Today, we review a decent card that’s seeing more
play in my meta. The unicorn fish remix commonly
known as Aqua Surfer.
Aqua Surfer
Civilization: Water
Family: Liquid People
Mana: 6
Attack: 2000
Ability: Shield Trigger, Bounces a monster on the
field to their owner’s hand.
Ok, this card is alright. It’s not the most amazing,
but it does get the job done. A person at my meta
uses a 4-color shield trigger deck, and this card
basically saved him in the finals, so my review may
be one-sided, but…
The Plus Side
This card is a very nice addition to the water
civilization, as if they really need more help on
the whole bouncing aspect. It’s a basic unicorn
fish, only shield triggerized, which is amazing. I’m
not really sure how much leverage this card has over
the unicorn fish, but it is decent. I can go on and
on about the major competition between the 3 big
bouncers, but I’ll get to that later.
Let’s start with the shield trigger. If you been
playing this game at all, you’d know that ANY shield
trigger is amazing. Having a nice amount of shield
triggers in your deck can determine your ability to
turn the game around, and this is one of those cards
that do so. So long alcadeias, Ballom, Valdios, Huge
fatty Monster, and that’s just the tip of the
The second ability: the bounce. This monster is a
basic Spiral Gate turned monster. If you like spiral
gate, and are willing to pay extra mana, then this
is the card for you.
The Negative Side
Ok, I really can’t say that much about the positives
because I think that there really isn’t a place for
this card anymore. Let’s look at the stats.
Corile-Craziest Bouncer ever.
5 mana
2000 power
bounce to top of deck
Unicorn Fish
4 mana
1000 power
bounce to hand
Aqua Surfer
6 mana
2000 power
bounce to hand
shield trigger
As you can see, there are pluses and minuses to all
3. Aqua surfer is the most expensive, but has the
most advantageous effects, just not a bounce better
than Corile and a mana cost better than the Unicorn
Fish. I think it’s up to you. If you’re willing to
pay the extra 2 mana for the shield trigger-ness,
then go Aqua Surfer. If you need speed, go Unicorn
Fish. Always Use Corile :)
The mana cost for Aqua Surfer is painful. With the
same amount of mana, you could play 3 spiral gates
or 1 and a unicorn fish, so the amount of bouncing
for the cost does not really match the card. The
surfer does have the shield trigger, but how much
better is it to pay 2 more mana for the same effect
as a card that already exists. Look at it like this
Torcon- shield trigger, but same mana as Burning
Mane or Steel Smasher
Kamikaze- Shield trigger, but same cost as a vorg,
titan, or brawler
Locomotiver- Shield Trigger, but one cheaper than
Masked Horror
Aqua surfer- Shield Trigger, but 2 more than
unicorn Fish?
See? To me the card is unproportional to the
standard of shield trigger monsters. Considering its
effect and its impact on the game, yeah, I get the
increase, but why 6? What could I play with 6?
1 Unicorn Fish + Spiral gate?
3 Spiral Gate?
Not that much, but this card is meant to be in the
shields. Run emerald or use green with mana Nexus
and other stuff that edits your shields. Then you
get the full potential of Surfer.
The Limited Side
This card would be crazy in draft. This is one of
those cards you wish to get to take care of that
annoying as hell monster that you can’t get rid of.
Plus, good shield triggers in limited is great. If
you can pick up shield trigger monsters in limited,
do not hesitate. It’ll pay off. See it like this:
Opponent: “yea, you can’t stop my La Byle. He’ll
kill up all your small monsters”
You: “great…Aqua Surfer…”
Opponent:” Aw damn…”
You:” Youse dead, mans. I cut you up so bad, that,
that, you didn’t wish that I cut you up so bad”
Sorry about that. Had to go with the family Guy. I
gots a bad roach problem ;). But, yea, you get the
point. It’s amazing.
The Recap
Let’s review the + and – again
- shield trigger
- bounces
- liquid person
- amazing in limited and shield switch decks
- Corile puts it to shame
- Unicorn Fish is better at times
- 6 is awfully high for a bounce card.
- Is 2 mana with the shield triggerness?
- Unproportional to other shield trigger and their
Constructed(Blue + Shield Editors)-3/5-
It’s workable, but wouldn’t a terror pit or natural
or something be better?...
I have a split opinion on this. It’s alright, but
there are things better than it, namely Corile and
at times Unicorn Fish.
Take it, use it, abuse it. You have no real reason
to not take it.
Surf on, Aqua Surfer….Surf on….
Well, that’s it for Aqua Surfer. If anyone has any
questions, comments, concerns, complaints, e-mail me
Later Days…