Fire vs. Dark. Whos got the best removel?-dhuman


    Hi agian. Tired of reading yet? No? OK then lets get reading.

    Now today we will look at the best removal in the game. But which is better??? Is it Dark's spells and creature effects? Or Fire's brute force? Well, let's find out.

    Well, Dark's got death smoke, terror pit, ect. Fires got Bolshack Dragon and all the other beatdowns. Right now dark aint got much on it's own while fires got a lot going for it. So if your a real tech. player (played yugioh before havnt you?!?) That darks your way. If like big ol' beatsticks for fire. Thats my advice. It realy comes down to what works for ya. Still in todays game, Fire probly is the best for reamove.

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