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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Bolshack Dragon
Base Set

Card # DM69

Date Reviewed: 10.07.05

Constructed Average Rating: 2
Limited Average Rating: 2

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Himura363 Name: Bolshack Dragon
Cost: 6
Race: Armored Dragon
Civilization: Fire
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
While attacking, this creature gets +1000 power for each fire card in your graveyard.
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Flavor Text:
The last city that offended it is now a ruin.
Power: 6000+
Mana Number: 1
Rarity: Very Rare
Set: Base Set

Armored Dragon. Dragons don't have much potential now, but when Set 8 (Epic Dragons of Hyperchaos) comes out, there will be a lot of support. So far in the Armored Dragon race, there are 2 Armored Dragon Evos: Uberdragon Zaschack and Uberdragon Jabaha, neither very good.

6 for 6000 is ok, but its ability makes up for that. Most Fire creatures end up in the graveyard like Rikabu Screwdriver or the Dismantler, etc. +2000 for each would be better, but +1000 is fine.

Fire Birds like Cocco Lupia help drastically decrease Dragon's mana cost, and when combined with Elf-Xs, you will find yourself not paying much for your infamous high cost dragons.

This card can get killed by alot played, but that can be said for many cards. Bolshack is too slow, I would rather get 2 Pyrofighters out for the same cost and sweep fast instead of waiting. I have Corile'd this card many times, and I enjoyed doing so. Please don't give your opponent enjoyment when he Death Smokes, Snares, Coriles, Pits, Vortex, Spiral Gate, etc this card.

There are a lot of faster things than Bolshack in Base Set. There is also a lot of destruction and bouncing. 4/10

Fire Decks:
Fire is known for Rush, and Bolshack is not very fast. Speed attackers, low cost creatures, etc would be better. 4/10

4cc Decks:
4cc likes more controlling elements like Corile, Merfolk, Cryptic, Bolmeteus, Bazagazeal, Hulcus, and others more than power. 3/10

Bolshack kinda looks like a dragon with a fierce lion's head. I like Oriental-ish dragons more than I like warrior type dragons, but Bolshack is an exception. 7/10

There's my review, Send a hate/love/moron e-mail to ZZ363@aol.com
Just remember, if you say something stupid, Ia mnot afraid to sig it =P

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