each of your darkness
creatures in the battle zone get +4000 power and
double breaker.
-Whenever any of those creatures battles this turn,
destroy it after the battle.
So today we have yet another high costed creature
but this time it isn't from the Water Civilization.
It's a card that with potential, could really be
deadly to your opponent.
Cost: This card comes to the high cost of 6 mana,
which as you all know, you could be used on
something like a Terror Pit or Holy Awe.
Unfortunatly for this card, you can only use it's
tap ability on the next turn, meaning that this card
really cost you 6 mana and a turn until you can use
it's effect. Which is sad because you can get pretty
much the same effect from the spell Snake Attack for
2 less mana and a shield. Also it has no Double
Breaker despite being worth 6 mana, which doesn't
stand good in my eyes.
Race: Not evos. No point in having to run them over
any other race.
Power: While it says that this card has +5000 power
in all reality your only going to be attack with
5000 power, the 9000 can only be used if you used
it's tap, and then your opponent is the one who's
going to do the attacking. As said above you have to
wait for it to tap, meaning that while it's 5000
power it's vurneable to a couple of Fire's kill
spells, Volcanic Arrows and Apocalypse Vise come to
Effect: On turn seven this card will turn all your
weenies into big hulking berserkers that die after
they attacked. It's too bad for this card that it
comes a little to late into the game, by turn seven
your opponent is going to have some removal spells
in the game and chances are that your going to have
a limited number of creatures on the field that will
turn into the bruisers you need to finish off your
opponent, and with them getting destroyed at the end
of turn you'll definatly want to finish off your
Not to mention that while you're attacking your
opponent you still run the chance of hitting a few
shield triggers, the one thing you don't want is to
destroy all your creatures without the chance of
defeating your opponent. So unless you have a good
amount of creatures to break all your creautres
shields AND weather any potential shield triggers
then you better wait to use that mana for something
Constructed: 3/5 Only use in situations where you
are sure you'll win.
Limited: 2/5 Pick Snake Attack over this one.
Art: 4/5 I like it.