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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Invincible Abyss
Card # DM-05
Date Reviewed: 05.16.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 1.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Lee Sandow |
I'm getting better at finding time to do these
reviews. I love having slack-off time in newspaper
class… Anyhow, today we get back to reviewing the
invincible cards, and this is one of the better
ones. The best one will be the last one we do…
Invincible Abyss
Cost: 13
Civilization: Darkness
Card Type: Spell
Send all creatures on your opponent's battle
zone to the graveyard.
Flavor Text: Something cool about how Ballom
tricked the light and nature civilization into being
poisoned in a trap.
Mana Generated: 1
Rarity: Super Rare
Card Number: 5/110
It's a very nice card. Use this, and get instant
field advantage. For you YGO players out there,
this is the Raigeki of DM.
: Darkness loves to kill creatures, and this card
does that excellently. It fits well into the theme
of a darkness deck, but it doesn't actually fit THAT
Because of this cost. Most Darkness decks will not
get 13 mana without some support from nature and
it's mana accel cards. 13 mana, as I'll be saying
for the next two weeks, is extremely hard to get, so
the effect better be worth it…
Ability(s): This
destroys all of your opponent's monsters in the
battle zone. That's it. For 13 mana, you
instantly win control of the board. Did your
opponent have a field of blockers slowing you down?
Not anymore! Did he have some big fatties out
that were going to kill you next turn? NOT
ANYMORE!! Still, this card is a waste of mana if
they don't have many creatures on the field when you
use it…
Ok, now that I've reviewed these stats, let's see
how they stack up.
Constructed overview
: Getting 13 mana isn't completely unfeasible here
(Steven Cantrell got 34 in one game once). If you
can get the mana quickly, this card will be great
for nailing all the weenie creatures your opponent
manages to summon. Hopefully, it isn't discarded
from your hand before you can use it, and hopefully
you aren't beaten to death while you wait. If you
pull it off, your opponent had better have had a lot
of creatures or you'll have pretty much wasted this.
3/5, when you use it right.
Limited overview
: 13 mana. Your opponent will likely die long
before you get that many mana. Unless you are
drafting for rarity, I'd pass on this. 1/5
Graduation in two weeks!!!

(Top 4 at
2004 GenCon - Indy
Championship) |
The "I-spells" that I think are worth playing in
Constructed, if you're actually going to commit to
the task of amassing 13 mana and rocking those
puppies, are Invincible Catalclysm & Invincible
Abyss. I might run 1 copy of Invincible Tech if I
were playing a deck with several I-spells--to search
them out--and then only if I am running Lost Soul
and Future Slash--a 'required 'setup that Ryoma
mentioned and that I've used effectively with
Technology. Slash to grab opponent's Lost Souls from
their decks--I find that most decks only run 2
copies, but watch out for Phal players--and Soul to
zap their hand, hopefully for the Souls they have
there. I just don't find Aura, Unity and Technology
very tempting, even though I have ideas of decks
that could run them. Well, none of I-spells are must
deck cards, but I'll explain my reasoning for
considering only Abyss and Catalcysm if I want to
use I-spells. For 13 mana being spent on 1 card, I
want a play that makes my opponent lose something
valuable without the need for me to make another
move like attacking (Unity). What's valuable? His
hand, his field, his shields, his mana. Catalcysm
and Abyss are the only ones that fit the
description. Let's see what Abyss is all about.
Destroy all your opponent's creatures.
So, here's that "hitting a valuable resource" deal
and it's a whopper--your opponent's entire field.
Gone. Whatever your opponent has out on the field
when you've got 13 mana is going bye-bye. Fatties,
weenies, blockers--regardless of power they all hit
the graveyard (or his hand if its one of "those"
kinda hitters). Abyss is a road clearer, but often
it takes out as many of your opponent's hitters as
Searing Wave or Chains of Sacrifice would have done
if you're playing a good creature kill deck. And a
good control deck has cheaper ways to decimate an
opponent's field or ways to 'hang in there' like
[Where To Deck]
Don't even attempt to run this card if you aren't
playing Nature's acceleration. That goes for all the
I-spells. Faerie Life, Bronze-Arm Tribe, Ultimate
Force, Bliss Totem, Posionous Mushroom, Fighter Dual
Fang, Essence Elf, Enchanted Soil--more than one of
those cards needs to be in your deck and at least
one of your choices needs to be "instant &
guaranteed." With that said, I also recommend that
you run Water for some draw and spell tutoring, like
Crystal Memory, and perhaps Thrash Crawler/Flood
Valve to reclaim these expensive spells from your
mana zone (you know I love Thrash, lol). You could
also use the stall tactics of Water as a way to hang
in to build 13 mana or re-use your mana acceleration
creatures effects. I'd also recommend trying your
deck as 4 civs: Water, Darkness, Fire, and Nature.
Kill, draw, mana gain, discard. Nice package. If you
run Light, then run with Phal Eega and perhaps
Forbos. Phal is just super in a deck that wants to
abuse spells, but it's a task to make 5 civs work.
If you run Abyss, then please realize that your deck
should at least be running Nature & Darkness.
[Format Ratings Overall]
Constructed: 2/5 in Control deck built to play
I-spells, otherwise skip it.
It's not necessary as you can always just "go
redundant" on cheaper kill like running Pit, Snare,
Shot, Wave, Meteosaur, Hammer, Chains of Sacarfice
in the same deck. Don't run Abyss depending on it
doing all the kill work for you. Also, I wouldn't
max this card out. Run 1-2 copies and use
draw/tutoring to fish it out.
Limited: 1/5. 13 mana? Forgetaboutit. I've won many
matches operating on 5 mana. Pull Abyss out the
pack, marvel at its shine, then toss it aside for a
hitter costing 3 mana or below or a blocker. Even
with some great mana acceleration pulls like Faerie
Life you'll want cheap hitters or bomb fatties
costing 5-8 mana over Abyss. A skip for me, but you
might feel differently based on what you pull or
draft. |
vX |
Alright! Into
day three of the Invincibles. Today we're
reviewing the card Invincible Abyss. Lets take a
closer look.
Invincible Abyss
Rules Text:
- Destroy
all of your opponents' creatures.
Flavor Text:.
After the
latest Nature victories in the Fiona Woods,
Ballom decided to host peace talks at the sacred
Xhalmic Crater. The stadium filled with Nature
and Light representatives, but Ballom, Trox, and
Daidalos never showed. As if on cue, the crater
started belching toxic gas.
Mana Number:
Alright, Not
much to say about this card that I already
havent in yesterday's card.
Still 13
mana, And with no darkness cards that can
produce mana, Means you'll either have to splash
green or wait till turn 13 to cast it. Most
games dont even last till turn 13.
all of your opponents creatures is a great
effect. But at its price? It's not worth it.
If you wanted
to destroy all of your opponent's creatures in
one fell swoop, Try useing Ballom, Master of
Death. He's much cheaper to play, A creature,
And in Mono-Darkness you dont lose anything from
his ability.
else could you play?
- Photocide,
Lord of the Wastes + Ballom Master of Death.
Same effect but you get a creature!
- Lone Tear +
Jack Viper + Daidalos, General of Fury + Marrow
Ooze + Marrow Ooze + Gray Balloon = 13.
Now those
seem like better idea's than just destroying
your opponents creatures..doesnt it?
- You destroy
all your opponents creatures.
- Costs 13
mana, And with no darkness mana producers means
a long wait.
- There are
different ways to go about destroying all of
your opponents creatures in one turn.
- You can
play Ballom and along with destroying all their
creatures, You can break 2 shields.
It seems to
me, That the greatest thing about this card is
it's Flavor Text...
1.5 / 5 ( The only way you'll ever get this
card out is if your splashing nature )
1 / 5 ( Unless your collecting the Invincibles/Set
of Stomp-A-Trons, Pass it on )
Well, Thats
my two cents about this card. If you feel like
contacting me about something, Feel free to at or on AIM as
brett |
pojo people this is my first CotD review. Today we
have one of the invincibles from stompatrons. Lets
take a look:
Invincible Abyss
cost 13
Destroy all your opponents creatures in the battle
flavor text: Something way to long to remember
-Brett Bryant
Good things:
Alright so aside from the 13 cost this is a good
card. Destroying EVERY ONE of your opponent's
creatures is a very good thing.
Bad things:
13 mana!!!!!!!!!! This is one of the most expensive
cards in the game...
Limited: It is possible to cast this thing if you
have something like bliss totem. I still highly
doubt that you will be able to cast this thing, but
if you do and you have a lot of creatures you will
probably win. It is still an okay card but, I would
not really recommend using it... 2.5/5
Constructed: It is fairly easy to obtain 13 mana in
this format with some green in your deck. It can be
good SOMETIMES if used in the right way. 3.5/5
Well, that's it for my first card review. my email
is and aim is
toiletheadbrett. |
Steven Cantrell |
Invincible Abyss
Type: Spell
Civilization: Darkness
Mana Cost: Thirteen
Rules Text:
Destroy all your opponent's creatures.
Flavor Text:
After the latest Nature victories in the
Fiona Woods, Ballom decided to host peace talks
at the sacred Xhalmic Crater. The stadium filled
with Nature and Light representatives, but
Ballom, Trox, and Daidalos never showed. As if
on cue, the crater started.
Rarity: Very Rare
Set: Stompatrons of Invincible Wrath
To everybody who has ever played Yugioh, meet
the Raigeki of Duel Masters. Invincible Abyss
completely wipes your opponent’s field of ALL
creatures. This wicked effect unfortunately
comes with the standard cost for Invincible
spells. In order to reach the massive mana
amount, you will need to combo Darkness with
Nature. Cards like Bliss Totem, Faerie Life,
Bronze-Arm Tribe, and FDF will make the job
Congratulations Timmy! You managed to get
thirteen mana before the opponent could kill
you. Now it’s time to turn on the offensive.
Cast Invincible Abyss and destroy all ONE of
your opponent’s creatures! Muhahahahaha…
This is where the problem lies. The Invincible
spells cost a massive amount, so the effects are
supposed to be insanely good. But Invincible
Abyss does not even win the game for you. In
fact, it probably only does what a much cheaper
card like Searing Wave or Chains of Sacrifice
could do. This card’s power is directly related
to how many creatures the opponent controls.
Killing two weenies is not worth it.
Slaughtering an army of six creatures is. In
other words, Invincible Abyss is too situational
for my liking.
Limited: 1.5/5
I would pass on Invincible Abyss in draft nine
times out of ten. The mana cost is just too high
for the result. If you do manage a good amount
of mana acceleration, maybe throw it in for fun.
Constructed: 2.5/5
In regular play, Invincible Abyss works better
because you can plan a deck around it. Darkness
should be the focus with Nature as a support
civilization. Be sure to include plenty of mana
boosters and an alternate win condition to fall
back on. Happy dueling!