argument: which is better: Bolshack or Bolzard?


My name is Francesco and this is my first post on Pojo.

I have 1 Bolzard Dragon in my deck while my brother has a Bolshack. Which would you say is better?

Here is a list of Pros and Cons for each one:


Destroys a mana card each time it attacks


6 mana

5000 atk

v rare

Not x2 Breaker

Bolshack- Pros

X2 Breaker

+1000/ fire in graveyard


V rare

6 mana

According to that list, Bolshack is better, but remember that, without mana, Bolshack might not be summonable, which would give Bolzard a slight advantage.

Well there it is, my first comment.

If anybody wants to continue this they can e-mail me at

Hate mail will probably be deleted, and I will try to answer back to anything else A.S.A.P.