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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Warped Lunatron

Card # DM-23

Date Reviewed: 09.27.06

Constructed Average Rating: 4
Limited Average Rating: 2.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


DRY 1337



Today we review a card that has brought a new style of control to the world of Duel Masters.  With its combined ability ad power, Warped Lunatron is both controlling and deadly…  Hmmm, sounds like my ex-girlfriend.  Ouch… Yeah, let’s move right along.  ;)


Warped Lunatron


Cost: 7


Race: Cyber Moon


Civilization: Water


Type: Creature


Rules Text:

·         Creatures in the battle zone don't untap at the start of each player's turn.

·         When each player untaps his cards at the start of his turn, he may then tap any number of cards in his mana zone. For every 2 cards he taps this way, he untaps one of his creatures in the battle zone.

·         Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)


Power: 6000


The thing that is the most interesting about Warped Lunatron is the fact that it’s so unique.  It comes equipped with an ability that can potentially stop your opponent in his/her tracks, yet it’s still above 5000 power.  When thinking about it, seven mana for 6000 power may still not sound like much but it makes it nearly untouchable by almost all fire spells and it can plow through most blockers.  In other words, we have a useful tank with a debilitating ability.  To add even more insult, Warped Lunatron is also a double breaker.


Now let’s talk about the effect.  First we see that creatures don’t untap at the start of each player’s turn and in order for a player to untap his/her creature they would have to pay two mana.  This is pretty killer becauses that player would have to continue the turn while being two mana short.  It’s also important to read this effect carefully because it doesn’t stack.  It specifically states that a player would have to tap two mana in order to untap a creature.  When you have two Warped Lunatrons in the battle zone you cannot expect the cost to go up to 4.  That’s why this card is worded that way.


Even with this restriction, the card still seems to give an unfair advantage.  For starters, your opponent is the first to feel the sting of this effect.  He/she would have to figure out a way to both kill Warped Lunatron and somehow untap his/her creatures (which costs precious mana).  If Warped Lunatron dies then you still get to untap your creatures for free while your opponent sits there.  However, if Warped Lunatron is still in the battle zone then you will suffer the same consequences, so be prepared.


If you haven’t guessed it yet, the best civilization to combine this card with is light.  The obvious reason is because of all of the tap effects.  As long as Warped Lunatron stays out you’ll pretty much ruin your opponent’s chances by tapping his/her creatures.  Some people might also be forgetting that light is also capable of untapping your side of the battle zone.  Welcome back, Toel!  As long as Toel is out you get to untap your creatures at the end of the turn.  Talk about a double-whammy!  You can also include creatures that untap entirely on their own, such as Nial, Vizier of Dexterity.


As a final thought, the last thing you need is for your opponent’s shields to create problems for you so top this deck off with Bluum Erkis and plenty of blockers and it’ll make it all the more evil.


The Good:  You have the potential to lock your opponent’s side of the field.


The Bad:  It’s a new style of control so people might have a hard time getting used to it.


The Ugly:  If you face a light duelist and accidentally or intentionally omitted Toel (or a creature/spell with a similar ability) then you’re in trouble.


Constructed Rating: 4/5 – This is not the easiest card to use and a lot of perseverance is required.  However, in the right deck you’ll be able to control the duel once you summon it out.


Limited Rating: 2.5/5 -  This is not the best effect for limited since it will affect you as well. 


Please feel free to post your comments, questions, and/or objections on the Message Board and I’ll be more than happy to respond.  Happy dueling!




Once again, here's today's card, Warped Lunatron.


Name: Warped Lunatron
Cost: 7
Race: Cyber Moon
Civilization: Water
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
Creatures in the battle zone don't untap at the start of each player's turn.
When each player untaps his cards at the start of his turn, he may then tap any number of cards in his mana zone. For every 2 cards he taps this way, he untaps one of his creatures in the battle zone.
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Power: 6000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: Yarunoca
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 23


Um.... OUCH. This is pain to opponent's mana and pain for you when you begin a major attacking/blocking frenzy. This card wouldn't tap either. So.....


3/5 Card

4/5 Art (JAPANESE!)


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