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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Kejila, the Hidden Horror

Card # DM-5

Date Reviewed: 06.02.06

Constructed Average Rating: 3.15
Limited Average Rating: 3.15

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

King Baz Greetings again! My second review! W00T! Today we review another DM-10 card...

Name: Kejila, the Hidden Horror
Cost: 6
Race: Pandora's Box
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature

Rules Text:
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its ability.) This creature breaks 2 of your opponent's shields.

Flavor Text:
"Even I'm scared of that thing." -Gajirabute, Vile Centurion

Power: 6,000

Now I'm not a big fan of the Sielent Skill, but this effect is a bit better.

To start, this "thing" is a 6 cost for 6000 power. Pretty decent power to cost ratio. Of course, to make it a better value, you need a decent effect.
And that's exactly what this fattie has.

It has Double Breaker, which is good. Sielent Skill. Instead of untapping Kejila, you can keep it tapped to break 2 of your opponent's sheilds. When you think about it, you can just untap it to break 2 sheilds anyway.
However, the Sielent Skill has it's benefits. For starters, it is unblockable. Also, when cards like Nariel, the Oracle are in play, the sheilds are still broken. There are also benefits to just attacking, but the fact that you can use both the Sielent Skill or attack means you always get the best out of it.

Overall, this card is average. It's a decent fattie, and a giant Venom Capsule. Since it's 6000 power, it's harder to kill. Since it's harder to kill, its Sielent Skill is more likely to trigger. But it still gets summoning sickness, and is likely to just be Corile'd to oblivion and back.

Time to rate!

Constucted: 2.5

Limited: 2.5


-King Baz



Kejila, the Hidden Horror


Back again for the last day of my first week. Today I'm reviewing Kejila, the Hidden Horror.


Name: Kejila, the Hidden Horror
Cost: 6
Race: Pandora's Box
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its ability.)
This creature breaks 2 of your opponent's shields.
Flavor Text:
"Even I'm scared of that thing." ?Gajirabute, Vile Centurion
Power: 6,000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Dai
Rarity: V
Collector Number: 5


This card is painful if you know how to use it right. First off, it's not much attack for the cost but hey, an eye for an eye. You get a monstrosity that's deadly if your opponent lets it stay tapped. If you somehow manage to get through the blockers and destroy the 2 shields without letting Kejila be destroyed then congradulations. You pretty much won the duel. Just let Kejila sit and be happy destroying your opponents 3 last shields. Remember you still have to attack one last time but hey, by turn 8 you can win easy.

4/5 Overall (Remember the blockers.)

4/5 Art (Looks vicious. I don't wanna go near it now.)


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