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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

the Savage Vizier

Card # DM-110

Date Reviewed: 05.16.06

Constructed Average Rating: 3.1
Limited Average Rating: 2.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

King Baz Hello everyone! I hope everyone is as happy as me today!!! Why am I so happy you ask? Well, we get to review one of my favourite cards in the game!

Name: Skysword, the Savage Vizier
Cost: 5
Race: Beast Folk/Initiate
Civilization: Light/Nature
Type: Creature

Rules Text:
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) When you put this creature into the battle zone, put the top card of your deck into your mana zone. Then add the top card of your deck to your shields face down.

Flavor Text:
He hums with the simple harmony of the wild.

Power: 2,000

This card is another 5 Mana 2K Rainbow card, and it's probably one of the best.

5 Mana 2K. Like I said before, this can be redeemed with a good effect or two.

And that's exactly what we get! Two great effects! First, you put the top card of your deck in your mana zone. Great effect on T5. Like I said with Wind Axe, this allows all those 7 Cost cards to come out one turn earlier.
Its second CIP effect is even better. You get a sheild when it comes into play. That alone is an amazing effect. Getting a free sheild helps so much.
When you can get this guy reoccuring enough, you've pretty much won the game. Just be careful not to deck yourself out. ;)

Just to show you how economical Skysword and Estol really are. Check this out. All of these 5 Mana 2K Rainbows have effects that are seen on Spells.
All of them cost 2... exept for one...

Critical Blade...........2 Mana
Recon Operation*...2 Mana
Faerie Life..............2 Mana
Ghost Touch..........2 Mana
Mystic Inscription..~6~ Mana

See what I mean? Those 5 Effects are seen on these 5 Mana 2K Rainbow creatures. All of them cost 2 Mana to cast exept for Mystic Dreamscape, which costs a whopping six mana to cast. This makes Skysword the most economical. But Skysword isn't only the best economicly, but getting the free sheild and free mana in the first place put's Skysword on top.

The only real trouble is finding a competitve deck to put Skysword in. I have one, but I'm not ready to reveal it just yet...

Time to rate!

Constructed: 5

Limited: 4.5

See ya!

-King Baz
DRY 1337


Skysword, the Savage Vizier is one of the most entertaining cards coming from the Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow set and it’s receiving a lot of acceptance from duelists. On its own, this creature boasts a very powerful combination of abilities and is finding its way into several decks. Here’s why…

Skysword, the Savage Vizier

Cost: 5

Race: Beast Folk/Initiate

Civilization: Light/Nature

Type: Creature

Rules Text:

· (This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.)

· When you put this creature into the battle zone, put the top card of your deck into your mana zone. Then add the top card of your deck to your shields face down.

Power: 2000

Naturally, the ratio between power and mana cost is terrible. However it continues a pattern that we’re used to with 5 mana creatures that come equipped with some splendid abilities. So do Skysword’s abilities measure up? Let’s take a look at the first half of its effect… You get to put the top card of your deck into your mana zone. Now for 5 mana this effect does seem to come a little late but let’s consider what would happen if Bronze Arm Tribe had 2000 power; wouldn’t the cost go up to 4 mana? This still doesn’t justify the +1 mana for a cost of 5 but at least we have a BAT with 2000 power.

Fortunately the next part of the effect makes up for this. We basically have an effect similar to that of Mystic Inscription but the interesting part is that it only costs 5 mana to use the same effect, as opposed to 6. This is one of the biggest reasons why this card is beginning to see a lot of play. We’re basically playing a less expensive variation of Mystic Inscription that adds one extra mana and includes a 2000 attack creature with NO STRINGS ATTACHED! Very revolutionary indeed... A lot of people might view the multi-civ aspect of this card as a downside but Light and Nature make an incredible team anyway and it is where Skysword truly belongs. I just want to reiterate that even if the multi-civ really is a weakness, the effects more than make up for it.

If used right, this creature might be borderline broken. Just imagine playing this creature and on the same turn Soulswapping it for the same creature from your mana zone. You would get 2 mana and 2 shields out of the deal!!! Of course the combo costs 8 mana (which nature can handle anyway), but when you net out the 2 extra mana cards the cost actually jumps down to six! If you have enough speed and/or stall, you’ll also find yourself with 7 shields! Still not convinced? Don’t forget that Skysword can evolve! Throw in Craze Valkyrie and/or Fighter Dual Fang for additional devastation. You can then feed the scraps to Razorpine Tree and Cannon Shell.

The Good: This is essentially a Mystic Inscription with a decent upgrade, a cost reduction, and a physical form to boot! This is a very solid option for L/N decks and should not be passed up!

The Bad: Duelists tend to be greedy when it comes to paying 5 mana so Skysword may seem slow and inconvenient at first. If you seriously consider it, a creature of this caliber should actually cost 7 mana. It’s just unbelievable

The Ugly: Uhhhh… Nothing for this section… This card is just beautiful!

Constructed Rating: 5/5 – I’m more than willing to risk animosity and ridicule by giving Skysword a perfect score. There are no flaws! The multi-civ aspect makes no difference because the card belongs in an L/N deck anyway. If you top-deck it then you get a free shield and the potential to evolve next turn! In addition, the last thing an opponent wants to see is an extra shield, especially for such a low cost. This puts on a lot of pressure, especially if they know that you have Natural Snares, Holy Awes, and Soulswaps.

Limited Rating: 3.5/5 – It’ll be hard to make a deck in limited for this guy but extra mana and shields are very helpful.

Please feel free to post your comments, questions, and/or objections on the Message Board and I’ll be more than happy to respond. Happy dueling!

- DRY 1337


Well, finnaly I get to review one of my favourite card in the Shockwave set.

Name: Skysword, the Savage Vizier
Cost: 5
Race: Beast Folk/Initiate
Civilization: Light/Nature
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.)
When you put this creature into the battle zone, put the top card of your
deck into your mana zone. Then add the top card of your deck to your shields
face down.
Flavor Text:
He hums with the simple harmony of the wild.
Power: 2,000

Cost: 5 mana for 2000 isn't good. But thanks to race and effect it's
defenetly worth playing with this card.

Race: Initiate/Beastfolk. What more do I need to say? Plenty of support and
evos. A perfect card to evolve from, as his effects is CIP and 2000 body is
not specialy much to hurray for.

Effect: A really good effect. +1 shield and +1 mana. AND, it's a creature!
That means it got a body. I'm sold. Where do I sign?

Conclusion: I find great use of this card. It's actuly 4 cards in 1 (as with
Wind Axe). A Burning Mane, a Ballas, Vizer of Electrons, a Mystic
Inscription (do you guys remember this card lol?) and a fearie life. A
relife card. Imagine, your opponents pummels your shields, but with this
card you get one more shield + one more mana to unleash counter next turn.
Skysword works wonders in G/Y decks. Try it...and love it.

Constructed: 4,5/5 - A personal choice, but I would rather have Skysword for
4 mana and a 1000 str body, because thereis much other goodness there is to
play for 5 mana, as PET or Mist Rias.




Today's card is Skysword, the Savage Vizier. Skysword is another 2 civ card from Shockwaves.

Name: Skysword, the Savage Vizier
Cost: 5
Race: Beast Folk/Initiate
Civilization: Light/Nature
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.)
When you put this creature into the battle zone, put the top card of your deck into your mana zone. Then add the top card of your deck to your shields face down.
Flavor Text:
He hums with the simple harmony of the wild.
Power: 2,000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Eiji Kaneda
Rarity: U
Collector Number: 110

Bleh. Another horrible 2 civ card. This one is Faerie Life and Sundrop armor for 1 less mana and no shield trig ability for Faerie Life. Horrible Power to Mana ratio. (5 mana for 2000 power?????? Worse than the past 2 cards.)
1/5 Card
4/5 Art (3/5 for Wind Axe, 2/5 for Vorg's Engine. I forgot to add these when I sent in the first review.)
Hate my reviews? Love my reviews? Let me know. vader1991@yahoo.com

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