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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Astrocomet Dragon

Card # DM-S7

Date Reviewed: 07.05.06

Constructed Average Rating: 2
Limited Average Rating: 4

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.




Well, I'm back whether you like it or not, so on with the Holiday week review of Astrocomet Dragon.


Name: Astrocomet Dragon
Cost: 7
Race: Armored Dragon
Civilization: Fire
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Power attacker +4000 (While attacking, this creature gets +4000 power.)
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Flavor Text:
Even the smallest weapon attached to it has enough firepower to lay waste to an entire nation.
Power: 6000+
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Yusaku Nakaaki
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S7
Set: Base Set


Bad mana to power ratio, but I love the race and the flavor text. Nice power attacker bonus, raising it to 10,000 for 7 mana. Double breaker is a nice bonus. You can still do much more on turn 7....


2/5 card

4/5 big dragon.....

Ice Dragon X

Hey this is Ice Dragon X, this is my first review here at pojo hope You enjoy it.



Name: Astrocomet Dragon

 Race: Armored Dragon
Cost: 7
Power: 6000

-Power attacker +4000 (While attacking, this creature gets +4000 power.)
- Double Breaker

Flavor Text:
Even the smallest weapon attached to it has enough firepower to lay waste to an entire nation.

Mana Number: 1
Artist: Yusaku Nakaaki
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S7
Set: Base Set


Here is one of the first dragons introduced by base set

I especialy like this card because it was the foil card I got in My

firt booster pack that's how i got into the game with this big fatty.


Well on to the review


well dragons especialy armored dragons has got lots of soport this dey and some nice EVOs to go along with them nothing Wrong there.


well this card has many dragons do has high mana of 7 of course u can change that with a few dragon sopport cards but this dragon especialy ist really worth running because of his power 6000

for 7 mana this better have a good effect or else.


Effect: well unfortunaly it dos't have a one he gets power attacker of +4000 witch leaves him open for an attack of a stronger creature and with all those other 7 mana powerfull dragons running loose this guy is better of in Your Binder.


CONSTRUCTED:2/5 Tons of Better dragons to choose from here.


LIMITED:3/5 a litle better here since it can help kill Your lucky opponent thats got a death liger. 


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