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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Miracle Quest
Card #19
Date Reviewed: 02.11.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 3.35
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Lee Sandow |
is the big tournament of the five
civilizations, which I am TOTALLY pumped
for, so I'm really excited today. I plan to
get revenge this time. As for today's COTD,
we all get to review one of the most
powerful cards in Survivors. Many people
wanted this card nerfed (watered down, made
less "broken", altered), and were shocked
when it wasn't changed a bit. Personally, I
have no qualm with this card. It is very
nice, but it seems not to see any play in my
area. I don't know why.
Cost: 3
Civilization: Water
Type: Spell
every shield of your opponenent's that
your creature breaks this turn, draw two
cards after the creature finishes
Text: "Can't
nerf me!"
Generated: 1
Number: 2#/55
This can
be an INVALUABLE asset to a deck that likes
hand replenishment. It might also work well
in a rush deck that uses blue. A mono blue
deck might see this card in good use. I'll
get to this below. Let's look at the
Civilization: It's a water spell.
It requires water mana. Use it in a water
deck, or a deck that has enough blue for you
to have a blue mana. This really doesn't
require alot of explanation.
This can be dropped on the third turn. If
have several creatures on the field but
then, you can drop this guy and draw an
OVERWHELMING number of cards and get ahead
of your opponent. Mid-game, this allows you
to quickly replenish your hand, and at the
low cost of three mana, several cards can be
played per turn.
Abilities: W0w. That's all I have to
say. For each of your opponent's shields
that one of your creatures breaks this turn,
you get to draw two cards. EACH SHIELD.
ALL YOUR CREATURES. This allows you to
potentially draw several cards in a turn.
Got a double breaker? Nab four cards. Got
a triple breaker? I pity your opponent.
Got a small army on the field? Once again,
I feel your opponent's pain. Card draw is
nice, and this takes away some of the pain
that comes from giving your opponent hand
advantage by breaking their shields. This
way, you get cards too.
On a
rulings note, you are allowed to draw, but
not required to. Even if you break three
shields, you may opt to draw for all, one,
or none of them. Just remember, you must
draw in sets of two. No fair only drawing
three or one.
Ok, now
that I’ve reviewed these stats, and stated
these rulings, let's see how they stack up.
Constructed overview: 1337 Pizzownage.
A well built deck, that uses this
effectively will find itself drawing an
unrealistic amount of cards every time they
use it. Even if you only break one shield,
you still get two cards for less than the
cost of Brain Serum. This card is great,
EXCEPT when you can't get to their shields.
If they kill all your creatures, or simply
stop you with a lot of blockers, then this
card will do you NO good. When it does
work, however, the results can be amazing.
Limited overview: In a draft tourney
one time, I summoned a Triple Breaker. Then
I used this to draw six cards. Incredible.
Hand advanatage is key in limited, and since
this is the best form of draw power in the
set, you'll find yourself wanting to use
this. In fact, you have no reason not to use
this. 4/5
Tournament of the Five Civilizations
Approaches. My Revenge is at Hand!!!
Largo 991 |
Miracle quest is a very interesting card, and one of
the first "kicker"
cards. A kicker card gives you an extra bonus for
shield you break
the turn you cast it.
Anyway, here's the specs on it
Card Type: Spell
Color: Water
CastingCost: 3
Mana Value: 1
Effect: Whenever any of your creatures finishes
attacking this turn, you may draw 2 cards for each
shield it broke.
Sounds pretty nice to me, the casting cost is
reasonable, and the
pay out is great, it's like a brain serum for every
shield you break!
The only draw back I can think of is the fact you
can't use the cards
you draw til next turn.
That's not so bad considering you couldn't cast
serum til the
next turn anyway!
If you're running brain serum currently, try this
instead. If your deck needs a little extra drawing,
playtest this little bugger.
I would recomend snapping this up in draft, too.
Anyway, the scores are:
Constructed: 4.0
Draft: 4.0
Art: 2.5 (I don't get it.)
Until next time, gg...
Knives101 |
Miracle Quest
For three mana you can potentially draw four cards.
Sounds pretty good.
Unfortunatly you need to be able to take two sheilds
in order to do this.
Unless you are very lucky your opponent will kill
your creatures or play blockers to stop you from
taking sheilds. Whenever I take sheilds I usually
make sure that my creatures are safe from being
blocked (or attacked during my opponent's turn).
Doing so means that I have to cast a spell to clear
my opponent's side of the field. Either that or I'm
busy casting an evo to get around kill spells. Most
of the time I just don't find myself with three
extra mana to spare on this spell. Sure I could
attack with my Tribe, and my Hulcus to draw four
cards. But my opponent gets two cards from his
Also Tribe and Hulcus will be dieing next turn due
to my opponent's Horrid Worm, and Brawler Zyler. So
in the end I've traded two creatures for two cards
in my hand. To top if off I've just ignored my
opponent's Horrid Worm.
So now I'm in serious trouble. At any rate this card
isn't worth the trouble. I'd much rather just play
Marinomancer, Twin-Head, Pychic Shaper, Mist Rias,
or Merfolk for massive draw.
Rating: 3
White Wolf |
Miracle Quest
Today's COTD is Miracle Quest, a card that works a
lot like Brutal Charge. Instead of getting a
Creature for each sheild you break, you get to draw
2 cards. Sadly, I don't see this working too well.
The reason Brutal works so well is that it's used in
Aggros. Blue usually isn't an Aggro until turn 6
when Lancer comes out. When lancer DOES come out
though, you will need to pay that additional 3 mana,
a grand total of 9 mana. For Blue players, there are
much better options for Draw Power. Just use Serum,
Merfolk and crew.
Constructed: 4/10 - It can be useful sometimes, but
there are better draw options for Blue.
Limited: 7/10 - Here, draw power wins games. You
will be hitting sheilds often with the lack of
blockers in Survivors (5 total in fact). Drawing 2-4
cards for 3 mana is good to me.
Mohamed Alhendy |
Today’s card
is Miracle Quest. This card was one of the most
highly anticipated cards from the Survivors set in
many places, including my local playing grounds.
Everyone carried the dream of drawing 2-4 cards on
turns 3 and thus having no draw problems. Anyway,
this cards a common, so if you ever want to use it,
you should be able to pull 4 of it pretty easily.
Anyway, onto the review:
Miracle Quest costs 3 mana, so it’s a quite cheap
form of draw. Assuming you get extremely lucky, you
might be able to play Deadly Fighter Braid Claw turn
1, Emeral turn 2, then play a Miracle Quest turn 3
and draw 4 cards.
However, that is the best possible scenario for
Miracle Quest. The chances of that ever happening
are extremely low. Furthermore, due to today’s Meta,
you’ll almost always face a deck packing at least 4
blockers, meaning that attacking shields early is
even harder. If you pull off miracle quest late
game, it’ll be quite useless. Usually by late game,
you’ve either won or lost, and no amount of draw
should change that.
Overall, this card is best suited for water/fire
rush decks. Keep away from control decks though,
it’s a waste of space there.
Constructed (Rush Deck): 4/5
Constructed (Control Deck): 2/5
Constructed (Any other deck): 3/5
Limited: 3.5/5 (Harder to build field or finding
good/quick cards here, but much less blockers too,
so easy to pull off.)