What each civilization recieved after the expansion - RandeeSan


As we all know, each civilization has different strengths and weaknesses. We also know that much has changed after the recent release of the expansion evo-crushinators of doom. I am here to explain what each civilization had before and after the release, so that people have a better clarity on which civilization to use and how to use it effectively.


Before Expansion


Light- Ah yes the light civilization, one of my favorites. Right from base set, light was a very defensive deck. Many cheap blockers and holy awes were the foundation of every light deck. There was little attacking power besides Lights huge big monsters and blockers attacking. Everyone thought that light was not wise to use as a basis of a deck due to this attacking deficiency, however, no other deck could keep up with the stalling that light could put out.


Water- In the beginning water was the most widely used color due to its awesome draw and control power. People liked special abilities like unblockablility. Control cards with something like a king depthcon usually meant game over for the opponent. While it wasn’t very strong at attacking, it had many abilities to make up for this deficit Low cost blockers made it possible to survive the early onslaught


Fire- Fire was a very aggressive and strong force. It was newbie friendly and easy straight forward play. All you had to do was play guys, play spells to kill opposition, and play bigger dudes. Many small low cast creatures had amazing power attacker bonuses and was one of the most popular colors. The big creatures in Red had amazing power bonuses or just downright large base strength. Easy playability is what Red had during the base set.


Nature: Basically what nature did was play weak monsters and accelerate your mana at crazy amounts to summon huge monsters which were really strong. Since green didn’t have too much to give besides mana, it became one of the lesser popular colors. Like red green has no blockers. Red made up for the lack of blockers with aggressive attacks, but green had to build up mana to get a strong force. While green was good at getting the mana, the problem was using it before you got killed. So it was not a very popular deck back in base set days.


Black: Death smoke and terror pit were the best creature removal spells, and they still are. Hand disruption and card retrieval were other side effects that black could muster up. But what black was really good at was killing off all your important creatures, weather it be a good effect monster or a fat one, black always had a spell or a slayer to take care of it. Black isn’t exactly new layer friendly. No good early monsters and blockers that died after one use. It was hard to go mono-black, but was very effective when combined with other colors. A difficult color to play but rewarding if used right, that was what black was all about.



After Expansion


Light- after evo-crushinators came out, light went from block and stall to build up and attack. Diamond cutter has made light deck blockers killing machines. Evolution creatures are insanely powerful. Searching for spells doesn’t need that expensive Ryla. Spell retrieval and even slight card drawing. All these has made light go from an unpopular color to almost the best. It seems that light has overcome its Attacking deficiency and has become a killing machine.


 Water- Although water’s bounce was incredibly powerful in base set, it is not the case now. Evolution creatures has made it possible to become bounced, and come back to attack next turn. However, Liquid people have gotten a lot of support. Crystal Lancer almost replaces king depthcon and it’s an uncommon, making even little kids to easily obtain it. King nautilus makes all liquid people unblockable. There are also plenty of new was to draw cards including: hypersquid walter, plasma chaser, and thought probe. What Blue lost in bounce was gained back through even MORE awesome draw power, and great attacking power.


 Fire- Fire hasn’t changed much, still play dudes and attack. However, humans have gotten huge support due to their cheap evolutions. Mana destruction has appeared to help counter some of the bad effects of cards like Explosive fighter ucarn. Pretty much fire’s  playstyle is still the same just with added support.


Nature- Natures mana acceleration has become hyperspeed! Cards like silver axe and fighter dual fang make greens mana soar up high. Not only that, green offers another way to get ahead in mana of your opponent. Mana destruction comes in two cards for green. Mana crisis does just that. Fortress shell however is harder to get out but deadly when summoned. And finally, beastfolk’s  got a huge boost in attack power making greens creatures bigger, even big enough to fight off some of reds creatures. Green is become increasingly popular after Evo because they got early game support form creatures.


Black- mmm worms. Parasite worms have become a bit stronger due to ultracide worm. While black still sucks at creatures, it has improved a bit. Marrow ooze is cheap and effective. All of blacks lesser abilities (hand disruption, car retrieval) has also improved. Basically, Black just became Expanded like a normal expansion should do.




Thank you for your time


