Mummy Wrap, Shadow of Fatigue is a card that
duelists have been skeptical about since its
release. The problem with Mummy Wrap is that
it’s weak and the effect harms both the player
and the opponent. Nevertheless what players
fail to realize is that Mummy Wrap is the
recursion duelists dream. Still skeptical?
Take a look…
Mummy Wrap, Shadow of Fatigue
Rules Text:
Instead of having this creature attack, you may
tap it to use its
player discards a card at random from his hand.
Yes, the power to mana ratio is horrendous. For
3 mana we’re able to summon a ghost with a
pitiful 1000 power. This is much worse than the
ratios we get from typical darkness creatures
(like Horrid Worm) and leaves Mummy Wrap prone
to any form of attack. On top of that, the
effect appears to be lackluster. When you tap
Mummy Wrap you and your opponent must discard a
card at random, which is stupid, in most
people’s opinion. Most people prefer to go with
Horrid Worm, a creature that is stronger power
and only discards from your opponent’s hand.
Oookaayy, so maybe Mummy Wrap is terrible after
all… Right?
Not exactly… As far as Mummy Wrap’s power, we
can actually compensate by combining it with
Shadow Moon. The neat thing is that Shadow Moon
comes in on turn 4 when it’s time to tap Mummy
Wrap. In addition, not only does Mummy Wrap’s
power increase to 3000 (with Shadow Moon’s
effect), it also creates the groundwork for a
Ghost deck! At the present moment, ghosts are
being ignored but just take a look at all of the
glorious evolutions you’ll have at your
disposal! Imagine having a field of slayers and
a field of creatures that refuse to die!
Ok, so now let’s discuss the fact that you lose
a card when you tap Mummy Wrap. It’s not as bad
as we think… The fact that you get to tap Mummy
Wrap, instead of attacking with it, is actually
a brilliant feature. Let’s compare it again to
Horrid Worm. When Horrid Worm attacks and
breaks a shield, the opponent will get to pick
up the shield and keep the same amount of cards
in his/her hand. With Mummy Wrap they wouldn’t
have the luxury of getting that shield and you
wouldn’t have to worry about hitting a shield
trigger and losing your momentum. As a matter
of fact, why not add insult to injury and cast
Cranium Clamp right before tapping Mummy Wrap?
Your opponent will suffer a net loss of 3 cards
(to your 1) and will pick up zero shields.
After your fourth turn your opponent will most
likely not have a hand. ;)
As far as having to discard your own card, it’s
really no big deal when using a darkness deck.
As a matter of fact, duelists that specialize in
graveyard recursion grow stronger when they have
options in their graveyard. Just cast a Morbid
Medicine or Zombie Carnival (if playing with
Ghosts) and restore the creatures that you
discarded while your opponent is left with
nothing in his/her hand. Corpse Charger is also
very useful with this strategy.
Alas! Another Dry secret revealed. ;)
The Good:
It provides hand control and evolves into some
of the most incredible creatures!
The Bad:
You have to discard a card from your hand.
The Ugly:
Without a blocker or Shadow Moon, it’ll sit out
there naked and ready to die.
Constructed Rating:
4/5 – It sucks that you lose a card but most
skilled darkness duelists will use that to their
advantage. The evolutions are fabulous and
everything fits into place, as far as mana cost.
Limited Rating:
2/5 – It might not be much help here. Without a
blocker this creature is as good as dead.
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