Today, we review the Darkness spell
known as Scheming Hands.
Scheming Hands
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Spell
Cost: 5
Ability: Look at your opponent’s hand
and discard a card from it.
Rarity: Uncommon
Ok, Scheming Hands. I’ve seen this
card in play in many of the control decks that are
slowly gaining popularity. Just what we need in this
game, another ghost touch, masked horror, and
locomotiver. Anyway, let’s get on with this review.
The Plus Side
Destroying a person’s hand can be
vital to the game. The hand makes up the mana, the
field, and all the possible plays a person can do,
so pwnage of a person’s hand gives you a major
advantage. This is basically the case for all CCGs
out there.
This card is amazing. It does cost 5,
which is fairly high, but its effect is really good.
You get to choose what card your opponent must lose,
plus you get a look at any other plan that they may
have in their mind.
5-mana is a good area for the card.
No matter if you went second or first, you get the
chance to take out the possibility of a 6-cost card.
Takes out Alcadeias, Crystal Lancer, Natural, Terror
Pit, Holy Awe, FDF, and anything else that can
change the game pretty drastically.
The cost is very convenient of the
entire skew of the discard deck. Look at this
possible turn.
Turn 2-Ghost Touch
Turn 3- Horrid Worm
Turn 4- Locomotiver
Turn 5- Scheming Hands
Craziness. Your opponent’s hand is
basically gone with this.
That’s really it. It’s got a
convenient mana cost, nasty effect, and a free look
in your opponent’s plans for that turn. For that,
this card is pretty decent.
The Negative Side
This card has many disadvantages. For
one, it costs 5. 5 is hella high for a card that
basically does the same as Ghost Touch. That’s
another bad thing. Ghost touch is amazing because
it’s cheap and gets the quick finish of a person’s
hand later on in the game. By the time 5 mana gets
around, your opponent would have burnt away much of
his hand, so don’t expect to see more than 2 cards
in your opponent’s hand at the time. Sure, it will
do the same thing as Ghost touch, but it seems
pointless to spend the extra 3 mana.
Discard decks face a major problem.
Yes, the opponent’s hand is high at the start and
the continuous discarding by you will force their
hand to 1 or 0, and that’s fine, right?
Ok, now what happens when your
opponent goes to no cards in their hand, and every
card he/she draws is either played or put in the
mana zone? Nothing but…TOTAL K-RAP!! Without a hand,
Locomotiver becomes a junky 4 for 1000 shield
trigger, and Ghost Touch and Scheming Hands become
useless. Discarding is great…only if your opponent
has a hand, besides that, you have a completely
useless 5-cost card that only can be mana.
Finally, let’s play “what else could
you use?”
ghost touch and a marrow ooze?
Ghost touch and horrid worm?
Masked horror?
Wait 2 turns for a Lost Soul?
Wait 1 more turn for a terror pit?
There are better things than Scheming
hands. Because of the fact that there will probably
not be many cards in your opponent’s hand by turn 5,
it might be better to stick with the Ghost Touch and
Horrid worm.
The Limited Side
Scheming Hands in limited can be
good, but exactly what would you destroy in your
opponent’s hand that really could be a threat. There
is a low chance that there is a card in their hand
that can be threatening, like a Terror Pit or
Alcadeias or something, but don’t really expect it.
Still, it will do something to switch up the game in
your favor.
The Recap
Here are the + and – again
- Convenient mana cost as to turn
- Another notch in the discard deck
- Your choice in what gets destroyed
- Free look in their hand
- Too expensive compared to other
good discarders
- There probably won’t be much to
choose from by Turn 5
- Too much discard can be overkill
- Useless if opponent has no real
- 2 turns away from the entire hand
being killed by a Lost Soul
2.5/5- Good effect, just not as good as other
very strong pre-negators
3/5- Probably more helpful here, since DB’s,
Terror pits, Snares, and Holy Awes are more crucial
in Limited.
2/5- Watch out…It’ll steal your soul…*eerie
background music…*
Well, that’s it for Scheming hands.
If anyone has any questions, comments, concerns
complaints, e-mail me at
Later Days….