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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Rodi Gale, Night
Card # DM23
Date Reviewed: 09.21.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Lee Sandow |
The good news
is, I passed my next test. The BAD news is,
we're clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel
here by having to review this card...
Rodi Gale, Night Guardian
Cost: 4
Civilization: Light
Card Type: Creature
• Darkness Stealth
Flavor Text: "There's a really good chance I
don't care what is written here. You wanna
challenge that?" - Lee Sandow, the Bored
Power: 3500
Mana Generated: 1
Rarity: Common
Card Number: 23/55
Yeah, he's nothing special, let's review...
Civilization: He's light, so
he fits in a deck using light. He's a guardian,
so you can always evolve him into one of the
guardian evoutions that nobody uses anyway. Of
course, La Ura Giga is better for evoing
Cost: Four mana. Meh, middle
of the road, nothing really fits this
description for light, so, meh.
Power: 3500 for 4 mana is
little lacking, but it isn't too scewed. This
guy CAN survive a Pyrofighter, so he's alright
by me.
Abilities: If the opponent uses
Darkness Mana, this guy can't be blocked. I
guess he makes a decent attacker to fight the
popular Blue Black/ RBD/ BUG/ OMGWTFBBQ decks
out there... Still, this is only Ok...
Constructed overview: It just
BEGS to be Coriled... I'm sorry, but I really
can't recomend this card. He's too situational,
and if you are worried about blockers, try a
Crystal Paladin. I'm serious. 1/5
Limited overview: His power is
at least decent here. Oh, and need I mention
there are very few blockers in this set
anyways? 2/5
I'll use this spot to PROMOte friday's
Horus Master
lv8 |
Hurricane Horus is back home... Today we will
review an interesting light card... I don't
particulary care for it. But before I say more,
here is the review!!
Rodi Gale, Night Guardian
Cost: 4
Race: Guardian
Civilization: Light
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Darkness stealth (This creature can't be
blocked while your opponent has any darkness
cards in his mana zone.)
Flavor Text:
The wounds of war run deep . . . and are full
of pus.
Power: 3500
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Shishizaru
Rarity: C
Collector Number: 13
Today's card couldn't come from a more
well-known type for Light evolutions. It's type
is none other than, Guardian!! Okay that was
lame. Anyways, since it is a Guardian, it's a
Light card. Light is one of those civilizations
that doesn't get the respect that it deserves.
Though it can be pretty dangerous if used
correctly. Anyways let's move on.
Cost/Power Ratio:
Light is pretty good when it comes to this.
Plenty of Light's creatures have very good
ratios. This creature's is no different. I
consider 4/3500 very good. However, I have seen
many times that good ratios sometimes lead to
either :
a.) Not so
good effects
b.) Okay
effects but not as "useful"
Once again history repeats itself. This effect
IMO would be classified under the second letter,
b. Many players use darkness. However, they
will mostly use it as "destruction". The most
commonly played decks that include Darkness
creatures only use around 1-3 blockers. The
most commonly used is Bloody Squito. It is
probably the only blocker that is used that has
the power to destroy Rodi Gale. What I am
trying to get across is that I don't think that
you should use your deck space for this
creature. Though this is my own personal
opinion, this is what I think other people will
Constructed: 2.5/5 I believe that
because of it's power, that it deserves a high
3/5 You may disagree, but remember this is
limited. As long as your opponent doesn't get
his/her Hopeless Vortex or other destruction
cards, this may pose a threat.
2.75/5 Meh, a little underaverage. It can do.