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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Magmadragon Ogrist Vhal
Fatal Brood

Card # DMS4

Date Reviewed: 01.24.06

Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.




Name: Magmadragon Ogrist Vhal

Cost: 7

Race: Volcano Dragon

Civilization: Fire

Type: Creature

Rules Text:

This creature gets +3000 power for each card in your hand. (A creature that

has power 0 or less is destroyed.)

While this creature has power 6000 or more, it has "Double breaker (This

creature breaks 2 shields)."

While this creature has power 15000 or more, it has "Triple breaker (This

creature breaks 3 shields)" instead of "double breaker."

Power: 0000+

Mana Number: 1

Artist: Yarunoca

Rarity: S

Collector Number: S4

Civilization: Fire like big hitters and this guy can get big

A simple effect, for each card in your hand he gains + 3000 power. When he has 6000 Power (A.K.A. 2 cards in hand) he has double breaker. When you he has 15000 power (A.K.A. 5 CiH) he has triple breaker. When he has 0 power (AKA 0 CiH) he dies. So you can see why lost soul owns this card. Also of the 3 power gaining creatures this one is the only one with triple breaker and is also the one who's power will shift the most along with the terradragon, while the necrodragon will be increasing more than decreasing. Just remember that when playing him beware of the dark civilization, and their discard power. The good news is he is a dragon so he does have support.

Cost: The other 2 Dragons have a cost of 6 but only gain power in 2000 increments and can only obtain double breaker. So paying one more mana for the ability to reach triple breaker and gain power in 3000 increments sound bout fine to me.

Constructed: 1.5/5 Ok Lost soul is heavy played, and playing this turns your opponents lost soul in to a Lost soul/terror pit. Kill a creature and the hand. and it comes out the same turn. Scary hun.

Limited: 3/5 It's cost is high but it could be a game ender if you get it out. Just beware of the nifty blockers in the set. Also try to keep your hand up, Remember no hand means dead dragon.
Black Chaos Dragon I'm back for another new card. This time from my favorite race, the Dragons.

Name: Magmadragon Ogrist Vhal
Cost: 7
Race: Volcano Dragon
Civilization: Fire
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
This creature gets +3000 power for each card in your hand. (A creature that has power 0 or less is
While this creature has power 6000 or more, it has "Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields)."
While this creature has power 15000 or more, it has "Triple breaker (This creature breaks 3 shields)"
instead of "double breaker."
Power: 0000+
Mana Number: 1
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S4

Cost: 7 for a 0 power. AWFUL!

Effect: Interesting effect, though. The number of cards in your hand determine the actual attack. 2-4 cards(6000-12000 power) to get a double breaker, and 5 or more(15000+) for triple breaker.
But if you're hit w/ a card like Lost Soul, this creature will die. 0 power=death.

Constructed: 2.5/5, Very cool effect, but this card is weak to discarding effects.

Limited: 4/5, Not much discard here, but it's a high cost monster which hurts in Limited.

Love my Dragons, but this one just isn't good enough compared to others.

BCD signing off.

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