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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Splash Zebrafish
Card # DM23
Date Reviewed: 09.19.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Lee Sandow |
Well, today's
card was one I had to look up before I typed
this, because I had forgotten what it does!
D'OH! I'm so out of shape for nationals...
Splash Zebrafish
Cost: 4
Civilization: Water
Card Type: Creature
Race: Gel
• When this creature is placed into the
battle zone, return a card from your mana zone
to your hand.
creature can't be blocked.
Flavor Text: "Dunno"
Power: 3000
Mana Generated: 1
Rarity: Uncommon
Card Number: 23/55
Oh! I get it now! This guy is kinda like flood
valve and Thrash Crawler, which allows you to
fish a card out of your mana zone late
game. Haven't we been through this recently
with the review of Flood Valve?
Civilization: 'Water' you
waiting for!?! *Is shot* He's also a Gel
Fish... Whoopdiedoo... (I just failed a test, in
case you're wondering why I'm cranky).
Cost: Four mana, plus you lose
one from the mana zone. Well, here's a tip, tap
whatever you plan to return as part of the
cost. FOur mana isn't too much, but I'd rather
play a Brain Serum...
Power: 3000. I think I might
have overpaid... But it's decent...
Abilities: I'm gonna copy and
paste my FLood Valve stuff here...
This is where
things get fun. You can return one card from
your mana zone to your hand. This can be really
helpful late game. Did you set that Crystal
Paladin on turn one, and need him now? Did your
Bronze-Arm Tribe send that Pyrofighter to your
mana zone? Do you just NEED that Terror Pit you
were forced to part ways with? Spend this card,
and a measly two mana (one, if you think about
it, since you can tap whatever you return), to
return a card to your hand. Sure, you lose some
mana, but late game this doesn't matter so
much. Your hand size actually remains the same,
so no harm done.
This effect
is awesome! It allows you to 'protect' a card
until you need it by putting it in the mana
zone, where it is quite safe. With Lost Soul
running rampant, the hand just isn't a good
place to hold something. It also allows you to
take back a card you couldn't afford earlier.
Many of us have set our Terror Pits, Merfolks,
or Bazagazal Dragons on turn one because we
couldn't afford them. Now we can take them back
and make our opponents suffer!
Oh, and he
can't be blocked. With only 3000 power, I guess
that's a good thing...
Constructed overview: If you
want to return mana to your hand, this is a good
way to do it. If you want a solid card with a
kick butt ability, look elsewhere... 3/5.
Limited overview: Returning
mana in this format can be a bad, bad thing when
timed badly. SInce this set also has about two
blockers, odds are you won't use his other
ability much. I can't say I recomment him...
Next time: I'd better pass this next test...
Oh, the card is something Light...
Horus Master
lv8 |
Imagine you are swimming and then
all of a sudden, this thing comes out of the
water! You try to send your blockers, Gran Gure,
Space Guardian, and Emerald Grass out to block
this creature and it just goes right around
them. What should you do now?? Maybe put this
new creature, Splash Zebrafish, into your deck!!
So now that you know its name and one of its
effects (if you paid attention), let me give you
a better view of this underrated card.
Splash Zebrafish
Gel Fish
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone,
return a card from your mana zone to your hand.
This creature can't be blocked.
Flavor Text:
"That's the
only thing I've ever seen come out of a
whirlpool." -Iere, Vizier of Bullets
Mana Number:
Norikatsu Miyoshi
Number: 23
Now on with the review.
Cost/Effect Ratio:
4/3000 isn’t that bad. Actually, it is pretty
good. Water doesn’t’ have that many playable 4
drops. The notable ones include Thrash Crawler,
Brain Serum, possibly Unicorn Fish, and now
this. Thrash has the best ratio out of those
three creatures. It is also a blocker. People
are already starting to realize Thrash’s
possibility and are beginning to run it in many
of their decks. So now that I covered this
section, on with the effects.
Splash has two effects. The first one is that
it cannot be blocked. I’ve already said that
but I just wanted to make sure you heard. The
second one is the same one Thrash Crawler has.
Whenever you put it into the battle zone, choose
a card in your mana and add it into your hand.
So for your late game, if you are looking for a
card and see that it is in your mana, play this
and get it back. Then your opponent has two
problems; the card you got back, and your new
“Cannot be blocked” Zebrafish. So you may want
to try this out in your deck(s) if you run water
by itself or with another/other civilization(s).
Constructed: 3–4/5
Well I am not so sure since I haven’t play
tested it yet. I believe that it could have as
much impact as Thrash is having.
Limited: 2/5
It isn’t that great here. You only have around
6 blockers in this set. You also need to keep
as much mana as you can.
Overall: 2.5–3/5
It is a little under average. Though I am still
uncertain with this card.. Some playtesting may
be needed to determine the future of this card.
If you have any comments, don’t be shy!! Show
me something that you may want me to review.
Anything people just don’t be shy. Be HEARD!!
Contact me at So until next time,
happy dueling!
Steven Cantrell |
This week is yet again my turn in the
card-picking order. We’re going to hit on a couple
of neat creatures from the latest set before
Friday’s special review of promo cards.
could not make the tourny at
Galactic Quest this past weekend, so there
unfortunately will be no report for you to enjoy.
But be sure to check out every CotD though as we
draw nearer to the showdown in Los Angeles. Now meet
today’s underrated beast...
Splash Zebrafish
Type: Creature
Civilization: Water
Race: Gel Fish
Mana Cost: Four (4)
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the
battle zone, return a card from your mana zone to
your hand.
This creature can't be blocked.
Flavor Text:
"That's the only thing I've ever seen
come out of a whirlpool." -Iere, Vizier of Bullets
Power: 3000
Rarity: Uncommon
Set: Thundercharge of Ultra
The four mana slot could be great for Splash
Zebrafish. There are relatively few other good cards
that happen to cost four except things like
Locomotiver and maybe Crystal Memory. That’s also
the first turn where you could reasonably bounce
your own mana without being hurt too badly. Splash
Zebrafish’s power, like his mana cost, fits into the
medium range. Three thousand attack can take out all
the commonly played weenies and handle some chump
blockers, but be wary of mass field removal like
Searing Wave. A decent ratio all considered.
Water is of course known for draw power. Well Splash
Zebrafish puts a different spin on hand advantage,
forcing you to take back a mana and add it to your
hand. There are several other blue cards (mostly
spells) with this ability including Thrash Crawler
and Mystic Dreamscape. More on that later.
Race-wise, Gel fish are nothing to get excited
about. They have a solid army at fourteen strong,
but no evolutions or support. Moving on...
At first glance, returning cards from your mana zone
to hand seems like a downside. But think about the
advantages of this effect late game. You have a good
number of mana and nothing to spend it on. Enter
Splash Zebrafish. Now you gain a creature and
another card to help put that mana to use. Just be
careful playing Zebrafish early on, as the mana loss
could very well cause some trouble. His second
ability, being unblockable, can come in handy in a
pinch. This will usually get you through chump
blockers, no matter how numerous they are, or
something bigger like Thrash Crawler. Just remember
that unblockability does not prevent Zebrafish from
being attacked on your opponent’s turn. Time to wrap
this up...
Splash Zebrafish is one of the better
cards available in a Thundercharge draft. He brings
an unblockable body and the ability to retrieve a
card that you may only have one copy of. Nice.
In the regular format, this guy has
some potential but will not see a whole lot of play.
Try him out in mono-blue or an aggressive scheme
like Water/Nature. You just might be surprised.
Steven Cantrell
Thrash-494 on DMRealms