this week of Fire cards to a close, we
review another simple, yet quite effective
card. Though not nearly as powerful (Or as
difficult to get) as Wednesdays card, he
still makes a big splash in the game, and is
the best friend of rush decks everywhere.
Say hello to my little friend!
Cost: 2
Civilization: Fire
Card Type:
Race: Xenopart
Tap ability.
TAP: Destroy
one creature on the field that has
Flavor Text:
When Rikabu brought his tool to the battle,
the Emerald Grass realized it was screwed. Big
Power: 1000
Generated: 1
Rarity: Rare
Stomp-a-Trons of Invincible Wrath
Arguably one of the best
cards in all of Stomp-a-Trons, he saw a lot
of play at nationals. Let's investigate.
Fire is known for fatties like Bolmeteus,
and little, fast creatures. This guy
clearly falls into the latter category. In
a fire rush deck, he's an invaluable asset.
His race has no support currently, but some
might come later (that's not forshadowing, I
simply don't know) Or
do I?
Cost: Two
mana. Cheap, affordable, and he makes for a
good early turn drop. Lovely. For the
ability he packs, this is a fair cost.
Power: 1000
power makes me a little sad. Any monster
can kill this in battle (or suicide into it)
except for creatures that can't attack/can't
attack creatures. Kill spells also make
mince meat of him (unless they specifically
target Civs that aren't fire). Still, any
amount of power can break a shield, and his
power level doesn't matter when it comes to
When you tap him, you can kill a blocker.
Thus, he clears the way for your other
creatures to attack your opponent or their
tapped creatures. Why kill blockers?
Because they are nuisance creatures. This
is a simple ability, need I say more?
Now that we've looked at
these stats, let's see how they stack up!
Constructed Overview: Use
him right, and he'll crush-i-nate the
opponent. Seriously, he's pretty good. He
can rush, or clear the field for other
creatures to rush, or he can simply kill
blockers at any time to allow you to
press the advantage. He's solid, but not
perfect, as Crimson Hammer and Hammer Shot
laugh at him. 4/5
Limited Overview:
BLockers are KEY in limited. Killing
blockers allows you to hit your opponent.
Hitting your opponent means they lose. This
guy can also attack, and is an early drop.
Thus, Screwdriver = Dead opponent. 5/5
whole COTD thing is so much fun. I'll keep
writing when I can. Feel free to e-mail me
any time at Till then, keep
dueling. Kettou Da!
Monday: The choice left me