Ying-Yang is the way to play- The Dark
Hey, it's
me.......again. If anyone has any idea where I could get a life, please dont
hesitate to e-mail me.
Anywho, it's
me....The Dark Advocate!! Muahahahahaha!!!!!! Uh..........not as appealing as
the first time.....
Today, I want to
give you, IMO, the best use of Darknesses powers in a two-color deck. And my
second favorite civilazation, Light, will be its partner in crime.
Both of thses
types have a strong strength and a deadly weakness, but they balance each other
out. Darkness is all about strength and destruction, while Light is about
defense and long-term strategy. Together, they make a deck that is the master of
the mid- to late game. In the beggining, unless you get out your light
blockers........well, you probably might be
Now, I'm not
trying to convince you that I'm a great player. In fact, I'm probably
categorized as an ameteur. I just want to share my ideas with others like myself
who enjoy the game.
Now, the point of
my belief that Darkness and Light work so well is that they both fill in the
void where the other lacks. Its a good idea. Balance is key in any kind of TCG.
This deck uses the best abilities of each
Darkness gets its
creature destruction and strong attack. It also gets to use the great Darkness
ability......Slayer! So, you definitly want 4 Creeping Plague, a 1 cost spell
that gives all your monsters slayer.......but slayer can kill them?! Nope, in
this case, they only get Slayer if they are blocked, destroying your opponents
blockers with out a doubt. Also, you need to focus the Darkness part of the deck
on creatture destruction spells, and the Slayer ability, and dropping a few big
hitters for late game.
For the Light
civilazation, their strength is in defense and card flow and flux. That means
using Sundrop Armor to set up your Terror Pits, and Holy Awe to tap all
your opponents creatures. And using other effects to search for
spells. Lol. So evil.......Also, you can put in 4 copies of all its cheap
blockers to hold your opponent off until you can summon your Deathliger and
Zaagan. Or whatever your using.
I have yet to
assemble this type of deck in this best way possible, but I plan on trying to
make one. The decks name is Ying-Yang: Spirits Within. Catchy,
As all ways,
thanks to Pojo and the staff, and all other contributors. I love this site like
a fat guy loves buffalo wings. ^_^.
To contact me, e-mail me at GenStd4@Aol.com