Death Smoke and tornado flame- Themis


It’s me again with a little report on two cards death smoke and tornado flame.



Let’s take a look at Death Smoke


Its 4 mana to destroy 1 of the opponents untapped creatures. Now it’s not a shield trigger and it’s a dark civilization type card. So this card can destroy any card as long as it’s not tapped, that’s pretty decent but a lot of the time the monsters you want to get rid of have already attacked. This card is very versatile and deserves a spot in any deck that uses dark civilization.


Ok now let’s move on to Tornado Flame


In a lot of ways this card is similar to Death Smoke its six mana to destroy a creature that has less than 4000 atk on the opponents side of the field. So this card can destroy anything tapped or untapped as long as it has an atk lower than 4000. Also this card is a shield trigger which opens a whole new world of possibilities if you are luckily enough to get it as a shield. And it’s a fire type which is played much more often than any other civilization.


So we have looked at the two and now we decided which is better. Personally I prefer Tornado Flame only because its fire and a shield trigger, but death smoke is also a excellent card to include in a deck with any dark cards in it. See I run no dark civilization cards so I prefer Tornado Flame but I also think its better in any other deck that use it so overall I think Tornado Flame is a better card


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