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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Wind Axe, the Warrior Savage

Card # DM-107

Date Reviewed: 05.12.06

Constructed Average Rating: 3.125
Limited Average Rating: 3.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

King Baz Well, here's to a new week of COTD! Today, we review a very coll new Rainbow Card...

Name: Wind Axe, the Warrior Savage
Cost: 5
Race: Human/Beast Folk
Civilization: Fire/Nature
Type: Creature

Rules Text:
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy one of your opponent's creatures that has "blocker." Then put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Flavor Text:
He burns with the true fury of the untamed.

Power: 2,000

This card is one of the five Rainbow Cards that have 5 Mana 2K. This is the R/G version.

5 Mana 2K isn't good, but like Corile, a great effect(s) can make up for that.

We get the great effects after all. Two of 'em. First off, you destroy one of your opponent's blockers. That's great in many decks containing Fire and Nature such as Timeburner decks and Bombazar of course. Not just that, you also get the top card of your deck into mana. Great! On T5, gaining one mana can help those 7 Mana cards come out on T6. In a RUGB deck, that could ensure you a T6 Lost Soul or a T6 Apoc... or even...a T6 Bolly... come to think of it, just about any 7 Cost card benefits from Wind Axe!

Overall, Wind Axe is a very good new card. Like the other 5 Mana 2K Rainbows, it will find its way into many decks for a very long time. Love it.

Time to rate!

Constructed: 4

Limited: 4


-King Baz
DRY 1337



Today we view another peculiar multi-civ card.  Wind Axe is relentless and has the capability to crush your opponent from different angles.  However, we need to determine if he can be used efficiently and if he is deck-worthy.  First, the stats…


Wind Axe, the Warrior Savage

Cost: 5

Race: Human/Beast Folk

Civilization: Fire/Naure

Type: Creature

Rules Text:

·         (Put this creature into your mana zone tapped.)

·         When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy one of your opponent’s creatures that has “blocker.”  Then put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.

Power: 2000

Nature and Fire have worked together successfully in several decks and the two civs have combined to create the ever-so-popular Bombazar decks.  The Fire and Nature civilizations are also quite popular for rush and dragon decks.  However, Wind Axe, the Warrior Savage does not seem to fit into any of these decks.  It might do well in a Bombazar deck (since it gets rid of blockers) but then again it’s a little slow.  It might also do well in a rush deck because it unites Humans and Beast folk, but again, those decks are designed to be fast and this creature may slow them down.  There are cheaper ways to take out blockers and a lot of rush decks don’t even go above 4 mana.  From the looks of it 1 or 2 of these creatures might do well with these decks but I wouldn’t max them to 4.


The power to mana ratio is definitely suffering.  5 mana for a 2000 power creature is pretty bad.  This creature is rather slow and unimpressive in this department.  However, the creature’s effect does give it a few redeeming qualities and can provide all sorts of advantages.  You can look at it as a Bronze Arm Tribe that’s paired with Critical Blade.  In that regard, you can look at its efficiency and realize that this card = + 1 mana + 1 creature + 1 dead blocker.  There’s a definite imbalance in that equation and can be used to gain many advantages.  The Human and Beast Folk qualities are also an exciting combination, but again these races are designed to be a lot faster than this creature.  Mana lovers/hoarders may consider this as lovely bait for Fighter Dual Fang.



The Good:  The effects team up to create an awesome field and mana advantage.  Fighter Dual Fang decks get a boost.


The Bad:  There are better cards to play on turn 5.


The Ugly:  It’s too slow to be either human or beast folk.  This would have made a very fun armored/earth dragon instead.


Constructed Rating: 3/5 – The effect is very rewarding but not game-breaking.  I like the card but wouldn’t recommend having 4 in a deck.


Limited Rating: 3.5/5 – This creature would compliment Bombazar and Gonta pretty well.



I hope you enjoyed the review

- DRY 1337

Balthazar Balthazar is back with another review! This time, we will get to see one of
the goodly 5mana drops realesed in the Shockwaves set. Lets have a look;

Name: Wind Axe, the Warrior Savage
Cost: 5
Race: Human/Beast Folk
Civilization: Fire/Nature
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.)
When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy one of your
opponent's creatures that has "blocker." Then put the top card of your deck
into your mana zone.
Flavor Text:
He burns with the true fury of the untamed.
Power: 2,000

Cost: 5mana for 2000 body is not good at all, but for that CIP effect that
Wind Axe contains and races he has, he is still playable...very playable.

Race: By being a dual civ, Wind Axe gets 2 races (not a spirit quartz). And
the 2 races are human and beastfolks. 2 exellent races which both has plenty
of support and evos. Among the evos, we find AB Voldios, AD Valkaizer,
Fighter Dual Fang and m own favourite, Barkwhip, the Smasher.

Effect: This is why you play him. When CIP, you are "forced" to destory one
of the opponent's blockers, and adding a card from top of deck to mana.
Imagine the use of this card; destroy his Pala-O and generating mana for a
turn 6 Apocalypse Vise. How good isn't that? Conculsion: Amazing effect.

Final Conclusion: Really, all of the dual civ's 5mana drops of the
Shockwaves set are good. And this is in my opinion the third best. A Burning
Mane, Immortal Baron Vorg, a Critical Blade and a faerie Life in one card. 4
in 1. Simply Awesome.

Constructed: 4/5 - Play with it if you are running R/G aggro and/or Bombazar
Rush. Play and enjoy it.



Today's card is Wind Axe the Savage Warrior, an uncommon from Shockwaves. This is another monster with 2 civs.

Name: Wind Axe, the Warrior Savage
Cost: 5
Race: Human/Beast Folk
Civilization: Fire/Nature
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.)
When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy one of your opponent's creatures that has "blocker." Then put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.
Flavor Text:
He burns with the true fury of the untamed.
Power: 2,000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Akira Hamada
Rarity: U
Collector Number: 107

This card is a Critical Strike and Faerie Life put together in a monster. It has pathetic Mana to Power ratio (2000 power? Easily killed.)
All in all, this card is pathetic.
Hate my reviews? Like my Reviews? Send me feedback at vader1991@yahoo.com

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