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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Crath Lade,
Merciless King
Card # DMS3
Date Reviewed: 07.13.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 1.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
DimAssassin |
Crath Lade,
Merciless King
I'm here once again to review a new card for you
guys today. And today's lucky card-to-be is the
Darkness super rare from Thunder Charge. His name is
Crath Lade, Merciless King. Let's take a look.
Name: Crath Lade, Merciless King
Cost: 8
Civilization: Darkness
Race: Dark Lord
Rules Text:
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap
it to use its ability.
Your opponent discards 2 cards at random from his
Power: 4000
Mana Number: (1)
At first look, Discarding two cards from your
opponents hand seems to be quite devastating, And it
is. But once you see his Power/Cost ratio, Most
people look another direction.
The only perpose I see for this guy is in a discard
heavy deck. But given all the other discarding
abilities out there, This guy falls behind. I would
much rather use Lost Soul for only 7 mana and
Discard my opponent's whole hand than pay 8 mana for
a 4000 power creature that wouldn't beable to use
his ability until the next turn. Which leaves him
open to cards like Terror Pit, Death Smoke and even
Tornado Flame. And if he manages to tap and discard
2 random cards, Chances are he'll only beable to use
his ability once. Given his measly 4000 power, Your
opponent should have a creature bigger than him
ready and willing to take him down.
What else could I play?
- Like I mentioned earlyer, Lost Soul is a much
better choice. Discarding your opponents hand for 1
less mana seems like a better idea to me.
- And if you wanted to get creatures on the board
and still discard cards from your opponent's hand.
You could play 2 Locomotiver. Same effect, Same
cost. Only thing different is that the Locomotivers
don't have to tap to use their ability and would
beable to attack and break 2 shields on the turn
that Crath Lade would tap to discard 2 cards.
Constructed: 2.5 / 5 Used in the right deck, He
might be useful. But there are much better choices
of cards to use than this guy.
Limited: 2 / 5 If you come across this guy, I
wouldn't pick him up. Discarding 2 cards is great in
Limited play, But at the cost of 8 mana with only
4000 power? He's to easy to attack and destroy in
Well that's all for today folks. Looking forward to
reviewing tomorrows card. Be sure to check back in
for more reviews!
You can contact me on AIM as XvDimAssassinvX or
E-mail me at .
And be sure to come back to for all of
your TCG needs!
Till next time Pojo readers. DimAssassin -out

(Top 4 at
2004 GenCon - Indy
Championship) |
Crath Lade,
Merciless King
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap
it to use its Tap ability. Tap ability: Your
opponent discards 2 cards at random from his hand.
Hand discard = way to hinder your opponent's mana
development, cripple his ability to make his key
plays, and prevent him from answering your key
plays. Hand discard, whether random or not, is
proactive control = rather than just sitting back
waiting for your opponent to play a card like Lancer
and then you have an answer for it in your hand like
Terror Pit, you actively try to prevent that card
from hitting the board period by taking a
random/non-random shot at knocking it out of your
opponent's hand. That way, your opponent has less
options for you to worry about. Hand discard doesn't
always grant card advantage (think Ghost Touch), but
sometimes it does (think Lost Soul).
Hand discard as become a hot commodity lately. An
overwhelming number of top
4 Invi decks are packing some form of hand control,
usually two or more of the following: Locomotiver,
Lost Soul, Horrid Worm, and Ghost Touch.
Propeller Mutant will be joining the ranks shortly.
Now we have Crath Lade, a creature that taps to
pitch 2 cards from your opponent's hand. That is a
sweet effect. In the lategame a hand really matters,
especially versus a Control deck. If you run out of
options and haven't sealed a win yet, then you're in
a great deal of trouble because Control decks will
just turn around and pound you with their card
advantage or you'll be without answers to halt
swarmers. Crath Lade is a shot at keeping your
opponent's hand down to a pitiful size in the
late-game, which is helpful because your opponent
will usually be sitting on enough mana to cast the
most expensive cards in his deck or mutiple cards
late-game. If you can get this guy out early (paging
Nature's acceleration) and keep it guarded with
other hand discard, creature destruction and a few
blockers, then you may have a discard engine on your
hands. And, when your opponent doesn't have a hand
to speak of, Crath can spot some 4000 or below
creatures or break a shield. Great, right?
The problem is that Crath Lade costs 8 mana.
4000/8 mana.
At Crath Lade's asking price it shouldn't be
grabbing deck space away from the previously
mentioned "big 5" hand discarders. Without
acceleration, this guy does his trick on turn 9, and
likely just once. Plus, it's competing with 8 cards
like Vampire Silphy and Ballom that can grant card
advantage the moment they hit the board. The earlier
Lade can be played, the better.
Don't get me wrong, being able to continously knock
two cards from an oppponent's hand is killer, but as
a very late-game tap effect this puppy likely will
not get going before being slammed with one of the
numerous creature kill cards that will likely have
be drawn by your opponent once you have 8 mana.
Control decks that do a lot of drawing are likely to
be the decks where your opponent will be sitting on
a healthy hand lategame, and therefore where Lade's
effect could be more useful. And, yet these decks
pack ample kill and discard themselves and have many
chances to prevent Lade from doing his thing. Lade
is the type of creature Corile loves, and Pit, and
Smoke, and Vortex, and Vise, and ... I'd rather just
stick with the big
5 discarders, and Lost Soul is my lategame discarder
of choice = all cards gone. Groovy.
[Where To Deck]
A Control deck running mana acceleration, like BAT,
Life, and Mulch Charger.
Having Lade as your only discard option is likely to
be a very wasteful use of the whole hand discard
mechanic = surround this guy with other discard like
Lost Soul and Locomotiver. Hit your opponent's hand
constantly = very evil when you can hit is field
with destruction too.
[Format Ratings]
Constructed: 2/5 in deck with ample Nature
acceleration to get it out and discarding early.
Honestly, and you can call me crazy if you want, but
I'd rather play Vampire Silphy for the same price.
Limited: 1/5. Speed is really key in this format,
and the cheaper hand discarders are the best here,
like Propeller Mutant. I think Limited decks should
be built for Beatdown, unless you can draft/pack
some control stuff like kill and blockers and go
Aggro-Control. You'd almost always just want to
swing with a creature to break a shield or kill
another creature here rather than use a tap
ability--still that's what decision making is all
about...tap to hit or tap to prevent = you decide.
Random Factiods: I've been reviewing DM cards at
Pojo for more than a year!
My Invi is this weekend! I like 80's music!
Steven Cantrell |
Yes, I am
finally back. My family went on our summer vacation
until last Sunday night, and I didn’t feel like
drafting Monday’s review the next morning. But you
can expect the regular CotD and tourny report
write-ups from here on out until my retirement at
the end of August. We will be covering the new
expansion cards from Thundercharge of Ultra
Destruction for a while.
Lade, Merciless King
Civilization: Darkness
Race: Dark
Mana Cost:
Eight (8)
Rules Text:
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap
it to use this ability:
Your opponent discards two cards at random from his
Flavor Text:
“Mortals are my crops. The souls are my harvest.”
Power: 4,000
Rarity: Super Rare
Set: Thundercharge of Ultra Destruction
These are
normally the first two things people notice when
they look at a new card. Unfortunately for Crath
Lade, his Power-to-Cost ratio is not a pretty sight.
Eight mana is far too expensive to warrant his
average attack and mediocre ability. One of the few
good things in this category is that Crath Blade can
at least survive the increasingly devastating
Searing Wave.
Darkness makes its living through hand destruction.
This means Crath Lade fits right in, but he also has
solid competition to deal with. Better hand discard
options include Lost Soul, Locomotiver, and Horrid
Worm. As for his Race, the Dark Lords have minimal
support. They also lack any evolutions whatsoever.
This effect looks potentially devastating at first
glance. Two cards gone from my opponent’s hand?
Great! But that is assuming Crath Lade lasts another
turn to use his tap-effect, and assuming your
opponent has two cards in his hand at all. The extra
turn gives your opponent time to see it coming. In
that situation they will attempt to destroy him, or
use up their entire hand.
Not too
exciting here. Mana generation is very “limited” in
drafts, so Crath Lade will be even slower without
the needed accelerants. Draw power also doesn’t show
up often in draft, meaning that the opponent will be
topdecking with a hand fairly often. There are much
better choices.
Bottom line
is that Crath Lade has an above average ability with
an above average price tag. Avoid him if possible,
but he could be okay in a Black n Green control
variant. That’s all for today...
Brett |
Name: Crath Lade, Merciless
Cost: 8
Race: Dark Lord
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Instead of having this creature attack, you may
tap it to use its


Your opponent discards 2 cards at random from
his hand.
Flavor Text:
"Mortals are my crops. Their souls are my
Power: 4000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Eiji Kaneda
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S3
I love his art. This card is a very nice
discarder. Wow, that is a real word. If you
cast lost soul turn 7 and then summon this turn
8 and tap turn 9 your opponent will have no hand
again. If you use blue / black attack with
crystal lancer, then tap this and your opponent
won't get any cards. I wish I had this card...
It can be devastating.
Constructed: 5/5 (in the right deck) It has
infinite uses.
limited: 3.5/5 Not enough mana excel
art: 5/5 Ahhhh or aim at
toiletheadbrett if you have questions or are
going to MD for invitationals this weekend...