My Power Deck :PartII-Porky


Hi , im the guy who wrote the review called 
My Power Deck

  Well , I also  have a few  combos that I used  during this weekend that  required cards in my deck. Here they are:

1.)Burning Rayla-
Requirements- Any creature
                           Rayla,Truth Enforcer(Light Creature)
                           Burning Power(Fire Spell)
The Deal- You need to have a certain creature out on the field. Now,this can work when u need a powerful monster,or just to give a  creature a boost.First,summon Rayla  to the field. Once  you do this ,you can  search your deck for  Burning Power. Use one more mana to  cast  your spell and WAMO !!!!!You just gave your creature a +2000 to his attack.

Defense&Offense- This really isnt a combo just how i made my deck. Now,  what the idea is to have at least two blockers on your field and three powerful monsters. This really helps keep the balance between protectin your shields and demolishing your opponents.

Well thats all for today folks so Sayanora,Aloha ,Esta Mania,Buh Bye, and laterzzzzz alligatorzzzzzz.