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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Core Crash Lizard

Card # DM-S5

Date Reviewed: 04.21.05

Constructed Average Rating: 5
Limited Average Rating: 5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Tobi Wan
Core Crash Lizard (Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow – DM10)

The latest card to be reviewed is Core-Crash Lizard from the latest expansion: shockwaves of the shattered rainbow. This is one of the coolest looking foiled cards available, and has a very simple, strait forward effect: When he enters the Battle zone, an opponent’s shield is put into the graveyard. I repeat: PUT into the graveyard. Shield triggers will not activate, since they have to go to the hand instead to activate. A guaranteed, fearless shield will be destroyed (sure, they have to HAVE a shield, but still…).

My only hang up with Core-Crash is the lack of other Melt Warriors. His is a great addition to a fire deck (mono or otherwise) but for a duel civ deck, there is another card with a similar effect: Gajirabute, Vile Centurion has the exact same ability from the darkness civilization. Sure, Gajirabute is only a meager 3,000 power, 6 cost creature, but as a Demon Command, has more evolution choices. Core-Crash costs one more mana, but has a much better power (double the Vile ones…). If you rely on evos, this won’t help you at all since there are only two melt warriors to date (him and Burnwisp Lizard, who is another interesting specimen.) If you are OK about letting a creature enter and wait to attack (or even better, send him in with Supersonic Jet Pack or Magmadragon Jagalzor from a turn before) then by all means, add him in!

1) Basic yet potentially devastating effect, especially if you know a particular shields’ effect.
2) Awesome power to cost ratio (7 cost / 6,000 power).

1) Lack of evolution / support cards
2) Umm…He is a super rare (Gajirabute is only very rare)
3) Oh yeah - Not a speed attacker (opps…that would make him broken wouldn’t it? Well, never mind then)

Overall, I do think we potentially have a 5 out of 5 for a new staple card. There is little truely negative aspects about this card. He has the unstoppable effect of a shield destruction and still has enough muscle to be a real thorn in a few sides. I hope there are more melt warriors and evolution choices if not for combos or evolution, for the fiery foiled art (I am a huge fan of combos, evolution, and sweet foiled art does it show?).

Any questions, comments, and concerns? PM “TobiWanKhanobi” right here on Pojo; or e-mail me at Pondering_Reality@hotmail.com with a descriptive subject line.


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