big but powerful


Hello duelmasters fans out there its me again AlexMcneil with another deck idea.This time I tried making a 3 civilization deck with NO HOLLOWS.Yep nothing but commons,uncommons,and rares.And this deck does contain 50 cards but it was the only way that I could get my best cards in.And here it is:


2+immortal baron vorg

2+brawler zyler

2+fatal attacker horvath

2+onsluaghter triceps

2+fire sweeper burning hellion

2+burning valcanodon

2+tornado flame

2+choas strike


2+poisinous mushroom

2+burning mane

2+bronze arm tribe

2+mighty shouter

2+fear fang

2+dome shell

2+pangeas song

2+natural snare


2+la ura giga sky guardian

2+resoul the oracle

2+emerald grass

2+miele vizier of lightning

2+lere vizier of bullets

2+senative jade tree

2+moonlight flash

2+holy awe

YA I KNOW ITS REALLY BIG!!But I think it will do pretty good.I just built it so I have not tested it yet.Changes will be made.If you have any questains or tips email me at