Justice Jamming is a card that most duelists
have stayed away from, and for good reason.
Sure it’s great to have another cheap way to tap
your opponent’s creatures, but the problem is
that it’s too conditional. Let’s take a closer
Justice Jamming
Rules Text:
all darkness creatures in the battle zone,
or tap all fire creatures in the battle
At the cost of only 3 mana Justice Jamming
appears to be similar to Screaming Sunburst,
although it’s somewhat toned down. Screaming
Sunburst taps all non-light creatures in the
battle zone, while Justice Jamming taps only
darkness OR fire creatures. It would have been
a lot more useful if we could choose any
civilization but making it so that you can pick
one civilization out of two is laughable.
Fortunately, fire and darkness happen to be the
most very popular in today’s meta so you’ll at
least get something out of it.
Again, the keyword here is “conditional”.
Usually, when we deal with conditional effects,
the cards are harder to play but the rewards are
that much more beneficial. Unfortunately there
is very little splendor with Justice Jamming’s
effect and all you get in the end is a few
tapped creatures. If you really want to take
advantage of the Light Civilization’s tapping
abilities (even if you’re running dual-civ) then
look no further than Screaming Sunburst.
Justice Jamming is just too inefficient.
The Good:
Well at least you have a chance to tap
The Bad:
The effect is conditional.
The Ugly:
Cards that are conditional typically have a
more powerful effect (just look at Slash and
Burn). Justice Jamming doesn’t really offer
anything too worthwhile.
Constructed Rating:
2/5 – Yes, you might get to tap something but
this isn’t the type of card that can assure you
of certain victory. You’re better off going
with Screaming Sunburst, which will give you
better control of the game.
Limited Rating:
2/5 – Again, you might be able to tap something
but it’s not the best card to be using in
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