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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Saucer-Head Shark

Card # DM38

Date Reviewed: 10.01.05

Constructed Average Rating: 3.33
Limited Average Rating: 4

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Yes, I am back. Sorry for not review for a llllllllllooooooooonnnngggggggg time but, I had "stuff" to do. Anyway, today we are reviewing saucer head shark.

Name: Saucer-Head Shark
Cost: 5
Race: Gel Fish
Civilization: Water
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, return each creature in the battle zone that has power 2000 or less to its owner's hand.
Flavor Text:
"Isn't it cool? The heads can be combined." -Tropico
Power: 3000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Naoki Saito
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 38
Set: Base Set

Its definitely a fun card to play. It is out shined by crystal paladin and such but, who cares.

Cost: 5 We all know what card water likes to play this turn.............*slaps noob* NOT TROPICO, CORILE! There are better drops for 5 mana.

Race: Gel fish who have no support.........

Civilization: Water. Good ol' water civilization. I think it is the best civilization so, this is a good thing and it fits in with the bounce and such in water.

Effect: This is where things get interesting. Bouncing all 2000 or less creatures to their owners hand. THIS INCLUDES YOURS! Combos well with come into play effects like corile's and aqua hulcus's. Also, is negative for your opponent unless they have a bunch of come into play effect creatures. You shouldn't play it then...

Flavor text: This is kinda weird.....

Power: 3000 is a little low for a 5 drop but, it IS higher than corile's power...

Constructed: 2/5 I can see where it might fit in but, its effect isn't always good, especially against a deck with a lot of CIP effects

Limited: 4/5 If there is a place that has base set drafts, this will help due to there being little bounce in base

Till next time. If you have any questions, you can IM me and if you don't know my AIM name then I feel sorry for you because you're stupid....
Horus Master lv8

Now.. let's see... it's my Birthday so I can babble if I want to.. Oh crap wrong line.. oh well.. Today's card is a card that I have been wanting to play test for a while.  It's name is Saucer Head Shark. 


Name: Saucer-Head Shark
Cost: 5
Race: Gel Fish
Civilization: Water
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, return each creature in the battle zone that has power 2000 or less to its owner's hand.
Flavor Text:
"Isn't it cool? The heads can be combined." -Tropico
Power: 3000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Naoki Saito
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 38
Set: Base Set


Fun Fact: There are 10 regular Water creatures that cost 5 in the current English game. 


Race/Civilization: Fear the all powerful Gel Fishies!!  Well, it may not be the best race in the game, but I don't know.  Water has some pretty good cards out lately, so you may not be able to find room.  But I think you may want to playtest this anyways. xD


Cost/Power Ratio: Well it has 1000 more power than the more popular Corile.  But that may be because Corile has better support and a better effect in most people's opinions.  So if your getting 1000 more power, your escaping Burst Shot, Phamtom Dragon's Flame and Crimson Hammer, but not Searing Wave and Spastic Missile.  So kind of a plus, kind of a minus. 


Effect: o_0  A very questionable effect.  Maybe you could throw it into that deck that is week against Rush, or that deck that runs BAT, Aqua Hulcus, Corile, Meteosaur, and Emeral.  So it is your choice based on what deck you run.. I think the second list I typed would work best, because you could re-use your cards.  So people, however, like to use Shock Hurricane.  It is all personnal opinions really.  And Shock Hurricane may be easier to obtain that Saucer-Head Shark. 



Constructed: 3.5/5 I continue with my streak of 3's.

Limited: 3.5/5 You can really use this in Iimited, especially against fire creatures.  Since a lot of them have low attack. 

Overall 3.5/5  Must stop posting 3's lol.

Himura363 Name: Saucer-Head Shark
Cost: 5
Race: Gel Fish
Civilization: Water
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, return each creature in the battle zone that has power 2000 or less to its owner's hand.
Flavor Text:
"Isn't it cool? The heads can be combined." -Tropico
Power: 3000
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 38
Set: Base Set

First of all, this creature is a Gel-Fish. There is nothing special about Gel Fish right now.


The power doesn't matter in this card, because it is not played for its power.


The effect of this card is brilliant. A good way to re use Aqua Hulcus, Corile, Locomotiver, etc. This card can also help your opponent out. It would be best to clear your opponent's field before using this card. Facing against rush decks, this card will be hugely useful. Bye bye Mini Titan, Brawler Zyler, Deadly Fighter, and Rikabu's Screwdriver!


Limited: There are 30 2000 or less powered creatures in Base Set. Bouncin! 9/10

Control Deck: Using Hulcus, Loco, Corile,Emeral, etc is VERY good. 9/10

Picture: Odd but neat. 8/10

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