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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Vorg's Engine

Card # DM-78

Date Reviewed: 05.14.06

Constructed Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 3.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

King Baz And were back with another COTD! This card here is one I'm particurally fond of.

Name: Vorg's Engine
Cost: 2
Race: XenoParts
Civilization: Fire
Type: Creature

Rules Text:
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its ability.) Destroy all creatures that have power 2000 or less.

Flavor Text:
The world's first external combustion engine.

Power: 2,000

Okay, first off, this card is a Picora's Wrench only better. Which means that Picora's Wrench is pretty much now a useless card. The only exuse you have for running Immortal Baron is Evobait. So Vorg's Engine is already an upgrade!

2 Mana 2K. Great. This is the Power to Cost ratio you'd expect for a Weenie with no effect.

But wait a minute... He does have an effect! A good one too, might I add.
Silent Skill. So instead of untapping this little fella, you can keep it tapped to sweep all 2000 or less creatures (including Engine) clean off the board. This is a Burst Shot on a stick. Wonderful. I'm usually not a fan of Silent Skill, as I've mentioned before, but this creature is low cost, which makes it easier to use. Also, because it's low cost, playing it on T2 and having the Skill activate at the start of T4 means all of your opponents early game weenies would be gone. There are problems though. First of all, meet Crimson Hammer. And PDF. Those cards can easily come out before lil'
ol' engine can use his Skill. Not just that, he can get killed by another weenie before the Skill can be used as well, so watch out for that.

But still, this card is very good. A weenie with Skillz that Killz. (Quite

Time to rate!

Constructed: 3.5

Limited: 4.5

Hope you enjoyed.

DRY 1337



If you’re having one of those days where nothing is going right, people are working your nerves, and you’ve been stuck in traffic all day then here’s the perfect card to help ease your frustration.  Vorg’s Engine is unbelievably ruthless and packs a very serious punch during the early stages of the game.  The stats say it all:


Vorg’s Engine

Cost: 2

Race: Xenoparts

Civilization: Fire

Type: Creature

Rules Text:

·         Silent Skill:  Destroy all creatures that have power 2000 or less.

Power: 2000

I need to first start off by saying that this card is incredible!  It’s a rare sight to see a 2000 power creature with a cost of 2 mana AND have such an overpowered effect.  The power to mana ratio is fabulous, which means that this creature can definitely hold its own and break some shields at the start of a game.  It’s also wonderful because you summon it on turn 2, on turn 3 you attack, and on turn 4 you blow everything up!  Emeral, Aqua Hulcus, Bronze Arm Tribe, Essence Elf, etc. will not stand a chance.  So how could this creature get any better?  Read the flavor text… “The world’s first external combustion engine.”  Haha!  This card is over the top.


Naturally, there are some downsides to this creature…  First of all, it destroys itself.  But does it really matter?  After all, you just leveled the field!  The second downside is when your opponent powers up their creatures with cards such as Pala Olesis.  In such cases bring cards such as Comet Missile, Spastic Missile, or even Spiral Gate.  The fact that this creature’s ability is a Silent Skill might also deter some players, since it gives your opponent 2 turns to react.  However, it comes out early enough to cause some trouble for them.


The Good:  It’s like playing a burst shot on turn 4!


The Bad:  Creatures that boost power will make Vorg’s Engine useless.  Consider bringing some removal spells.


The Ugly:  Vorg’s engine will not help you make friends.


Constructed Rating: 4.5/5 – It’s only 2 mana for such an ability!  I can’t give it a perfect score because Palas and Barkwhips are so popular.


Limited Rating: 4/5 – You’ll more than likely take out some of your own creatures with this effect but you can nevertheless take out some shields early on.


I hope you enjoyed the review

- DRY 1337


Hello. I be back for my second day of the week. Today's card is Vorg's Engine, a Xenoparts.
Name: Vorg's Engine
Cost: 2
Race: XenoParts
Civilization: Fire
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its ability.)
Destroy all creatures that have power 2000 or less.
Flavor Text:
The world's first external combustion engine.
Power: 2,000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Kou1
Rarity: U
Collector Number: 78
Vorg's Engine is nothing more than a Crimson Hammer that kills more than one monster. The only 2000 power monster that I can think of that people use at the moment is La Ura Giga. Still pathetic Mana to Power ratio. (2000 power again?)
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