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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Necrodragon Bryzenaga

Card # DM-S4

Date Reviewed: 05.19.06

Constructed Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

DRY 1337



Hello everyone. It’s time to review one of the more bizarre cards in this set, Necrodragon Bryzenaga. I must say that the artwork is gorgeous and the effect is completely out of left field. So is it worthy of seeing action in competitive play? Let’s take a look at the stats…

Necrodragon Bryzenaga

Mana Cost: 6

Race: Zombie Dragon

Civilization: Darkness

Rules Text:
• When you put this creature into the battle zone, put all your shields into your hand. (You can use the "shield trigger" abilities of those shields.)
• Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)

Flavor Text: The only thing stronger than its evil is its stench.

Power: 9,000

At first glance this card reminded me of the wobbly chair in my kitchen (a few of these guys could really help to balance one of the legs). After all, with all of the other cards this set has to offer, why should I give this guy a second glance?

Before we analyze its bizarre effect, let’s take a look at Bryzenaga’s cost to power ratio. We essentially have a 9,000 power double breaker for only 6 mana. It seems fairly decent and resembles a juiced-up Zagaan, Knight of Darkness.

Now for the effect…

Evidently when you summon this behemoth it appears to have a strange side effect. As soon as it hits the field you scoop all of your shields and you have the option to cast the shield triggers…

Let’s take a look at the negative aspect first, since it’s so obvious. By picking up your shields you’re essentially giving the game away. If your opponent has more creatures than you have blockers or if they have a creature that cannot be blocked then either be confident that you’ll win this turn or tell yourself next time to drop him into your mana zone. What’s even worse is that if you DO put him in your mana zone then your opponent can Soulswap it when you’re not ready, finish you off, and send you back to noob headquarters. When taking this into consideration, the flavor text makes a whole lot of sense because the effect stinks.

Let’s turn it all around and look at the positives. This creature is HUGE and we need to use it to our advantage in order to finish the game on the turn that it is summoned. Mykee’s Pliers would do the trick and so would Supersonic Jet Pack. Supersonic Jet Pack would make it seem like we’re handling a Death Liger with speed attacker. It’s too bad that SJP isn’t a shield trigger since it could be instantly used by Bryzenaga’s effect. This is also a good creature to play in case you have no shield triggers

Ok, so at least that helps us to get closer to finishing off the opponent. It’s time to consider the shield triggers needed. Obviously Terror Pit would give this guy some authority. But what if instead we turned to light? If we’re trying to win this turn then we’ll need something “awe”some. Holy awe could be splashed into this build and perhaps add some shield trigger blockers. We could also include Locomotiver and Gregorian Worm. These creatures would interact with Mykee’s Pliers nicely. With a lot of luck and some shield manipulation it could be pulled off. It would also be fun to try with water cards (Emeral, Spiral Gate and Aqua Surfer).

The last thing is to pray that you don’t hit a Holy Awe.

Constructed Rating: 2/5 – You can get a really nice combo with this guy but it takes time, a lot of patience, and a lot of luck. It’ll be a fun deck during casual events but will most likely fall apart against rush decks.

Limited Rating: 1/5 – The reason why this creature gets a rating at all is because it’s worth hearing the chuckles when you play it. Be prepared for a Soulswap.

I hope you enjoyed the review


Hello again everyone, ~Zephyr~ here again. Hope everyone enjoyed the last review I did and once again, just like Hurricane Crawler, another controversial card is being reviewed today, Necrodragon Bryzenaga.
Name: Necrodragon Bryzenaga
Cost: 6
Race: Zombie Dragon
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, put all your shields into your hand. (You can use the "shield trigger" abilities of those shields.)
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Flavor Text:
The only thing stronger than its evil is its stench.
Power: 9,000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Takesi Kuno
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S4
Let's break it down shall we.......
Cost & Power: The cost to power ratio of this creature is brillant. 6 mana for a 9000 powerhouse is quite impressive for any creature and in my cases, this cost to power ratio is usually only found on Evolution creatures like Niofa, Horned Protector & Ultra Mantis, Scourage of Fate. Only problem with this creature over them is the fact that they can attack straight away while Necrodragon Bryzenaga can't. Otherwise its a nice creature.
Race: Zombie Dragon. A decent race type that has 3 evolutions in both Super Necrodragon Abzo Dolba, Super Terradragon Bailas Gale & the killer beast himself Uberdragon Bajula as good evolutions. Though it must be said that Necrodragon Giland is the better option to evolve from since its only 4 mana compared to all the other Necrodragon's 6 mana cost.
Effect: Now this is the main controversy over this card as at first glance, you'd think that Bryzenaga's effect is terrible. Think about it, when you summon it, you lose all your shields and they all get sent to your hand. Not something that people would want to happen in a duel, especially when it looks like things are going well for ya to lose it on Bryzenaga's effect. On the upside, all the shields triggers in those shields can be activated so if all 5 of the shields were triggers, u can set them off but obviously, u set them off in the order that you took the shields up. If the deck you are using his shield trigger heavy, Necrodragon Bryzenaga might not be a bad choice to use, especially if your shields might be holding the card u need, such as a Holy Awe to help clear the field or a Terror Pit to get rid of a nasty blocker etc. Also, the use of Mana Nexus & Emeral in a deck with this creature could be used to manipulate the shields and then summon this creature to activate the shield triggers altogether and finish the opponent off. So while people will see this guy as a terrible creature at first, its' effect can be utilised if played in the right way and if the opponent has been a bit carelss. Plus, the ability of Double Breaker just adds to his utility on the field.
Players using Transmogrify in their decks might wanna give Necrodragon Bryzenaga a miss just in case it backfires on you!!
Availability: Similar to Hurricane Crawler in my last review, most people will have no problem swapping or selling this off to other duelists as its effect won't appeal to everyone. But otherwise, since its a Super Rare, its not as easy to get your hands on in the boosters!
In my own personal view, I would love to see myself or someone else in the DM Community come up with a deck that utilises this creature's effect and can produce a tournament worthy deck with Bryzenaga included. That would be very impressive to see! Nice card, but won't be appeal to everyone's tastes!
Limited: 1/5 - Definitely a card to miss out, shields are important and you won't get killer shields to use like in constructed so best to leave out, unless you are not fussed with the outcome!
Constructed: 3/5 - Very tricky card at the moment to use effectively in a deck, but im sure the fun deck duelists will come up with a deck idea to use his ability to the max! 50/50 really
~Zephyr~'s score: 3/5

If anyone wants to discuss anything that I have mentioned in this COTD, feel free to email me @ - mexflash@hotmail.com. Generally always up for a friendly chat & discussion. Also available on Msn & for duels on DMC v2.0!

Until the next COTD!
Name: Necrodragon Bryzenaga
Cost: 6
Race: Zombie Dragon
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, put all your shields into your hand. (You can use the "shield trigger" abilities of those shields.) Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) Flavor Text:
The only thing stronger than its evil is its stench.
Power: 9,000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Takesi Kuno
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S4

If you are using a Shield Trigger deck you can spring several at one time.
if not it will kill you. at least you can use shield trigger abilitys unlike

others like Baraga.

regular deck 2.5/5
Shield Trigger deck 4.5/5
Doc Name: Necrodragon Bryzenaga
Cost: 6
Race: Zombie Dragon
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, put all your shields into your hand. (You can use the "shield trigger" abilities of those shields.) Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) Flavor Text:
The only thing stronger than its evil is its stench.
Power: 9,000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Takesi Kuno
Rarity: S
Collector Number: S4

This must be cool art week or something

This card is from Shockwaves Of The Shattered Rainbow. I could see someone with a deck focused on having no shields to gain power and effects playing this. Its effect is VERY unique and this card goes well with a nature spell

called Mana Nexus. This is how the combo goes, play Mana Nexus to set up your shields or to place Mana Nexus so you have at least 1 shield, then play this card to send all the shields to your hand, and then you are able to activate the shield trigger abilities.

Great power to mana ratio, 6 for 9000 double breaker Allows you to play shield triggers Dragon Evolution Material

You're left with no shields.
This card runs into a terror pit, then you wasted your shields for nothing.

Art: 4/5

Overall Rating: 2/5

See ya guys, or girls, next time.
/Bernhard Name: Necrodragon Bryzenaga
Cost: 6
Race: Zombie Dragon
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, put all your shields into
your hand. (You can use the "shield trigger" abilities of those shields.)
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Flavor Text:
The only thing stronger than its evil is its stench.
Power: 9,000

The darkness civ is full of "win before the consequences kills
you"-creatures, and Necrodragon Bryzenaga is no exception. Let’s take a look
on this card:

Cost: Good ratio. 6 mana for 9000 and double breaker. Looks good so far.

Race & Civ: Well, another dragon... Dragon is the race with the most support
in the game so far. You can find support and other dragons from the nature,
the darkness and the fire civ. Bryzenaga still look very good to me.

Effect: This card is down on the same route as another fellow dragon, more
exactly the almighty Bombazar, Dragons of Destiny. But Bryzenaga's effect
alters a bit. When you play this, you are forced to take up all the shield
you have and use em' if you can. As I said in the beginning, you better win
the turn when you play this creature, or you will most likely end up
screwed. It's a pity that Bryzenaga isn't a speed attacker, as it would
really boost his effect. I can't see any really competative play with this
dragon. Thou' a deck with Bryzenaga+Toto pippichi/Mykee's
Pilers+Cryptic(+Holy Awe) would be fun to see and run... Maybe I have to
make that deck myself :P!

Good mana/power ratio.
Double Breaker
Using all your shields could be game winning

If you fail finishing up your opponent during that turn you play him, you
will more likely getting finished up yourself!
For that effect, you will need (more or less) speed attacker to make it

This card could be fun to play, but for competitive decks, run Bombazar
instead. He is better in all aspects. (And ironically, Bombazar is easier to
pull from a booster, as Necrodragon Bryzenaga is super rare)

Constructed: 2.5/5
Limited: 1/5 (In limited, I wouldn't play with this creature because there
is not enough support (he really needs support) and game winning triggers.


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