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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site
Scarlet Skyterror
Card # DMS8
Date Reviewed: 02.03.05
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Matrixzero |
Name: Scarlet
Cost: 8
Race: Armored Wyvern
Civilization: Fire
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone,
destroy all creatures that have "blocker."
Flavor Text:
The forces of Fire will never relent.
Power: 3000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Tomofumi Ogasawara
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S8
Set: Base Set
Some interesting cards this week hun, like the all
belong in a combo or something. <_<
Civilization: Fire don't likely the blockers much do
Effect: Blow up all blockers. Can't get much
simplier than that hun. Blow them up for a final
attack, or for something much bigger.
Combo: Do I even need to say it?
Cost: a little high and could do with a little more
Constructed: 4/5 If in it's own deck
2/5 every where else
Limited: 2/5 cost too much
Eric Draven |
Cost: 8
Armored Wyvern
Civ: Fire
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone,
destroy all creatures that have "blocker."
Power: 3000
Super Rare
Combined with the first two cards reviewed, it's
really powerful, whereas it was just powerful
Limited: 3/5
Constructed: 5/5 (With or Balesk Baj)
Ferret Mage |
Fire Civilization.
Armored Wyvern
Cost: 8
Power: 3000
-When you put this creature into the battle zone,
destroy all creatures that have "blocker."
Flavor: Veni Vidi Vici
Race: Armored Wyvern's have only one evolution which
costs a godly amount of mana as well as being very
good in pinch. While there are plenty of other
Wyverns to pick from this card's effect as some good
Cost: Hmmmmm, 8 mana to clear the fear off all
blockers. Not bad, it can be down right tasty if
your opponent casted something like Full Defensor.
This card also puts Diamond Cutter decks in the
gutter. A okay trade off but still a bit pricey.
Effect: Destroy all blockers on instant contact with
the battle zone. When I say all I mean ALL,
including yours. This effect comes espically handy
in the latest set which is trying to promote blocker
use, and while there are plenty of other kill spells
out there it's still nice to have a creature to hit
the battle zone. But still, you can get the near
effect by summong Crystal Paladin for half the mana.
But you decide, I'm tired. Oh, and no Double Breaker
kills this card.
Power: Abysmal. Pure crap for the cost, and pretty
much target to every single kill spell. Don't count
on this card seeing a lot of fighting.
Constructed: 3/5 No Double Breaker, low power, and
killing your blockers detracts.
Limited: 3/5 Late game this could really help out.
Art: 4/5 Me likey!