Halo's Nature/Darkness Removal Beatdown Deck (for Duel Yammers)


This is my Duel Masters deck. It's a Beatdown that uses Nature for mana acceleration and Darkness for power and kill spells. It includes nine kill spells to get rid of blockers and large attackers. Here's the list:


Nature cards:


4x Bronze Arm Tribe

3x Mighty Shouter

1x Ultimate Force

3x Natural Snare

2x Thorny Mandra

3x Roaring Great-Horn


Darkness cards:


2x Writhing Bone Ghoul

2x Bone Assassin, the Ripper

2x Bone Spider

2x Terror Pit

4x Death Smoke

4x Bloody Squito

2x Dark Reversal

3x Wandering Braineater

2x Zagaan, Knight of Darkness

1x Deathliger, Lion of Chaos

2x Dark Clown


Notes: this deck works to bring out its lone Deathliger or one of the Great Horns. It's a pretty simplistic deck, with Dark providing power, blockers, and 6/9 kill spells. Nature provides mana, three Natural Snares, and the Roaring Great-Horns. I've found Terror Pits to be very useful and very frustrating for your opponent-- there's nothing funnier than paying 4 mana to kill the Astrocomet Dragon they had in their hand since turn 1 that hasn't even attacked yet.


Bone assassin-- the ripper is useful for scoring a couple of hits on their shields, as your opponent is frequently unwilling to block it and lose their blocker. The Writhing Bone Ghouls are just in the deck to provide some early game advantage, and I use the Dark Reversals to bring back the Bloody Squitos and the Dream Clowns after i've used them.


Please send any email to Halo158@aol.com

Ted Sumers