

The only thing that limits my ability to create these decks is the number of
cards that I have. I don't have four of each card in my possession, so it does
put a handicap on my game strategies and deck development. However, I used that
best that I could get, and there are only 9 rares in the entire deck, and none
of them are Super Rares! So, let's start the, ummm..., deck review! My deck:
1 Deadly Fighter Braid Claw
1 Artisan Picora
3 Immortal Baron Vorg
2 Rothus the Traveler
3 Meteosaur
2 Black Feather, Shadow of Rage
4 Bloody Squito
1 Bone Assassin the Ripper
1 Gigagiele
1 Swamp Worm
2 La Ura Giga Sky Guardian
3 Emerald Grass
3 Senatine Jade Tree
1 Gran Gure Space Guardian

1 Chaos Strike
3 Crimson Hammer
2 Tornado Flame
1 Dark Reversal
1 Terror Pit
1 Solar Ray
2 Laser Wing
1 Holy Awe
This is pretty much what I've got. Now the first thing I did was to look at what my strategy would be. I decided that,
in order to counter my brother's Water and Nature deck, I would need mass
monster destruction. There are fourteen cards that I included in hopes
that it would be enough to easily kill almost anything in his deck: 2 Rothus
the Traveler, 3 Meteosaur, Bone Assassin the Ripper, Gigagiele, Swamp Worm,
3 Crimson Hammer, 2 Tornado Flame, and Terror Pit. These cards have given
me an easy path to removing creatures from the field so that my creatures
have an opportunity to hit shields. Most of my wins come from using the
effects of these cards, however, Gran Gure has enough power to destroy almost
anything my opponent can pit against me. It also has blocker, and my deck
seriously needed more than just the 4 Bloody Squito, so Light was added
in to give me my needed blockers.  The spells and speed is what gives my
deck the extra umph it needs to win games. My deck lacks strength, but
strategy, speed and spells give me the upper hand in my duels. My spells
either help with my strategy or make it easier to hit shields. Chaos Strike
lets me hit an annoying untapped creature. All of the Light spells tap
opponents creatures or allow me to hit shields without being blocked.
This is the kind of a deck where there are a few major exceptions to my
"magic numbers" for balancing. Strength isn't required as much, but it
would add a nice touch if I had better creatures. Speed is readily available,
and provides early shield breaking. About the only "magic number" that I
hit was in Spells, with 12, which is between my min of 5 and max of 15.
For mana, this deck is very versatile, allow different situations to affect
what you can play into the mana zone. My highest costed card is at 7, and
often you will be able to play multiple creatures and spells in the same
turn, even if you have little mana in your mana zone. Therefore, I did have
some planning as to what I wanted as mana, however, what I do play for mana
depends on the situation and changes with each passing turn. Since most of
the mana costs are so low, you need only around 7 or 8 mana in your mana
zone, allowing you to save cards in your hand for when you need them the most.
This gives you options, and, as I've said before, options change the duel