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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Energy Stream

Card # DM32

Date Reviewed: 04.07.05

Constructed Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 3.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Morph3us Name: Energy Stream
Cost: 3
Civilization: Water
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Draw 2 cards.
Flavor Text:
"Some computer programs attack our enemies. Some defend our cities. And some-the most perfect of all-just write more computer programs." -Emeral Mana Number: 1
Artist: Katsuya
Rarity: C
Collector Number: 32
Set: Stomp-a-Trons of Invincible Wrath

" The energy lies within the stream... "

Todays CoTD is the very beneficial Energy Stream! For 3 mana you draw 2 cards, now thats what I call drawing power! Energy Stream does what the water civilization does best - DRAW, and has to be one of my most cherished cards simply for the advantage that comes with it. Casting Stream itself would be -1 advantage but drawing 2 would give you an overall advantage of
+1 and more important, more options! I love topdecking this card right
+off the top when my opponent has just Lost Souled me or when I just simply ran out of cards in my hand xD You'll be sure to find this card in any deck that runs the water because its basically a staple. And If you don't have a playset already, go out and get one! You won't be disappointed ^.^

Limited - 5/5 - this card is just tooooo good to pass up Constructed - 5/5 - ditto

Until next time,
- Morph3us
AIM: Morph3us27
MSN: ray-.-ray@hotmail.com
syc22 Energy Stream has been showing up in quite a few decks lately. There is no doubt that Energy Stream is good, but it’s really very vanilla. You pay three mana and you draw two cards, that’s it, no bells, no whistles.

In comparison to other draw spells, I would say that is better than Brain Serum in most cases, since the chances of Brain Serum showing up as a shield trigger aren’t the greatest, and the added cost is obviously making Serum worse than Energy Stream. Submarine Project can be situational better than Energy Stream if you really need to dig through your deck to find that last card to put you over the top, but you still aren’t getting any real card advantage out of Submarine Project, just card replacement. Aqua Hulcus is also a contender for the three casting cost slot, and while it merely replaces itself, you do get a creature, albeit a weak one. So while good, there are a lot of alternatives that can work just as well as Energy Stream.

Constructed: 3/5

Limited: 4/5
King Of Kings

Name: Energy Stream
Cost: 3
Civilization: Water
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Draw 2 cards.
Flavor Text:
"Some computer programs attack our enemies. Some defend our cities. And some-the most perfect of all-just write more computer programs." -Emeral
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Katsuya
Rarity: C
Collector Number: 32
Set: Stomp-a-Trons of Invincible Wrath


This card rocks, plain and simple.


Energy Stream is like Brain Serum, except that isn't a shield trigger and is cheaper in Mana cost. Who knows, those cards (or one of them) could be the game winning card. This card and Brain Serum have given me the game- winning card every time I have played it. I highly recommend that this card go into your deck.


Pros: Cheaper than Brain Serum

         Draw 2 extra cards


Cons: Brain Serum is a shied trigger.


          Rating: 4/5


          Art: 3/5  

Utility Name: Energy Stream
Cost: 3
Civilization: Water
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Draw 2 cards.
Flavor Text:
"Some computer programs attack our enemies. Some defend our cities. And some-the most perfect of all-just write more computer programs." -Emeral

OK, turn 3 is Hulcus turn, and this does the same job, except 1 more card. IMO, Hulcus is better. If draw power is needed, then I suggest Brain Serum instead.

Sorry about the short review, but I just can;t think of anything else to say...

2/5 constructed
2/5 Limited

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