Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Skyterror Q
Card #4
Date Reviewed: 01.19.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Lee Sandow |
Today’s review
is going to be really short, and not as full
of Witty banter as my others. I have been
busy lately with school, so if I start
missing some COTD reviews/ tournament
reports, forgive me. Speaking of, I won’t
be writing one for this week, but I got
schooled in case you were wondering. Stupid
draft… Anyways, todays card is a survivor,
one which I drafted to good use. Meet:
Skyterror Q
Cost: 7
Card Type:
Race: Survivor/Armored Wyvern
(Each of your Survivors has this
creature's ability.)
Double breaker
(This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Flavor Text:
Its war cry shreds the clouds. Its blades
shred everything else.
Power: 5000
Mana Generated:
Rarity: Very
Card Number:
I got lucky to
pull him, even luckier to summon him when I
had two other survivors on the field. Moving
right along…
Civilization/Race: He’s fire, he’s an
Armored Wyvern, and he’s a SURVIVOR. He’s
also currently the beefiest one in the
English game too. Unfortunately, he runs
expensive as far as fire creatures go, but
you’ll only use him in a survivors deck
anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
Seven mana is expensive, but not
unfeasible. If you are running mana accel
you can summon him fairly quickly. He costs
a bit much for his power, but I’ll get to
why in a minute.
5000 power is in the mid-range. It kills
wimps and suicides most middle cards. Look
out for big evolutions and Triple Breakers
(yeah, right) though.
He is a survivor, so he gets the ability of
every other survivor on the field. That
means he can have any number of abilities,
but I’ll only judge the one he comes with.
He gives all survivors (including himself)
double breaker. That can make all you
survivors on the field HUGE. Blazosaur Q
and friends are suddenly a WHOLE lot more
deadly. Combo this guy with the card that
prevents your opponent from blocking for
extra fun.
Ok, now that
I’ve reviewed these stats, let’s see how
they stack up.
overview: I’m going to rate him for a
Survivors themed deck. Anywhere else, he’s
overcosted double breaker fodder. Use
someone else. In a Survivor deck, however,
he is almost a staple. This guy can make
ALL your wimpy, weaker survivors tanks.
Your opponent will not last long against a
huge storm of double breakers. Your
opponent WILL probably try to kill this guy,
so protect him as much as you can. He’s
good in a survivor deck, but skip him
elsewhere. 4/5
overview: Same story here, assuming you
draft a decent number of survivors. In my
draft, I did, and he allowed me to go on a
killing spree (which would have killed
Austin had he not Shield Triggered a Aqua
Surfer at the dead last second…). He’s also
harder to kill here, so he’ll hang around
longer. 3.5/5
Oh, and Kudos to
Andrew Philips for his awesome report with
my picture. Loved it. I will dedicate
today’s final thought to you.
Taco Flavored
Kisses! - Andrew Philips

(Top 4 at
2004 GenCon - Indy
Championship) |
Bladerush Skyterror
Bladerush is an effective "seal the win" creature
for the S-deck archetype.
Players running Fire in their S-decks should
consider Bladerush Q depending on their overall
strategy--at least until the 9,000 power 6 mana
Survivor Evolution creature, Sigma Tureito (that
allows for even more shield breaking), is released
in the 6th set. Both options in a deck might be
1. Double Breaker. If Bladerush Skyterror Q wasn't a
Survivor creature, then there would be no need to
deck it. Double Breaker is much more effective on
Evolution and Speed Attacker creatures, especially
when you have to invest more than 5 mana for 1
2. Survivor. Now here's the reason Bladerush isn't
junk in its namesake deck. Since Bladerush shares
it's Double Breaker effect with the other Survivors,
you have the chance to turn other creatures into
double breakers and slam more shields. In that
regard, waiting a turn to hit with Bladerush isn't a
huge problem.
7 mana for 5000 power bites. Other Skyterrors
rocking the DB status for 7 mana have at least 6000
power. But the loss in 1000-2000 power rolls over
into Bladerush's ability to make all your other
Survivor creatures hack away at your opponent for 2
to the dome. In other words, Bladerush's effect in
an S-deck makes up for his cost and lack of power.
[Where To Deck]
Only in a S-deck. Just deck some Survivors creatures
with it--duh. For fun, here's a Bladerush Q S-deck
that I'm tweaking at the moment (I have several
S-decks that I'm testing). The deck NEEDS WORK, but
you can nab a few ideas from it as a starting point
for your Survivors deck:
~~4 Marrow Ooze, the Twister~~
~~4 Blazosaur Q~~
~~4 Smash Horn Q~~
~~4 Dimension Gate~~
~~4 Ballonshroom Q~~
~~4 Skullsweeper Q~~
~~4 Searing Wave~~
~~4 Terror Pit~~
~~4 Natural Snare~~
~~2 Bladerush Skyterror Q~~
~~2 Twin-Cannon Skyterror~~
I'm going to test Brutal Charge, Brain Serum,
Spikestrike Ichthys Q, Corile, Lost Soul, more
destruction and some stuff for Blocker decks.
[Format Ratings Overall]
Contructed: 4/5. Turning the cheaper Survivors into
a double breakers will surely hurt your opponent if
he doesn't have a way to deal with them. Brings more
pain to that whole "sharing is caring...err winning"
Survivor deck theme.
Limited: Medium. Pack some Survivors with it, and
blockers if you can help to stall for it. On its own
Bladerush a competent lategame hitter.
I have a chicken on my head. Just kidding.
Knives101 |
Bladerush Skyterror
This card has quite a bit of potential. It could
work in a Fire/Nature deck that runs all the cheap
survivors. Just drop this guy while you have other
survivors in play. Poof! Instant Double Breaking!
Survivors are a little hard to keep into play. Right
now you gotta either protect them greatly, or just
play more survivors than your opponent can deal
with. Bladerush will be better in upcoming sets.
Right now he's decent.
Rating: 4
Mohamed Alhendy |
Today’s card is
Bladerush Skyterror. It’s also our first survivor
card! Survivors are some of the greatest creatures
in this game, because the combinations of these
cards are endless. In our first set with survivors,
there are 10 survivors available to use. That’s a
pretty good starting number to mess around with.
However, in later sets, we’ll get to use even more
survivors with better effects. Now onto the Review!
Bladerush Skyterror is the only Very Rare survivor
in the Survivors of the Megapocalypse. So naturally,
it’s got a pretty good effect. Bladerush makes all
your survivors double breaker. So, if you can keep
your survivors alive in till turn 7 (or earlier if
you’ve got mana acceleration) then you probably just
have to slam this down to win. Double Breakers are
never a bad thing, as long as you’re the one using
them. Use this card with miracle quest or brutal
charge for even more advantage.
However, like every card, Bladerush has its
disadvantages. Like I said earlier, this card will
normally come out on turn 7. By that time, its
highly likely you won’t need a double breaker to end
the game. Also, this card has summoning sickness, so
if you manage to use win on turn 7, then Bladerush
would just end up being a 7 cost spell that makes
all survivors double breakers. You might be better
of using mega detonator or snake attack. Also, 7
mana for 5000 power doesn’t provide that great of a
power to cost ratio. The other survivors come in
mid-game and usually have game breaking abilities,
so they have a reason to have a uneven power to cost
Overall, this card has potential in a survivor deck.
However, I find most of the other survivors better
than this one, so I usually pass it up.
Constructed: 3.5/5 in Survivor-Based Deck (This guy
is just the bomb you need in a deck like this,
especially if you don’t win right away after playing
2.5/5 in Partial Survivor Deck (Even a few weenie
double breakers should quickly get the game over
with. Might be harder to accomplish double breaker
overkill here though)
1/5 Non-Survivor Deck (It obviously is just an
underpowered fatty in a deck without other
survivors. Very unlikely you’ll get two of these on
the field, and even then, effects won’t stack)
Limited: 4.5/5 (Fatties are always good here. Double
Breakers are always good here. And sharing double
breaking effects in a tournament with few to none
blockers is great! If you manage to pull other
survivors this card is great, and if you don’t, it’s
still good)
Kaijudo Chris |
The fith expansion the the duel masters trading card
game has introduced many new abilities, but none
more potent than the "survivor." A great example of
this is Bladerush Skyterror Q. With this survivor
ability, as you may know, Bladerush Skyterror Q has
the power to share his double breaker with other
survivors on his side of the battle zone. In
addition, he gains the same powers of other
survivors on his side of the battle zone. Though,
survivors don't come cheap. On average, they cost 2
more than a typical 1 to 1000 creature. Bladerush
Skyterror Q here is a hefty 7 mana creature for 5000
power. 7 mana is just past that costly border line
we try to stay behind. So, if you're going to invest
7 mana on any given turn, you must be sure to suck
every reward out of Bladerush Skyterror Q. A way of
doing this would be to throw in other survivors into
your deck. I don't reccomend adding costly survivors
such as Bladerush here, rather some affordable ones
(ie Blazesaur Q & Balloonshroom Q). Aside from
recieving a possible ability from a fellow survivor,
Bladerush Skyterror Q has the double breaker effect.
If it weren't for this nice shield-breaking touch,
I'd render this card too pricey. If you're to run
this card, I strongly urge you to revolve it around
a Survivor Deck or somewhere along those lines.
Otherwise, there are plenty of other cards out there
where you can get more bang for your buck. Bladerush
Skyterror Q gets a low 2/5.
+ Survivor - Pass it on, get some more!
+ Double breaker - Two shields too many!
+ 5000 Power - Not too low, not too high!
- 7 Mana - Invest Cautiously!
Note: Many wonder why Survivors end their names with
"Q", this is explained to-the-point on Ballus,
Dogfight Enforcer Q's flavor text - "To indicate the
telepathic link shared by all Survivors, scientists
added a code letter to their names." |