Name: Engbelt, the Spydroid
Cost: 4
Race: Soltrooper
Civilization: Light
Type: Creature
Rules Text:

(Whenever an opponent's creature
attacks, you may tap this creature to stop the
attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
This creature can't attack players.
Flavor Text:
"I caught a jumbo jet in my web once. It was
mighty tasty."
Power: 5500
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Akifumi Yamamoto
Rarity: C
Collector Number: 9
Name: Hazaria, Duke of Thorns
Cost: 4
Race: Dark Lord
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Wave striker
(While 2 or more other creatures
in the battle zone have "wave striker," this
creature has its

When you put this creature into the battle zone,
your opponent chooses one of his creatures and
destroys it.
Flavor Text:
"Darling! I got you some roses!"
Power: 2000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Hisashi Momose
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 27
Its a 2 for 1 special
Like I said, were reviewing 2 cards today. One
is a Light blacker, Engbelt the Spydroid, and
the other is a Darkness wave striker, Hazaria,
Duke of Thorns, both from the Blastplosion set.
First up, Engbelt is a new breed, soltrooper,
and is a blocker(as is most light creatures).
The mana to power ratio is 4:5500, which edges
out many of the 4 mana blockers that don't have
some weird effect that causes them to die once
they blocked an attack. As for the Duke, all the
players at the local shop HATE wave strikers.
One kid played them in a tournament and he was
being torn into by these people. Anyway, his
effect allows your opponent to destroy 1
creature whenever you summon another creature.
Creature destruction is always good no matter
who you are, but if an effect needs 2
creatures to activate, than I'd rather just put
them in the binder.
Engbelt's Pros: Good M2P ratio 4:55K is good for
a blocker
That's pretty much it
Engbelt's cons: Not many, this creature is good
in any decks with blockers and light cards.
Hazaria's Pros: Effect, creature destruction is
always good(as long as it's not your own)
Hazaria's Cons: Wave striker, one attack on
another striker and you lose Hazaria's effect
M2P ratio, 4:2K isn't
bad, but it's not good either
Flavor text, I know no
one cares about flavor texts, but this is just
Engbelt's art: 3/5
Hazaria's art: 4/5, the thousands of thousands
of thorns do look cool
Engbelt's Overall Rating: 4/5
Hazaria's Overall Rating: 2/5, his effect gives
him 1 extra point.
See ya guys, or girls, next time