Yugioh, Duelmasters or Magic?-Themis
Hello people ive been posting here
lately and I hope you are reading my articles. Well today im going to talk about
which game duelmasters is based on.
Firstly Duelmasters support the mana
theme like Magic, but if I understand correctly it little bit different and also
the creatures are more magic the gathering looking than yugioh creatures are.
Nextly civilizations resemble magic’s civilizations. Lastly the monsters tap and
untap like in magic.
The yugioh factor is pretty simple
the atk of the monsters are much too high to be anything like magic put the atk
is also to high to be with yugioh. Also duelmasters use spells like yugioh.
In my opinion duelmasters is more
closely related to magic. And more than likely im right since wizards of the
cost made the two games. But some people say it resembles poke’mon (I don’t see
how). Anywho Duelmasters is also a game in its on. The shields and shield
triggers are original and blockers, Slayers and power attackers are what make
the game different.
Well that’s my explanation of this
game being similar to any game
Questions then just ask Themis at zachwinslett@bellsouth.net