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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Slash Charger
Fatal Brood

Card # DM32

Date Reviewed: 03.16.05

Constructed Average Rating: 4
Limited Average Rating: 3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Slash Charger
Mana Cost: 3
Card Type: Darkness Spell
~Search a player's deck. You may take a card from that deck and put it into that player's graveyard. Then the player shuffles his deck.
~Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)

Civilization: "Darkness inhabitants are on a never-ending search for immortality. Driven by madness and selfishness, tormented by fear and despair, they struggle to conquer and control." DuelMasters.com Darkness Civilization.

How true that some of the traits carried by the darkness civilization are traits that some of its user's posses as well. I'm not quite saying that anyone who uses darkness card in their deck are tormented or tortured but that they crave imortality in a game of shield breaks and speed attackers.
Although the darkness civilization is home to some of the most powerful spells and effects, they do have to be quite sneaky in hiding their ususally

low power to mana cost ratio.

Cost: 3 mana cost for a darkness spell isn't very common since only 2 out of

4 of them have par abilities. As with any Charger spell though, Slash Charger makes itself more usable and recoverable once its becomes a mana.

Abilities: A turn before your opponent goes to pull Cranium Clamp, Brain Serum, or Volcano Charger as a nasty top deck you can simply pluck it out of

their deck and send it to the graveyard. The smartest thing is to always go after what would hurt you the most. The trend normally goes as folllowed:
discard spells, destruction spells, medium cost creatures (ex. Corile or Petrova), high cost creatures, etc. When used in combination with cards like

Mystic Dreamscape or Cosmogold, Spectral Knight you can easily use Slash Charger at least a dozen times, virtually leaving your opponent with 7 mana but only able to use cards that won't impact you that much.

Card Efficiency: Slash Charger is a stable 2 for 1 trade off that gives you endless advtage especially if you go directly after spells and your opponent

doesn't have anything to get them back.

Constructed: Slash Charger will mostly see play in its own cycling deck but still may find some further use in control decks. 4/5

Limited: With 17 creatures and spells wit either the same or lower cost, Slash Charger can certainly find use but will still hold a secondary place to all the weenie attackers that most players will focus on using. 2/5
Black Chaos Dragon Hello everyone. Black Chaos Dragon here for another review. Today's card is the newest control tech, Slash Charger

Name: Slash Charger
Cost: 3
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Search a player's deck. You may take a card from that deck and put it into that player's graveyard. Then the player shuffles his deck.

Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)

Flavor Text:
"Life is short. And now it's shorter." -Azaghast, Tyrant of Shadows

Rarity: R

Cost: 3 mana to remove a card of a deck. 6 for 2 cards, if you have 2 Slashes, better that Future Slash. 4/5

Effect: Simple, remove from a deck. If you have a card in your deck and something to return card(s) back to hand you can use on your deck. Mainly, it's used to get rid a pesky card form your opponent's deck.
Trash Crawler and Sniper Squito make this card sick.

Constructed: 4/5, in control decks. 2/5 in all other decks.

Limited: 4/5, Too good to pass up.

The ways of a True Master...

I make no excuses. My actions are my voice.

I have no enemies. My opponent is my teacher.

I need no deceitful tricks. My character is my sword.

I think not of quitting. My courage is my secret weapon.

I know not of defeat. My expierience becomes my strength.

Eric Draven

Name: Slash Charger
Cost: 3
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Spell
Rules Text:
Search a player's deck. You may take a card from that deck and put it into that player's graveyard. Then the player shuffles his deck.
Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Flavor Text:
"Life is short. And now it's shorter." -Azaghast, Tyrant of Shadows
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Katsuya
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 32


Hey, a deckout card! This card can really ruin a deck by removing that single copy of whatever card in their deck. Plus you get th=o search their deck, so you'll know what's coming. And you get +1 mana. Niice. Plus it only costs 3 mana. Really niice. If you run darkness, try at least a single copy, see how well it works for you.


Contructed: 4/5

Limited: 4/5

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