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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Invincible Technology

Card # 4

Date Reviewed: 05.11.05

Constructed Average Rating: 1.5
Limited Average Rating: 2.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Justin Florio

It is 9:20 P.M. right now, so I kinda put this review off to the last minute. It might not be so energetic and great as it usually is (can you sense the sarcasm?), but I'll do my best to sum this card up in 10 minutes. All this week we will be looking at the new Invincible spells from Stomp-A-Trons of Invincible Wrath. Today's is...


Invincible Technology


Rarity - Very Rare

Set - Stomp-A-Trons of Invincible Wrath

Civilization - Water

Type - Spell

Mana Cost - 13

Effect - Search your deck. You may take any number of cards from your deck, show those cards to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.

Flavor Text - The Acashic Database holds the secrets of the universe. After centuries of searching, the Cyber Lords have at last found a clue to deciphering it.



Complete Overview (sorry, but I am kinda short on time and this is my first spell card, sooo...)


    Invincible Technology is one of the five 13 cost spells from Stomp-A-Trons of Invincible Wrath. At an overwhelming mana cost, I doubt the cards will see much play. The only way possible a person would be able to pull this card off is by running Water in combination with Nature. Mana acceleration is definitely needed to be able to play this card. Unless you are playing an absolute n00b, you will never last 13 turns to play this card.

    Now, at 13 mana, you must be thinking, "Wow, this card must have an amazing effect!" In some situations, this card would definitely help. When this card is played, you get to pick as many cards as you want from your deck, show them to your opponent, and then add them to your hand. The good part of this is that you get whatever card you need at that moment. Now to the bad. Your opponent gets to see what you pick, so they know what is coming. Also, if you use this card to its full extent, your deck is shaved considerably. This makes it easy for your opponent to stall and deck you out. Plus, it is 13 mana. I just don't think this effect is worth 13 mana.


Final Analysis


Limited - 1/5 - No. Just no. This card will NEVER see play in this format. If you run this card, you are stupid. It is just extra mana.


Constructed - 1.5/5 - Definitely not one of the cards i would ever play. 13 mana is a hefty cost for such a so-so effect. If your aren't running mana accel or a stall deck, don't run this card. This card will not work unless the deck is built around it.


In conclusion... I don't like this card at all. Too big a price for its effect. Don't use it if you’re smart.


That's all folks. Tune in on Wednesday if you like slaughtering your opponents shields without letting them use their shield triggers. If you need to contact me:

E-Mail : darknessflame@charter.net

AIM Screen Name : StewieRoxUrSox
Steven Cantrell
We will be reviewing all five Invincible spells starting today and continuing into next week. The logic behind these spells is that they cost a tremendous amount to cast, but supply a game-breaking effect in return. Let’s take a look at what Water has to offer…
Invincible Technology
Type: Spell
Civilization: Water
Mana Cost: Thirteen
Rules Text:
Search your deck. You may take any number of cards from your deck, show those cards to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
Flavor Text: The Acashic Database holds the secrets of the universe. After centuries of searching, the Cyber Lords have at last found a clue to deciphering it.
Rarity: Very Rare
Set: Stompatrons of Invincible Wrath
The first problem is how to get to thirteen mana. Combining Water and Nature is the most effective option due to the massive mana acceleration offered by Nature. These two Civilizations have made a good tandem in the past anyway. Cards like Bliss Totem, Fighter Dual Fang, Faerie Life and Bronze-Arm Tribe will make 13 mana seem easy.
The effect of Invincible Technology does not win the game by itself. Instead it allows you to add any cards from deck to hand. Then on your next turns you can unload those cards on the opponent. There are certain strategies behind using Invincible Technology to make sure the effect does not backfire on you.
Casting this card can put any duelist on top of the world. Then you come crashing back to realize there are still important choices to be made before the duel can end. Most importantly, how many cards to search for. I suggest 4 as an absolute minimum. Otherwise it will not be worth spending an entire turn to play Invincible Technology. I suggest 10 as a maximum. Otherwise you run the risk of decking out. Any number in between will work on average. Each situation is different, so it’s really your decision to make.
Watch out for hand control! Lost Soul is the last thing you want to see after grabbing your best cards. To avoid a fiasco like that, make sure your opponent is not using Lost Soul in their deck. Simply abandon Technology to the mana zone if the opponent does indeed use Lost Soul. Be aware of other hand control cards as well. Even the best “Invincible” setup can crumble under the pressure of a good control deck.
Limited: 2/5
Thirteen mana can be done when drafting Stompatrons. At least two of Faerie Life and two Bliss Totem are a necessity. Even then you can not draw too many cards with Technology for fear of decking out. Best to stray away from Technology here unless you throw it in for fun.
Constructed: 3.5/5
The regular format suits Technology much better. You can carefully plan a deck to reap the best of what Technology has to offer. I suggest having 44-48 cards decked when using this card to prevent decking out. That way you also have a good number of cards left in the deck to choose from when using Technology.
Drizer Invincible Technology
Civilization: Water
Race: -
Mana Generated:1
Rules Text:
Search your deck. You may take any number of cards from your deck, show those cards to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
Power: -
Type: Spell
Artist: D-Suzuki
Drizer's Flavor Text (For cards that don't have them):
Flavor Text: The Acashic Database holds the secrets of the universe. After centuries of searching, the Cyber Lords have at last found a clue to deciphering it.

Hey everybody! I finally had a chance to review today, so let's get to it

Good Points of the Card

-Search for x amt of cards
Thats about it

Constructed Side

I don't think any of the invincibles are extremley good. I think unless your really desperate, or running nature, you shouldn't play this card.
I don't really have much to say about this card

Limited Side


Bad Points of the card


Overall Standings:

Card is pretty good

Limited:1 ( can't go lower)
Art: 2.6

Till next time,

Name: Invincible Technology
Cost: 13
Civilization: Water
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Search your deck. You may take any number of cards from your deck, show those cards to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
Flavor Text:
The Acashic Database holds the secrets of the universe. After centuries of searching, the Cyber Lords have at last found a clue to deciphering it.
Mana Number: 1

Wow when I saw this card I hated it but as I looked more into the set I found this card to bee quite OK.


Many people are probably thinking this card good and I think yes.  I mean you can now search for more cards to replenish your hand.  You can just grab 5-6 cards to have a new hand or you can grab all but 2 cards and be kinda dumb (Just alittle).  But well get to the point and start the review.



Draw cards

Hand replenish



13 mana


Constructed 3/5  AoL (Avatar of Luck)  and faire rocks

Limited 1/5- just look at it

Art-1/5 not impressed

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