Hey everyone! I should have the
tourny report ready for you guys by Wednesday, but
I’m not making a guarantee on that date. I do have
AP Tests and SAT’s to study for all this week…
For this week, we show off the cool
stuff that the new Stomp-a-trons puts on the table.
You know, besides Pyrofighter, Bazagazeal, and
Anyways, today we review a red card
that follows the new idealization for the set. You
know, the whole tapping instead of attacking k-rap…
Rikabu’s Screwdriver
Civilization: Fire
Type: Xenoparts
Mana Cost: 2
Ability: You can tap this monster
instead of attacking. If you do, destroy one
“blocker” on the field.
The Rundown
This card is pretty cool. I got some
first hand experience with the card with an early
draft of the set about 2 months ago. It does have
its greatness in its ability, but how great is the
wait for the effect?
The Positive Side
The card is an unlimited critical
blade from turn 3 on. The card is a great addition
for the already strong blocker destruction that Red
has all of a sudden exploded onto the scene.
The thing allows unlimited blocker
destruction from turn 3. Now, I believe that
Rikabu’s screwdriver is officially the cheapest tap
monster in the game so far, so it has its place with
the speed that red can offer.
The screwdriver can also attack at
the same time, if there is no existent blocker on
your opponent’s side of the field.
That’s really it. No need to continue
on. The effect is self explanatory, but in reality,
they all are, so why am I here?...seriously…oh,
that’s it. I’m going home…*door slams*
The Negative Side
*plane flies in*
Sorry. I forgot to finish, so I came
back after much needed thought and rocking back and
forth in a fetal position…
I personally don’t like tapper
monsters. We all have pointed out the main problem
with the cards. The fact that the card actually has
to be able to attack on the turn that you play it
really hurts the family overall. So, that means that
you have to wait until turn 3 to at all play the
ability, which is really late since you really could
just use a comet missile and it’s done.
The card isn’t fast enough for the
effect. There are some situations where you really
just need a critical or a comet missile to take care
of the job. I mean, If you have a syrius staring
down your neck, your not gonna be that happy seeing
this guy in your draw.
It’s like swinging at a ball with a
baseball bat that you need to pick up first…I don’t
get it…
The card only has 1000 attack points.
Do the math, anything can kill it. Even a crappy
Scissor Eye…
It’s really weird and wasteful to
only be able to really get only 1 use out of the
card. In that case, you’re so much better off with a
comet or critical.
The limited Side
The card does get better in limited
play. Here, blockers play a pretty large part of the
game. Most of the decks I see in limited that win
must have some sort of blocker ness to stop the
opponent. This guy does have his moments in limited
and could very well be the savior that you need…or
it could screw you over…
The Recap
Here’s the + and – Recap
+ Unlimited Critical Blades if you
can keep it alive
+ Still able to attack if you don’t
use the effect
+ Family Guy and American Dad is
finally on their season premiers!!! *starts to cry*
I’ve never seen anything more beautiful…
- Tap abilities can be too slow
- tap monsters need to be able to
attack to use the effect.
- Too weak to live an attack. 1000???
For cryin-out-loud, Marrow ooze can stomp it!
Constructed- 3/5-
I think it’s very decent. The fact that it can be
too slow really kills it’s potential. But still, it
can work in some decks.
Limited- 3.5/5-
A little better here, but not that much. Blockers
here do determine the game and all, but still, no
major advantages over a comet missile…
That’s it for the Rikabu’s
Screwdriver. If anyone has a Q, Triple-C, or just
want to speak their mind, E-mail me at
or my old address at
Later Days…