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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Rothus, the
Card # DM85
Date Reviewed: 04.05.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 4.85
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Utility |
Hi everyone,
this is Utility, and I'll be doing Card of the
Days for Duel Masters from now on.
OK, for my
first review, it's Rothus, the Traveler.
Rothus, the Traveler
Cost: 4
Race: Armorloid
Civilization: Fire
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone,
destroy 1 of your creatures. Then your opponent
chooses 1 of his creatures and destroys it.
Flavor Text:
"Though battered and scarred, I march on
through wars, storms, and strife. I march on."
Power: 4000
Armorloids don't have much support, so nothing
special there. 4 is not much of a turn, except
for Magris, Thrash and some Chargers.
Its ability
is where it gets interesting. You can always
kill Rothus to kill a free creature, and you
could also destroy another one to keep a 4k
The problem
is, Rothus has a (debatably) more flexible
counterpart in Darkness, Proclamation of
Death (or even Death Smoke). If you want turn
four creature destruction, expect to make a
choice between these two. They each have
something that makes them useful: Rothus has his
(optional) fat body, and Proc has its Shield
Trigger. Both of these are situational, but
Shield Trigger is easier to abuse than Rothus'
body. But Rothus has more utility if used
properly, and can be used to kill off your own
creatures like Sinister General Damudo or
Propellor Mutant.
So, Rothus, I
feel, is better in a specialised deck.
In Limited,
creature destruction is vital, and fat creatures
are always welcome. Just remember to watch out
for the Death Smoke if you choose to keep it :)
3/5 in a
'regular' deck - can be replaced by Proc
4/5 in the
right deck, with ways to utilize it
The Pit Of
Terror |
Name: Rothus, the Traveler
Cost: 4
Race: Armorloid
Civilization: Fire
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone,
destroy 1 of your creatures. Then your opponent
chooses 1 of his creatures and destroys it.
Flavor Text:
"Though battered and scarred, I march on through
wars, storms, and strife. I march on."
Power: 4000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Seki
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 85
I like this card. See it as a Proclamation of Death
that's fire and has a creature attached. It's pretty
fair 1 for 1 trade off and the 4 for 4000 power is
great if you're sacrificing another creature instead
of this.
- Kills one of your opponents creatures.
- Pretty hard to get kill by being attacked seeing
all these 2000 power or under creatures being
- Still gets an effect out of it even if it gets
- Kills one of your creatures.
Constructed: 3/5 Very underrated. TI's a great card
and you know it.( I think)
Limited: 4/5 Alot better here because any removal is
good removal.
Morph3us |
Name: Rothus,
the Traveler
Cost: 4
Race: Armorloid
Civilization: Fire
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone,
destroy 1 of your creatures. Then your opponent
chooses 1 of his creatures and destroys it.
Flavor Text:
"Though battered and scarred, I march on through
wars, storms, and strife. I march on."
Power: 4000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Seki
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 85
Set: Base Set
“Yes, I travel for a living… is that a problem?”
Hi everybody! The name’s Morph3us and I’ll be your
Card of the Day Reviewer for today =D I reside in
Toronto, Canada and have been playing Duel Masters
forever! Well, since its release anyways xD So if
you’re ever in the area hit up Dueling Grounds for a
chance to duel me! Now, where was I? Oh yeah, the
Card of the Day ^.^
Todays CotD is Rothus, the Traveler who comes to us
from the Base Set. An old school card that is still
being scarcely played in decks. For 4 mana, you get
a solid 4000 power attacker with quite an
interesting effect. When Rothus hits the board, both
you and your opponent choose one of your creatures
in the battle zone to be destroyed. But why would I
want to do that? Well if your opponent only has one
fattie on the field he’ll be forced to send it to
the graveyard while you chuck your Rothus or an even
weaker, useless creature. Not to mention, Rothus can
be utilized with creature effects that activate once
that specific creature is destroyed. For example;
Stallob, the Lifesquasher, Sinister General Damudo,
Mighty Shouter, Cetibols, Engineer Kipo, Propeller
Mutant, etc. Being an Armorloid doesn’t hurt either
as they have some pretty intriguing support. All in
all, Rothus, the Traveler is an average card, not to
good and not to bad. There are much better cards out
there that can do what he does but 10X better >.<
Limited – 5/5 – As you all know, destruction is any
way, shape, or form is crucial in limited.
Therefore, he gets a 5 here =P Constructed – 3/5 –
Like I said, he’s average here. Build me a deck
abusing his effect and the score just might go a
little higher XD
Anyways I’m out for today, see yall next time!
- Morph3us
AIM: Morph3us27
syc22 |
Rothus has
been with us since the beginning, but his wealth on
the battlefield has diminished a good deal. Starting
as a solid mid game drop, Rothus doesn’t make the
cut in tournament quality decks anymore, but that
doesn’t mean he can’t still be useful! Backed up
with the Fire civilizations low cost creatures, mana
denial, and creature destruction, Rothus can still
stem the tide of battle.
Rothus really shines in making your weak creatures
useful. Have a spare Deadly Fighter Braid Claw or
Immortal Barron Vorg sitting around waiting to be
destroyed in your opponents next onslaught? Give
them a proper burial with Rothus, who can turn
creatures such as those into useful cannon fodder.
Maybe you thought you cleared the way last turn with
a well placed Phantom Dragons Flame, only to have
your opponent drop a blocker such as Thrash Crawler.
This is where Rothus comes into play, getting rid of
that pesky blocker at the cost of a creature, such
as Mini-Titan Gett, who would have died anyways.
Rothus can also shine in limited, where his balanced
power to cost ratio is much more important. Plus,
creatures are the name of the game in limited and
Rothus, as a powerful creature with a fairly
powerful ability, can be all that is need to secure
victory, but misused, Rothus can also secure your
Constructed Rating: 3/5
Limited Rating: 3/5