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Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards Duel Master site |
Chaos Worm
Rarity: U
Collector Number: 24
Set: Evo Crushinators of Doom
Date Reviewed: 6.23.06
Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating: 3.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
DRY 1337
Joe Ortiz
Chaos Worm
Parasite Worm
Rules Text:
Evolution – Put on one of your Parasite
When you put this creature into the battle
zone, you may destroy one of your opponent’s
A lot of duelists rely solely on hype and
popularity, which is probably one of the
many reasons why we’re having a worm week.
Worms, despite their competitive advantages,
are underused and receive little
recognition. They don’t make you as cool as
Armored Dragon Duelists, nor as popular as
Bombazar players. As we’ve seen this week,
however, worms are able to outmaneuver and
control our opponents. Chaos Worm is no
As far as power, evolution creatures
typically have above average power, but that
is not the case with Chaos Worm. 5000 power
for 5 mana isn’t the best but it’s still
admissible. It allows Chaos Worm to avoid
some of the fire destruction spells and take
out a wide range of creatures. Chaos
Worm’s, true advantage, however is its
effect. As soon as it hits the field, not
only do you get a 5000 power fattie, but you
also get to destroy one of your opponent’s
creatures. There are no exceptions or
exclusions, which is why it’s fantastic. On
top of that, Chaos Worm does not get
summoning sickness, so after you blow up a
creature you get to attack.
Let’s take a look at a typical scenario with
worm decks… Your opponent breaks one of
your shields, which happens to be a
Gregorian Worm (it’s summoned right away).
Now on your turn, you get to evolve
Gregorian into a Chaos Worm, blow up a
creature, and then attack your opponent’s
tapped creature. This 2-for-1 combo is
priceless and as far as we’ve seen, no other
creature’s abilities compare to Chaos Worm’s
ability to cause double destruction. Just
use it and abuse it!
The Good:
Summon Chaos Worm to blow up a creature then
attack immediately for a second kill…
The Bad:
Evolution creatures usually pack a lot more
The Ugly:
Again, worms aren’t very popular and even
though you can make a very inexpensive
competitive deck with them, people will
often opt to go with a newb dragon deck.
Constructed Rating:
4/5 – Summon, destroy, and then destroy some
Limited Rating:
2/5 – Most worms aren’t worth putting into
a limited deck.
Please feel free to post your comments,
questions, and/or objections on the Message
Board and I’ll be more than happy to
respond. Happy dueling!
- DRY 1337

Reese N
Well, I've
been getting e-mails saying that you people dont
like my 2 sentence reviews..... what would you
write when you are being rushed out the door
almost 24/7? If you don't know why I write the 2
sentence reviews, don't criticize them. Anyways
It's the last day of Worm Week, so here is the
Chaos Worm.
Chaos Worm
Cost: 5
Race: Parasite Worm
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Evolution
Rules Text:
Evolution-Put on one of your Parasite Worms.
When you put this creature into the battle zone,
you may destroy one of your opponent's
Power: 5000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Naoki Saito
Rarity: U
Collector Number: 24
Set: Evo Crushinators of Doom
Wow. Finally
a worm that is worth a 5/5. This card gives you
a +1 against your opponent as you can easily
just destroy his/her strongest creature on the
field. It's an Evo which means it can attack
right off the bat, and it has good mana to power
ratio. I love this card. I can't think of
anything better to play on turn 5 except this
and Hopeless Vortex.
5/5 card (Now
i better not get any more flames for this..)
5/5 art (Yay
an actual worm!)
Englishman, Billion Degree Dragon sucks. So dont
think that I like it.

Kino |
23rd June -
Chaos Worm
Hey again guys! today its Chaos Worm's Turn :D And
FINALY! The card that has been mentioned more than
enough times in each of my reviews is here, Chaos
Worm is the king Parasite-Worm, being an evolution,
and comes with great stats and an effect to boot.
Chaos Worm is 5 cost, and 5000 power, this is an
even power/mana ratio, and very good, most 5drops
seen have negative power. althought, remember this
is an evolution, so it balances out, you'll have to
double it up on another of your creatures.
Chaos Worm also has a realy great effect, you can
destroy one of your opponents creatures, so Chaos
Worm has a Hopeless Vortex/Terror Pit style effect
straight there, along with field presence of 5000
attack, which is nothing to scoff at, what so ever.
From personal experience, Chaos Worm can be made
deadly, but the timing must be right, For instance,
if its turn 8 and you've summoned a Horrid Worm,
then spent the last of your mana on Chaos Worm, its
not a very clever move, you've spent 8 mana to ditch
a creature, not a good idea unless that creature is
game-breaking, or you have low shields.
However, Say its turn 5, your Horrid worm attacked
last turn and got a card from their hand, its proved
its worth already, you can get out your chaos worm
without losing direct advantage and ditch a pesky
Chaos Worm is a great card, however, there arnt many
great parasite worms outside of Horrid Worm, the
others are decent.. but meh.
Chaos Worm receives 3.5/5
A very good card, but it could be better, there are
stronger evolutions for this.
If you want to, email me at