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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Bombazar, Dragon
of Destiny
Shockwaves of the
Shattered Rainbow Pre-Release
Date Reviewed: 04.10.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
13 |
hey guys,this
is andy and ill be doing your CoTD,lets take a look
at what i am reviewing today.this week all my
reviews are gonna be short because i have alot to
do, so here we go
Name: Bombazar, Dragon of Destiny
Race: Armored Dragon/Earth Dragon
Cost: 7
Power: 6000
- When you put this creature into the battlezone,
destroy all other creatures that have 6000 power.
Take an extra turn after this one. You loose the
game at the end of that turn.
- Speed Attacker
- Double Breaker
the card that everyone is sooo hyped-up about and
scared. indeed,its effects are devastating.its a
reason why ppl will start putting more triggers in
their deck
Pros:7 for 6000 is a decent price, especially with
the effects he brings. of course hes double breaker,
but that's not what everyone is worried about.his
destruction effect is amazing.he can take out every
creature that is commonly played like thrash,
cryptic, merfolk, phal and other things. he is also
speed atkr, so hes swingin 2 shields. his effect of
taking an extra turn is probably one of the
deadliest effects that can occur. he can take out 4
shields!!!plus the field is clear when this guy hits
the floor
Cons:before i stress this line, yes you lose all
your creatures but i doubt ull be dumb enough to
play him when you have some creatures.
pivital gamble that could win the game for you or
break you. of course, triggers are of concern for
this guy as well
Overall:this card could be banned, but i
dunno.personally, if i had one, i wouldnt use it. it
seems too risky for my taste, but thats just me.
overall i give it a 4/5.yes it is a very powerful
card, but triggers can hurt this guy, then you are
in trouble thats all for today.if you wanna talk or
duel,MSN me. my email is
Tobi Wan
Khanobi |
Dragon of Destiny
It certainly didn’t take long for this card to come
across my desk for a review. He is the big bad
monster that has lead Wizards to introduce the big
bad ban list (with all the rumors about other cards
to join him.) Let’s establish something first off.
He is the ONLY banned card in Japan right now and
there are so many more cards that got nerfed when
they came here. In fact (to my knowledge) he was
even more evil in Japan, since he destroyed ALL
creatures with 6000 OR LESS POWER. Look at our
wording: “destroy all other creatures that have 6000
power.” That means he wipes a line of power, not a
range (so a creature like Magmadragon Jagalzor and
Cryptic Totem are toast, but Dia Nork, Moonlight
Guardian and Gran Gure, Space Guardian would stick
around to witness his attacks). This effect probably
will not decimate your field, but the other effects
might be a bigger thorn to worry about.
A speed attacker who also is a double breaker is bad
news any way you slice it. He will come to the
field, and if not stopped, will destroy a pair of
your shields. But with double breaker comes another
aspect, twice the shield trigger possibilities. It
might just be time to include a few powerful shields
in all of our decks again (like Natural Snare,
Terror pit, and Holy Awe.) The last effect to
consider is the evil, vile, and just down right
nasty effect of “take another turn after that one”.
This effect is bad news for opponents. Remember,
when you take another turn, the player who takes
that turn is at a HUGE advantage. They get to untap
their attackers; you don’t get to untap your
blockers. They get to draw again and summon more
creatures (Speed attackers no doubt). They can cast
spells to affect the rest of your creatures, you
can’t. This “double turn” is vicious and seems too
good to be legal. Enter the final effect: “You loose
the duel at the end of the second turn”. A sliver of
hope for those staring down Destinys’ onslaught.
Regardless of his shields, your lack of ANY
creatures, your empty hand or even your deck;
nothing will save your opponent from a loss if you
can stall long enough. Remember, if you do get to
remove Destiny from his side of the field, the
effect still lingers. Your opponent might think he
is slick and summons this as his final creature, but
if you can survive for two consecutive turns, you
win: plain and simple. Stall or destroy him and his
greatest strength becomes a fatal flaw!
Overall, I really think he is an overly glorified
card from this set (after all, he did start the
dreaded Banned list concept that has nothing on it
as of this date). Sure, the double turn mechanic is
so very sweet, but his negative effect can really
sting if your opponent can outlast you. Run with a
Balesk Baj (from Fatal Brood) instead if you love
the double turn mechanic so greatly. I rate this
card a 3 out of 5 because you can really get a
backlash if your opponent is waiting for this card
(and with the controversy around him now, I think we
all are waiting for him to rear his head in battle.)
Any questions, comments, and concerns? PM
“TobiWanKhanobi” right here on Pojo; or e-mail me at with a descriptive
subject line.
Utility |
Bombazar, Dragon of Destiny
Race: Armored Dragon/Earth Dragon
Cost: 7
Power: 6000
- When you put this creature into the battlezone,
destroy all other
creatures that have 6000 power. Take an extra turn
after this one. You
the game at the end of that turn.
- Speed Attacker
- Double Breaker
OK. This card is the ONLY card on the Watch List,
and that says something. A free turn is lethal (of
course, before Balesk Baj, which will probably come
out later, after many games would have ended) and I
feel Wizards should have nerfed this in some way,
after seeing it banned in Japan...
Bombazar can come out as early as turn 5, when it
could potentially end games.
Well, use it while you can...
5/5 Constructed
5/5 Limited (an extra turn here is crazy...)
Kerokero |
friends! It's Kero here once again, doing a COTD
here for Pojo. Today, we review one of the most
game-changing cards this game has. Bombazar, Dragon
of Destiny!
Name: Bombazar, Dragon of Destiny
Race: Armored Dragon/Earth Dragon
Cost: 7
Power: 6000
- When you put this creature into the battlezone,
destroy all other creatures that have 6000 power.
Take an extra turn after this one. You loose
the game at the end of that turn.
- Speed Attacker
- Double Breaker
Sick card, huh? I'm not going to go into detail
about this card. It's effects are fairly simple.
Lets start with the first one:When you put this
creature into the battlezone, destroy all other
creatures that have 6000 power. Take an extra turn
after this one. You lose the game at the end of that
This is basically a win-condition card. Drop this,
and your going to lose the duel. But if you can
defeat the opponent before the end of your extra
turn, the game is yours!
Next up, it's Double Breaker. It shoots two shields.
Very easy and simple effect. No explanation here.
It also has speed attacker, which happens to be one
of the most powerful effects in this game. Attaking
the same turn it's dropped will almost net you the
game from there. Just be weary of your opponents
Shield Triggers.
Another great part of this card is that Bombazar
destroyes all cretures with 6000 power other then
himself. The most commonly played 6000 power
creature is Cryptic Totem.
I'm ranting now, so let's wrap this up with pro's
and con's.
-speed attacker
-double breaker
-decent 6000 power
-select destryer effect, that takes out Cryptic
Totem with ease.
-Dropping speed attackers along with this is game
for sure.
-Core-Crash Lizard comes in handy on the second
-combo's well with many other cards.
-Can't use Cryptic Totem with this card, even with
your extra turn.
-If you can't win the game the next turn, you lose.
-ST's a very effective here. A Holy Awa can call
game for you.
-Kinda hard to get, seeing how it is a very rare.
-If you miss the timing window, your screwed.
-A lose-condition. Please be careful.
So that basically it. Bombazar is an easy card to
use. it warped the Japanese metagame to a point
where almost every deck you'd encounter was based
around Bombazar. Now that this card has hit North
American shores, Shield triggers that stop your
opponentin thier tracks is more important then ever.
I recommend that players start packing in a lot more
shield triggers, or at least some more useful ones.
And don't just throw this card into your deck! You
have to have even a little structure around it. This
card can (and will if your not prepared) backfire on
you. I really recommend this card for experinced
Constructed: Build a deck around it, and it's game.
Just make sure that this card is played at the right
time. It WILL backfire on you if not played
correctly. Bombazar card is a win-ondition, and all
win-conditions tend to miss their timing if not
played correctly. play with complete caution. 4.5/5
Limited:It's really game if this is played. But
there are some deadly ST's in this set that hurt
Bombazar when dropped. I wouldn't use it, but it
does work well here. 2.5/5
An overratted win-condition. If you can get a copy
of this card, get it! As I have said many times
already, be careful when playing this card.
Any questions, comments, hate mail, etc, send it to I don't mind getting an
e-mail from you guys.
Really, I don't. Noone else sends me e-mails. And
noone calls me. Please talk to me, I'm very lonely.