Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Smash Horn Q
Card #55
Date Reviewed: 01.31.05
Constructed Average Rating: 4.20
Limited Average Rating: 4.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Lee Sandow |
Today’s card was
originally meant to be a Triple Breaker, but
our staff had a last minute change of heart
and decided to review something that is
actually playable. I’ll start off by saying
That having been said, we can now get on to
today’s review, which marks the beginning of
a week-long survivors theme. Survivors,
unlike Triple Breakers, are playable in
their own deck, and few are better than this
Smash Horn Q
Cost: 3
Card Type:
Race: Survivor/Horned Beast
(Each of your Survivors has this
creature's ability.)
This creature gets +1000 power.
Flavor Text:
The symbol on its back is proof of its
refusal to die.
Power: 2000+
Mana Generated:
Rarity: Common
Card Number:
This guy is one
of the better survivors in a survivor deck,
and unlike most of the rest of them, this
one MIGHT also see play outside of a
survivors deck.
Civilization/Race: He’s nature, as you
can see, and this isn’t really that
interesting. He is also a Horned Beast,
which IS interesting. This guy is GREAT
cheap evo-bait for Niofa, Horned Protector.
Since low cost Horned Beasts are few, this
guy will shine there. Since he’s also a
survivor, he will also play well with a
survivors deck.
Three mana is an amount that nature has
reserved for a certain card. Bronze-Arm
Tribe. This guy is simply a vanilla
creature, at 3 for 3000, and has no extra
effect unless you have another survivor on
the field. Still, he’s nice and cheap, and
you can’t go wrong with his cost/power
He has 2000 power, which is then given a
permanent 1000 point boost by his own
ability. So basically, he has 3000 power,
plus whatever other Survivor benefits he may
acquire. As far as my understanding of this
card goes, if you get two of this guy on the
field at the same time, he gets 1000 power
times two. So he would be at 4000. I’m
pretty sure this is how this works, cause
PERMANENT stat increases stack, whereas
Power Attacker does not. Bear that in mind
Well, I have already discussed his ability.
He gives himself and all other Survivor
cards plus 1000 power all the time. Not
groundbreaking, but certainly not bad
either. It’ll make Bladerush Skyterror all
the more threatening, and will make your
other survivors a little bit more hardy.
And it puts all of them (except Blazosaur Q)
out of that pesky Crimson Hammer range.
Ok, now that
I’ve reviewed these stats, let’s see how
they stack up.
overview: I’m going to review him for a
Survivors deck. He’s a great, early drop
survivor with a fine ability. If you are
using the nature side of the survivor
family, I really don’t see how you can go
wrong with this card. Actually, I’ll also
say the same thing about him in a Niofa
deck. In both of those decks, I’ll give him
4.5/5. Anywhere else, pass on him.
You can do better.
overview: He’s a quick, cheap drop that
will give your other survivors more power.
Simply due to how quickly he hits the field
in a set that is dominated by high-cost
creatures, he gets 4/5. If you get
him and are using nature, run him. Plain
and simple.
The Tribe Has
Kaijudo Chris |
Smash Horn Q
This monday evening we review Smash Horn Q - our second introduction to the survivor creatures. So, the big question is, does Smash Horn Q size up to the previously seen Bladerush Skyterror Q? Not so much I'm afraid.
Though, Smash Horn Q is a survivor, its effect just doesn't compare to the many others of its kind. +1000 power is simply a slivered increase in power...generally never making a dramatic difference in the flow of battle. But, if you look on the bright side, it's better than Power Attacker +1000 (having to attack to get the sliver of power).
Immediately Smash Horn Q boosts itself by 1000 making him a 3 mana for 3000 power creature. Not bad in any standards. Generally, if you're running a survivor deck, Smash Horn Q might, just might, be a speck of flavor to toss in. Otherwise, you'll be simply boosting your own Horn's strength. And, if all fails, sack the Smash Horn Q for a Niofa, Horned Protector - recieving another possible Smash Horn Q! Overall, Smash Horn Q is a well-rounded creature that has a drop of survivor (not that its survivor ability with make a noticable difference) and gets a medium 3/5.
+ 3 for 3000 - Great considering its a Slayer. Horned Beast - Helps
+ this race in the Evolution department.
- 1000+ - This isn't as helpful as being a Double Breaker :P
Kettou Da!
Christopher "Kaijudo Chris" Thomas
Contact: webmaster@duelmastersn.com

Cecillbill |
Smash Horn Q
Coming off one craptacular weekend of Inuyasha
Sealed deck competition where, despite my best
efforts to wield something remotely playable from
the world's WORST random card pool (and I do not
exaggerate folks. I contemplated dropping before the
rounds started because I knew my card pool was utter
JANKY JUNK, UGH!!!!), I came to my senses on what
cards to review for this week. Originally I choose
some Triple Breakers to review because I know in my
heart that someone out there really wants to play
Billion Degree Dragon for all his 15,000 power glory
even though it's just not playable.
That was going to be my Duel Masters community
service bit for the week, but I decided to continue
reviewing the ultra-hot Survivor creatures. Whoosh.
Now, I'll turn my ramblings toward today's bit of
wonderful for Survivor decks. In my opinion, Smash
Horn Q is the Survivor creature every Survivor deck
should include (you now, as the starting point).
Why? Trying to maintain field presence with
overcosted weak Survivor creatures can be greatly
helped by Smash Horn Q's pump effect.
Survivor. This creature gets +1000 power. If you
ignore the Survivor ability for one second Smash
Horn Q pales in comparision to just about every one
of Nature's Beast Folk creatures costing 2-4 mana
along with many of the other creatures of that civ
regardless of race. That means this guy is not fit
for non-Survivor, non-Horned Beast deck time. Since
he has the Survivor ability his effect is very
helpful in that archetype because it's passed along
to every one of the weakling Survivor creatures that
grace the battle zone with Smash Horn Q. The extra
1000 power can aid Survivor decks with maintaining
field presence in the face of weenie removal such as
Crimson Hammer or Meteosaur, since many of the
pricey ones would be illegal targets for those cards
with Smash Q out. More than one Smash Horn Q on the
field can propell many of your Survivors out of the
target range for widespread weenie removal like the
ever-popular Searing Wave and the newcomer Sinister
General Damudo as well as resurging destruction
choices like Vampire Silphy and Burst Shot.
Losing a field of hitters you paid 3-5 mana to
summon that have 1000-2000 base power to a Burst
Shot is an immense loss in card advantage (among
other things). In order to exploit the tribal
synergy of the Survivors you've got to keep them out
as long as possible and Smash Horn Q can help
achieve that goal. Sure Smash Horn Q's effect is not
as flashy as Skullsweeper Q, but it could help you
keep on chucking cards with Skullsweeper Q.
3 mana for 3000 power is pretty blah. Smash Horn Q,
like the rest of its ilk, is better when there are
other Survivors out on the field. This power to cost
ratio also is better in Limited where, even without
other Survivors out, Smash Horn Q is a solid pick
for Survivors Sealed and Draft.
[Where To Deck]
Survivor decks. Smash Horn Q is essential to
Survivor decks. Without it you are running too many
overcosted creatures that can die to weenie removal,
leaving you with the very real possibility of mucho
card disadvantage.
Paramount to the success of every Survivor deck is
protection for the Survivors since they are
overcosted and weak. Obviously you can achieve that
end with early drop blockers like Hunter Fish and
running removal spells like Flame and Pit, but
having out 1 or more Smash Horn Qs is great because
it provides a continous pump (all options help) and
applies to all your Survivors. Plus, it presents
your opponent with some tough choices to make--use
kill to rid himself of the pumper so his widespread
kill can be effective or nail one of the other
annoying Survivors first--and which one of the
others? Really, that's the whole point. Nearly all
the Survivors bring something to the table that
needs to be quickly extinguished. With widespread
removal neutered for even one turn your opponent has
to pick and choose. I like those apples.
Nature-based decks with Niofa. Besides Smash Horn's
utility as the Survivor pump creature it can be
evo'd into Noifa. Both Smash Horn Q and Blazosaur Q
have utility outside of Survivor decks due to their
being cheap evo bait for Niofa and Dobulgyser. In a
Niofa-ish deck you wouldn't focus on the Survivors,
so you won't be sad to see Smash Horn Q's pump
effect disappear the moment it evolves into the
9,000 double breaking behemoth that is Niofa.
[Format Ratings Overall]
Constructed: Survivor decks: 5/5. Okay, so I think
you get the point. I feel that Smash Horn Q is
practically a must for Survivor decks. I may be
wrong, but hey, you'll be happy when your opponent
can't drop a Searing Wave on your field of
synergistic card drawing-slaying-blocking-power
attacking-unblockable-hand discarding-mana
making-double breaking-untapping field of Smash Horn
Q-pumped hitters.
Decks with Niofa: 5/5. Right now cheap evo bait for
Niofa rests in the hands of two creatures, Leaping
Tornado Horn and Smash Horn Q. Running the Smash Q
as Niofa evo bait allows you to do funky things like
pair Niofa and Dobulgyser in the same deck where you
can play off Blazosaur Q and Smash Horn Q effects
for some mini-Survivor aggro-action. It's zany.
Non Survivors, non-Niofa Nature-based decks: 0/5.
Don't bother.
Limited: High. In Limited, playing it off another
Survivor, especially Blazosaur since it’s very
cheap, can help the high priced Survivors get rid of
a other creatures. At 3 for 3000 it’s a solid hitter
in this format without its compadres.
Mohamed Alhendy |
Today’s card is
another one of the 10 survivors available for use in
this set, Spikestrike Ichthys Q. This card is one of
the few crimson hammer-resistant survivors, and
provides us with an effect that hasn’t been provided
in any set well but set 2: “This creature cannot be
blocked.” Let’s see if that effect fits in well with
this card:
Not only is Spikestrike one of the few strong
survivors, but its also the 2nd most costly too. It
comes at the price of 6 mana, and unless you’ve got
a Smash Horn Q on the field, this creature can be a
victim of searing wave. Furthermore, this is a
pretty pathetic creature alone, just another
pathetic unblockable to be packed with Faerie Child
and Candy Drop.
However, being a Survivor, it has hope at leaving
the group of rejected unblockables. It’s the perfect
finisher for an army of survivors, and is has many
great combos. Unblockable Slayers, for example, will
just leave your opponent shaking in his seat! It’s
also searing wave resistant after just one smash
horn drop, unlike most others, and can take out any
weenie with ease.
Overall, it’s not the best survivor choice at this
time, but it’ll probably get better. Right now
though, I’d rather stick with cheap survivors
ranging for 2-4 and even 5 mana, but stay away from
6. Twin Cannon Skyterror seems to serve as a better
game ender for survivors anyway.
Constructed (Survivor Deck): 3/5 (There are better
picks than this)
Constructed (Regular Deck): 1.5/5 (Just another
power-challenged unblockable. Reminds of Smile
Limited: 0.5/5 (Costs a lot but isn’t a fatty, and
is pulled in an environment with few survivors.
Furthermore, there are no blockers. Can you say