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Duel Masters Card of the Day
The Darkness
Civilization |
Date Reviewed: 09.12.05
Average Rating: 4.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Lee Sandow |
I'll end this
week with my other favorite civilization. For those
of you who are really observant, we're also going in
order that the civilizations appear in the set
numbers. Light, water, darkness, ______, ________.
You can figure out the other two for yourself.
Meanwhile, let's go investigate the
creepier-than-my-face Darkness civilization
(creepier than my face = OMGWTFBBQ scary)
The Darkness Civilization
Civilization Strengths:
KILL! That's what darkness does well. With spells
like Death Smoke, Chains of Sacrifice, and creatures
like Ballom, Master of Death, it is great for
disposing of those nuisance creatures of your
opponent's. Further, many darkness creatures have
the ability to be slayers, meaning that they will
take their opponent with them when they die.
Darkness also has a nice variety of attackers and
blockers, so it can survive on it's own. Darkness
has some extremely HUGE creatures, which hit the
field pretty early in some cases. Zagaan, Vashuna,
and worst, Daidolos can hit the field long before
your opponent is ready for them!
Darkness also shines in it's ability to control the
opponent's hand. Some spells, like Ghost Touch and
Lost Soul, along with creatures like Horrid Worm and
Locomotiver can leave your opponent with nothing
before too long!
Darkness also has the ability to revive creatures
from the graveyard back to your hand. Useful for
returning powerful creatures you lost too early in
the game.
Civilization Weaknesses:
Many darkness creatures are suicidal, or require
another creature to be sacrificed for their
abilities to work. When planned for, this usually
isn't a problem, but you still need to be careful.
Other than Mongrel Man, this civilization also
doesn't have much in the way of draw power.
Civilization Strengths:
I've discussed why water plays well with darkness,
and why a brave soul could try to use it with light
(see those reviews). Darkness also plays VERY well
with fire. Both fire and darkness have powerful
offensive spells, and both also have great small
creatures for rushing your opponent. Thus, a control
deck or a rush deck could be born of these civs if
they are combined.
Nature can be used to great effect with darkness
too. Use mana accel to summon your darkness
creatures faster, or pummel your opponent with
nature creatures while you use darkness spells!
Notable Darkness Cards:
Ballom, Master of Death - A massive creature that
toasts all non-darkness creatures when he's
summoned. Good times all around.
Terror Pit - The best kill card to date, it can kill
any creatures with no questions asked. It's also a
shield trigger, thus being icing on an already
delicious cake (I want some cake).
Lost Soul - For a mere seven mana, your opponent
bids their hand goodbye. Lethal at the right time,
and annoying ALL the time.
Mongrel Man - Why not use darknesses suicidal
tendencies and killing powers to your advantage?
Everytime a creature dies, this bad boy lets you
draw a card.
Zagaan, Knight of Darkness - He just looks cool.
A powerful civ that can stand well on it's own, but
works best when comboed with another civ. Namely,
blue or red. 4.82/5, to mess with the average at the
top of the page.
The roof, the roof, the roof is on ______! |
Steven Cantrell |
Darkness has long been considered one of the more
powerful civilizations by duelists around the globe.
I’ve utilized it in almost every deck throughout my
long career, with good reason. They have
one-hundred-eleven total cards, tied with Light for
the most. That breaks down into 88 creatures and 23
Black is extremely aggressive in the
DM war that broke out with the release of
Shadowclash this time last year. They openly oppose
the forces of Light and Nature, while calling upon
Water and Fire for reinforcements. Hey, that fits
perfectly with the M:tG color wheel I keep telling
you guys about. Who would have guessed...
Top Cards:
- Bloody Squito
- Propeller Mutant
- Horrid
Worm (3.75)
- Locomotiver
- Mongrel
Man (4.00)
- Ghost Touch
- Dark Reversal
- Proclamation of Death (4.00)
- Terror Pit
- Lost Soul
Those ratings come from past CotD
reviews or are my own opinion if that card has never
been done before. Together the top black cards have
an average rating of 3.96. That puts them far ahead
of Light and just behind Water. The creatures weigh
in at 3.83 while spells are an impressive 4.09.
Overall those are solid scores.
Darkness cards have many separate themes that all
fit into one major category: destruction. Whether it
be field, hand or grave, black just loves smashing
stuff to pieces. They also tend to sacrifice long
term advantage for immediate gain. All together the
forces of Darkness can be quite intimidating to
face. Let’s break down some of the more important
mini-themes now.
Discarding cards from your opponents
hand carries the same advantage as draw power,
except in reverse. Many black cards can do this
effectively. The cheapest available option, Ghost
Touch, quickly sets your opponent back. Even nastier
are the creatures like Horrid Worm and Locomotiver
that can discard and attack all at once. Then we
come to the mack daddy of all hand control, Lost
Soul. Nothing is sweeter than wiping out your
opponent’s entire hand, especially after they just
used Merfolk or some other draw power.
Board control is the other main
strength of Darkness. There are tons of
cards, both creatures and spells, which focus on
removing threats. The most well known is probably
the Base Set staple Terror Pit. Other powerful
choices include Death Smoke, Proclamation, Hopeless
Vortex, and Chaos Worm. These are all great for
removing fatties like Cryptic Totem or other double
breakers. Any Cyberlord is also a common target
these days. Never underestimate the effect that
field destruction can have on a duel.
A major weakness of black is
definitely the high mana curve. It can be a bit slow
in the beginning, but that’s why we have more than
one civilization. Darkness forms a particularly
strong control tandem with Water. Hand advantage
early on leads to field presence later. Keep that in
Underrated Picks:
The following cards are ones that I believe could
easily see more play than they currently do. That
doesn’t mean they are godly by any means, just that
you might want to give em a shot sometime for fun.
- Vampire Silphy
- Cursed Pincher
- Wailing Shadow Belbetphlo
Each of these three can have a
devastating effect on your opponent’s field. With a
single shot, Silphy could quite feasibly knock out
ten or more weenies. Just be sure that you’re
killing more opposing creatures than your own.
Pincher and Belbetphlo share the Slayer ability.
They will take down any creature that gets in
the way. Now let’s wrap up today’s review with my
overall impression of the black civilization.
As a whole Darkness is impressive enough to rank
second on my list. Control decks are dominating
right now, in large part thanks to the destruction
offered by black. I consider them to be an anchor
civ along with Water, worthy of 14-20 slots per
deck. With the updated standings, you can start to
see how things are shaping up.
1. Water (blue)
2. Darkness (black)
3. TBA
4. TBA
5. Light (yellow)
Next week we wrap up Civilization of
the Day with Nature and Fire. Make sure you check
out the reviews! I sadly will not be able to
make the tournament at GQ tomorrow due to a soccer
scheduling conflict. Till next time...
Steven Cantrell |
Horus |
Guess who is back xD…. I know that everyone
missed me very much, but now I should be here
for a bit.
As some of you may know I live in Louisiana, and
as some of you may know, it was hit by the
Well my house is fine it is just that we aren’t
really “allowed” back. So for now I will be
stuck here in Georgia x(.
Enough with that, I bring you the Darkness Civ.
Well in this civilization, most “good” cards are
to the - less power/more cost or great effect
but high cost – mainly because of their
effects. This is very understandable. Every
now and again a card will come out with good
ratios, but not so good effect, and again this
is understandable. So on with the rest!!
As stated, some of these effects are great.
Most Dark cards generate their powers to
destruction. Whether it be Hand Destruction or
Creature Destruction, Dark is famous for it.
Some cards that come to my mind are:
Terror Pit
Hopeless Vortex
Death Smoke
Lost Soul
Ghost Touch
Horrid Worm
However that is not all. Dark is also famous
for another thing. That is what I call SDC
(Self-Destroying Creatures)
They are some of the cards that come with great
ratios, but not so good effects:
Bone Spider
Bloody Squito
Dark Clown (not sure if this is the correct
I would have to say that the effects are pretty
good, regardless of the drawbacks.
So my ratings are:
4.5/5 I would say running this and another
civilization/civilizations would be awesome. I
have an idea for a great deck with Darkness,
Fire, Water, and Nature. But don’t expect me to
be the one to tell
3.5 Sometimes, the cards tend to be on the
downside, especially in certain packs. Just be
sure that what you choose is not going to
backfire on your plans for winning.
4/5 A great civilization to use overall. Using
the right cards shall put you one step closer to
Well that is all for now. Any comments
whatsoever can be sent to Good bye and happy